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Variant Configuration Introduction: : Variant Configuration is useful if you have a large number of combination of parts that go into a product. It means different permutations and combinations of the parts for same material . If you maintain a unique material code for each possible combination of parts, you require a large number of material numbers. . Usually involves Make to Order Production Process Acustomer ordering a computer can choose different combinations of monitor, CPU, keyboard. : A customer ordering a car can choose different combinations of accessories and color. 5 . In a business involving steel manufacturing, the customer may - order steel involving different physical properties like tensile strength, + diameter. Industries for Configurable Products a Automotive — =a Cross Module Integration Variant configuration is integrated with the following applications: cA Lo PP Classification Material Master Bill of Material Routings Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Production Orders Master Recipes Costing Sales Conditions Purchasing Overview of Terms Overview of Terms : A configurable material has a special bill of material called the Super BOM in which all possible combinations are stored. . The product is configured in the sales order by choosing the required Characteristic Values. . The requirements are passed on Production Planning. On Explosion of the Bill of Material, the system selects the components. assigned to the characteristics values in the order. : After production, the material is assigned as sales order stock for delivery to customer. Sales Order Processing IDES Demo Process Steps to be used in the demo: Creating a Sales Order Checking Requirements Using MRP Requirements Planning Converting the Planned Order into a Production Order Confirming the Production Order Checking the Production Order Settlement Creating a Delivery S Creating a Billing Document Enterprise Structure used for demo Company Code 1000 Sales Org 100 Distribution Channel 12 ‘— Division 00 —— Plant 1000 — Storage Location 0001 ‘— Shipping Point 1000 MTO Process Overview Make-To-Order Production With a Configurable Product: In this process, you create a sales order in SD and transfer the requirements to PP. The requirements are checked using MRP, before a production order is generated. This production order is created in PP. Shipping and billing both occur in SD. Finally, you check the costs and revenues in CO. Variant Configuration Creating a Sales Order ¢ code :vao1) After entering the sales data, a configuration screen pops up. Configure the material by selecting the characteristics. Note that the value of Variant Conditions changes as per selection. Create Standard Order: Characteristic Value Assignment Variant Configuration Creating a Sales Order wao1) + The system allows analysis of Object Dependencies and Variant Conditions. + Item Category determined in Sales Order is TAC. + Note the Material Availability Date and save the sales order Variant Configuration (for test1 1048 and 11059). Configuration for VC Configuration Details: Material Type OMS2: In definition of KMAT Material Type, indicator ‘Material is Configurable’ is set Other material types like FERT (Finished Product) can also be used if the indicator is set in material master tere tece aT) Z no-20 no. ci zn-e-t0 676 2 wanatie sonrauiacio Coster acne F sine mansarerr Lo stanstectures pat [Mamaiveniaoe ava Tp tehasn ores Configuration Details: Item Category in sales order VOV4: Item Category determination ls set to determine Kem category TAC Wi] Reece-sereritear race Fy Divert atcha i | lesem cemer see Aazketon an) Tate estate seme Sisne arenes Variant Configuration Configuration Details: Condition type for Pricing Condition types VAOO and VA01 (%) are available in Standard SAP for Variant Pricing conaerpe (S103) 5H) ceozcee, 068) wana “weno ae Cundewe —(h Clewdur wwe we Putri | jpestines © ouarhy Snemavermstona Configuration Details: Requirement type Kex The requirement class controls the MRP and the requirements consumption strategy as well as the relevancy for planning, settlement profile for costing. Requirements type KEK is determined for strategy group 25 and also for item category TAC. Gites as, Change View J Variant Configuration Classification System: Characteristics WEEE Mayback 57.5 Engine Color Rear whee! Seat Exhaust Antitheft device Other Options Classification System: Characteristics Classification System: Characteristics Classification System: Characteristics CTO4: Create characteristics + Data type can be CHAR, NUM, DATE, TIME, CURR ‘corse rsurwer wate | Sy uration Aererotenss [= | leet Coeeme iant Conf APS vara=aeFe erste Engine 2230030 ow ipl Reference Characteristics Reference characteristics are characteristics that refer to table fields. a Paanae _5OKF Tables / Structures whose filed values can be changed by dependencies: SDCOM = Communication between SD and Variant Configuration VCSD_UPDATE - Table for Updating Sales Documents from the Configuration MMCOM, STPO, PLPO, PLFH, PLFL ‘Tables / Structures whose filed values can be read by dependencies: VBAK. VBAP, VBKD, VBPA_AG, VBPA_WE, VBPA_RE, VBPA_RG. VEDA, MAEPV, MAAPV Ss = S Classification System: Characteristics CTO04: Create characteristics + Object dependencies like pre conditions, selection condition, action, procedures can be created for characteristics + Object dependencies like pre conditions, action, procedure can be created for characteristic values am (free A oT PCE arte wr rms Suet Me pule ame SLRCNAROE - OELF.cURSNeRCESS S Eaaanes 8 pe — Hidde option 11 if ts FW | tans ‘option 101s Classification System: Class CLO1 /CLO2: Create class under class type 300 for Variants = = -— Assign the characteristics to the class. gs During Material Master creation for Super BoM, this class will be used in the Classification view. = ee ince mail 2 = Cc veer TTF as 8 ss = oS > Material Master of Super BoM (mmoz) + Basic Data 2 Screen: Set ‘Material is Configurable’ Indicator + To determine item category TAC in sales order, maintain a suitable item category group such as 