Management Lessons From Ramayana

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ಅಪಿಸ್ವ ರ್ಣಮರರ್ಣಮರಯೀಲಂಕಾನಮೀಲಕಮರ
ಸ್ವ ರ್ಗಣರ್ಣದಪಿಗರೀಯಸೀ||

“Lakshmana, even this golden Lanka

does not appeal to me; mother and
motherland are greater than heaven.”
This presentation explores and explains the:

The value of team work explained in Ramayana.

The value of devotion and dedication in work.
The power of sincerity and loyalty.
The power of motivation.
Transformational leadership style demonstrated by
Sri Rama.
SWOT Lesson
• “Kujantam rama rameti madhuram madruraksaram;
Aruhya kavita sakham vande valmiki kokilam”- Rama
rakshya stotra

• [“I salute Valmiki, the cuckoo, who, perching on the tree of

poesy, melodiously sing the sweet syllables – Rama, Rama” ]

Ramayana is also called “Adi-kavya” means First poem.

Ramayana is not just a Poem but it is a “MANAGEMENT
BIBLE” of all time.
Rama is a “MANAGEMENT GURU” he who converted least
skilled “VANARAS” to polished diamonds to achieve the
Objectives of the Paper
This paper specifically explores and explains the
transformational leadership exhibited by Sri Rama as narrated
by Valmiki Muni in Ramayana.
Research works exploring and explaining the Ramayana (Vedic
literatures) in the context of modern Management and
Leadership are limited.
Ramayana has a lot to offer to Management and Leadership,
however there is a lack of awareness of the message and lessons
from Ramayana in Leadership in this 21st century.
The transformational leadership exhibited by Sri Rama is a
model and a guideline for every leaders at any levels of
organization, society and country.
SWOT [strength, weakness, opportunities and threats] analysis
is one of the most important aspects of modern day
Ramayana Lessons

• Leadership (renouncing egoism, equanimity, harmony,

trust, simplicity)
• Communication power (clear, complete, courteous)
• Team work (search of Sita)
• Innovation and Motivation (bridge building, motivated
& encouraged Sita by hanuman, burnt Lanka)
• Devotion (building bridge, fighting Rakshas, fetching
sanjivani mountains)
• Loyalty (Agni pariksha)
What Is Leadership?

Leadership is an art (not science) of influencing, motivating,

inspiring, and transforming people (human resources) towards
achieving organizational goals.
It is better to have an army of rabbits led by a lion than a army of
lion led by a rabbit.- NEPOLIAN

Transformational Leadership

Bass & Avolio (1994) states that there two types of leadership;
Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership.
Burns (1978) characterized transformational leadership as a
process that motivates followers by appealing to higher
ideals and moral values.
Transformational leaders are able to define and articulate a
vision and mission for their organization and departments
and their leadership style can transform their followers
towards higher performance.
Transactional leadership focuses on exchange on valued
things (rewards) and how current needs of followers can be
fulfilled (Bass & Avolio, 1994).
“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to go to
the forest to gather wood, saw it, and nail the planks
together (Transactional Leader)
Instead, teach them the desire to explore the sea
(Transformational Leader).”
Traits of a Transformational
1. Transformational leaders are visionaries – Sri Rama
created future vision for Ayodhya and the vision was clearly
communicated to the people of Ayodhya before leaving to
the forest.
2. Transformational leaders are change agents - Sri Rama
changed the kingship of Kiskhinda from Vali to Sugriva and
the kingship of Lanka.
3. Transformational leaders - are courageous people. Sri
Rama was firm and brave to take all the risk to protect the
words his father (King Dasaratha) gave to Kaikeyi.
4. Transformational leaders believe in people - Sri Rama had
complete trust and believes in Sugriva to recover Sita.
5. Transformational leaders are value driven – Sri Rama,
never deviated or deviates from the words he had and
has given.

6. Transformational leaders are life long learners - Sri

Rama, a perfect example of life of learner.

7. Transformational leaders have the ability to deal with

complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty - Sri Rama had to
make the painful decision to banish Sita from Ayodhya.

Transformational leaders never break promise – Promise

given to Sugriva was fulfilled by Rama.
The Four (4) Dimensions of
Transformational Leadership:
Idealized Influence (II) - the people of Ayodhya who were full
of loyalty and adoration to Sri Rama, which resulted them to
follow him (Sri Rama) and to request Sri Rama to return to
their kingdom (Ayodhya).

Intellectual Stimulation (IS)- The intellectual stimulation

provided by the Sri Rama forced Bharata to think and rethink
some of the ideas that he never questioned before.

Inspirational Motivation (IM)- Hanuman crossed the ocean to

Lanka and found Sita. Sri Rama also exhibited inspirational
motivation to the vanaras in the construction of the bridge to
Individualized Consideration (IC)- It is my vow to provide
shelter and protection to any living entity from fear, even if
Ravana comes for protection, he (Sri Rama) will give

(Sakrudeva prapannaya tavasmiti cha yachate; Abhayam

sarva bhutrbhyo dadamyetadh vratam mama).


Management Lesson Example From
One of the most obvious incidences, in which use of
management principles is very clearly visible is that of
Hanuman going to Lanka. His mission was to locate Sita there
and give her Lord Ram’s message. When it became clear that
Sita was in Lanka, Jamvant asked Hanuman to go there. He
helped him in realizing his true potential and motivated him
to go in the enemy’s camp. Once mentally prepared for the
job and reached there, first thing which Hanuman did was to
completely analyze the situation in Lanka. He did a complete
study about the Lankans, assessing their strengths and
weaknesses, the various threats and opportunities which he
had in the enemy’s camp.
Never make promise, once you make promise never break

Leadership, communication power, Team work, Innovation,

devotion and loyalty.

Never step back to avoid risk because you can’t avoid them.
But take them as challenges they make you strong.

Appreciate people for their work neither it is small or large.

You need not to pay anything to talk good to somebody.

Try to learn good lessons even from your enemies.

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