0002 + MRP 2 View: Procurement type ‘E: In house Production’ + MRP 3 View: Strategy Grp. '25: Make-to-order for configurable” used tor deme + MRP3 View: Availability Check ’02: Individual Requirement’ + Classification view: Attach the variant class Bill of Materials (cso1 / cso2/cso3) Variant Configuration femme) Sye Doums.oey tnt sd, Te claboe Seeuece se Object Dependency in BoM ¢csoz) Variant Configuration Components in Production Order can be selected using Object Dependency type Selection Condition Display material BOM: General tem Display Dependency aa Saw ska 690 ‘Select 1300-131 component eniy it shetactoriatic TE ta aclested Routings (cac2) Operations in Production Order can be selected using Object Dependency type Selection Condition tact Coote Setece Operation Tit Chome Ki ant Configuration Configuration Profile: Process Planned/production Order: explosion indicator None (others Single level or Multiple level) The material has a BOM that is not relevant to the sales order. Only the characteristics that describe the variant are required. The components are determined later during material requirements planning or production, $0 there is no need to explode the BOM in the sales order. Sales order (SET): See next slide also In the sales order, sales-relevant components are shown as sub-items of the header material Requirements are transferred and pricing is calculated at component level, not at header material level. Order BOM ~You create a sales order. In order BoM, you can insert extra items or delete items manually. The “changed BOM is stored as a separate BOM for the sales order. S Change Conniguration profile for material: Detail Scr [erneern Configuration Profile: SET gu This processing form means that in the sales order you can only process sales-relevant BOM items. You can use the item category group like 0004 at configurable material level to define that requirements transfer and pricing are at component level. For example, a PC is made up of the components monitor, CPU, keyboard, and printer. These components are all salable materials that are manufactured separately. In the sales order, you want to see the individual components that make up the computer as order items, as well as the whole computer. In the sales order, these products are grouped together in a SET. For this reason, this type of processing is also referred to as set processing. Configuration Profile: Dependencies Dependencies like Actions and Procedure can be assigned to Configuration Profile. Se. xurtemgaer he We 1320 COLE =H FO COLOR ~ ‘TORGUPOE — STEP cORCIA WER Variant Configuration z 5 hal | 5 3 l, ah Configuration Profile: Variant Table + Tables are used to store combinations of values for different characteristics + A table HD_1300_COLOR_PR is created in CU62 transaction. Ithas 2 fields: HD_COLOR (key field) and SURCHARGE. The selected characteristic will be transferred to HD_COLOR and surcharge to SURCHARGE2 + The table contents are given below (see transaction CU60) VK30: Has description entries for the surcharge column listed above \VK12: Will pick up pricing value based on condition type VAOO S = S oO Pricing Check definition of characteristic SURCHARGE2 — Additional data tab > reference table and field reams RCUEE See Esra gM ene | Ratner as acrow te Pagvmme 5K = ‘Simple method to achieve Variant Pricing is given below: * Create multiple value characteristic SURCHARGE2 referring to SDCOM-VKOND. _ + Put this characteristic in the class HD-000 which was used for the configurable material + Now go to CTO4 and change the Characteristic HD_COLOR Go to values tab and select Red. Go to Extras-> Object Dependencies->Editor and then select Procedure. In front of 000010 Enter $self.surcharge2="HD-003_03". Similarly Select Black to enter $self.surcharge2="HD-003_02'. Same way 'HD-003_01' for Silver + VK30: Has description entries for the surcharge column listed above + VK12: Will pick up pricing value based on condition type VA0O Pricing '\VK30: Maintain descriptions for variant price conditions (optional step: done while creating dependencies for surcharges; maintains consistencies of configuration) Change View “Variant Conditions": Overview I i \VK11 / VK12: Maintain actual condition record for variant price surcharges Variant Configuration Pricing Factors Pricing factors can only be maintained on characteristic level. The syntax of pricing factors is as follows: SSET_PRICING_FACTOR ($SELF, , , ) This expression contains the following information: + The characteristic that refers to structure SDCOM, in which variant conditions are defined. The variant key used to infer the condition for a characteristic value. The factor by which the surcharge increases. Variant Configuration Material Variant + For variants that are required frequently, create material variants, which can be produced without @ sales order and kept in stock. + When a sales order is received, check whether the variant is in stock and deliver immediately. + The material master record of a material variant is linked to the configurable material and configured using the characteristics of the configurable material. Material Variant in Sales Order On the value assignment screen, you can check whether the values assigned match the configuration of a material variant. re meee 1 = oe F wey acim are I>>.o7 23¢r) Variant Configuration Material Variant Variant Configuration Replacement of configurable material by a material variant tan: 240" sree pene Material Variant tem category gets changed to TAN; Pricing will also change as per new MTS product. Variant Configuration Summary of day 1 By now, you should be comfortable with the following topics: + Explain what Variant Configuration is and its use in make to order scenario + Using Variant Configuration during sales order processing + Configuration details like item category and condition types + Classification System - Characteristics and Classes + Super BoM, Configuration Profile, Object Dependencies + Pricing Surcharges in sales order processing + Using Material Variants for make to stock scenario Variant Configuration

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