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Rahmatina B.

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas

Northouse, PG. Leadership Theory and

Practice, Response Books

Daft, RL. Leadership Experience, McGraw

Definition of Leadership

Many different definitions

Can have different meanings for different
In the past 50 years, 65 different
classification systems developed to
define the dimensions of leadership
……………Definition of Leadership
Many definitions of leadership based on many views /
As the focus of group processes (Bass -1990):
The leader is at the center of group change and
activity and embodies the will of group

Conceptualizes from a personally perspective:

The leadership is a combination of special traits
or characteristics that individuals possess and
that enable them to induce others to accomplish
……………Definition of Leadership
Many definitions of leadership based on many views /
As an act or behavior:
The things leaders to do bring about change in

In terms of the power relationship that exists

between leaders and followers:
Leaders have power and wield it to effect change
in others
……………Definition of Leadership
Many definitions of leadership based on many views /
As an instrument of goal achievement and meet
their needs:
Leadership that transforms followers through
vision setting, role modeling, and individualized
Leadership from a skills perspective:
This viewpoint stresses the capabilities
(knowledge and skills) that make effective
leadership possible
Components As Central To
The Phenomenon Of Leadership

a) Leadership is a process
b) Leadership involves influence
c) Leadership occurs within a group context
d) Leadership involves goal attainment
Leadership is a process whereby an individual
influences a group of individuals to achieve a
common goal
Components As Central To
……….The Phenomenon Of Leadership

a) Defining leadership is a process means:

- It is not a trait or characteristic that resides in
leader, but it is a transactional event that
occurs between the leader and followers
- Process implies that a leader affects and is
affected by followers
- The leadership is not a linear, one way event,
but rather an interactive event
- Leadership becomes available to everyone
Components As Central To
……….The Phenomenon Of Leadership

b) Leadership involves influence:

- It is concerned with how the leader affects
- Influence is the sine qua non of
- Without influence, leadership does not
Components As Central To
……….The Phenomenon Of Leadership

c) Leadership occurs in groups:

- Leadership involves influencing a group of
individuals who have a common purpose
- It can be small task group, community group,
or large group encompassing an entire
- Leadership training programs that teach
people to lead themselves are not
considered is a part of leadership within
the definition
Components As Central To
……….The Phenomenon Of Leadership

d) Leadership includes attention to goals:

- The leadership has to do with directing a
group of individuals toward
accomplishing some task or end
- Leaders direct their energies toward
individuals who are trying to achieve
something together
- Leadership occurs and has its effects in
contexts where individuals are moving
toward a goal

Both leaders and followers are involved

together in the leadership process
Leaders need followers and followers need
Although leaders and followers are closely
linked , it is the leader who often initiates the
relationship, creates the communication
linkages, and carries the burden for maintaining
the relationship
Even leadership are sometimes viewed as elitist
because of the implied power and importance
frequently ascribed to leaders-followers
- Leaders are not above followers or better
than followers
- Leaders and followers need to be
understood in relation to each other
- They are in the leadership relationship
together – two sides of the same coin

Teamwork is one of the most essential qualities
for the success of any organization
In the absence of teamwork, teams fail to
perform to the best of their abilities
Each individual is assigned a particular task
which collectively helps an organization to
achieve its objective
Team members are responsible for ensuring
that they are performing as per the expectations
of the company and are delivering on the
important parameters
Effective Teamwork
Effective Teamwork is about Good Leadership
A good team leader should:
have the skills to create and maintain a working culture that
is positive → to motivate and inspire the team members to
get involved in creating an environment where there is a
positive approach to work, along with high levels of
not only focuses himself/herself on the purpose and direction
of the team, but also makes sure that the other members of
the team share this focus
have to be able to promote a high level of morale amongst the
team members so that they feel supported and valued →
particularly useful for preventing the bane of most office
cultures – that of backbiting, rumor mongering, gossip
mongering, and cronyism – which can derail the efforts of
any teamwork.
………..Effective Teamwork

Effective Teamwork is about:

Effective Communication
Defining Clear-cut Roles
Creating Procedures for Conflict
Setting a Good Example
Principle of Effective Teamwork
1. While a team is formed, there should be
a clarity as to what the team wants to
achieve (objectives)
- The team as an entity should have clearly
articulated goals
- In the absence of an objective, the team
members may not be able to understand
their responsibilities, which can cause
……….Principle of Effective Teamwork
2. The team members should be willing to
learn from each other
- May be some members who may be
excellent with the process, while some may
require some time and guidance, so it is
essential that there is a willingness to teach
and learn new ideas.
- Team members should not be hesitant in
seeking help from the senior members and
the senior members should in turn step
forward to help the new members.
..........Principle of Effective Teamwork

3. Two-way communication among team

members about the roles that they are
assigned → understanding and
appreciation of the effort
- This is very essential as it has seen that a lot
of times when things do not work as
planned, members engage in a blame game
- If members are aware about the challenges
involved in carrying out a task, they are more
likely to appreciate each other for their
..........Principle of Effective Teamwork

4. While some control over a team is

necessary, it is important that the team is
given a certain amount of flexibility in
carrying out their tasks
- Too much of interference can affect the
efficiency of a team and dampen the morale
of the members.
..........Principle of Effective Teamwork

5. Effective communication
- Means that information is shared among
all the members of the team so that
rumor-mongers are kept at bay
- Effective communication helps in making
the team members feel a valuable part of
the organization
- Effective communication also calls for
discussing matters of importance openly
so that everybody is on the same page
..........Principle of Effective Teamwork

6. There should be an initiative to reward

and recognize team and team members
who have shown exemplary behavior
and helped others in times of need
- This will encourage others to follow suit and
act as a boost to people who genuinely
believe in the values of teamwork and team-
..........Principle of Effective Teamwork

7. Healthy competition among team

members to outperform each other
- In the absence of a competition, the job may
cease to become interesting and monotony
can creep in, which again can be detrimental
to a team, so it is important that the team
members are provided with enough
opportunities to grow in their professional
..........Principle of Effective Teamwork

One thing that one should remember is:

there are no hard and fast rules about

qualifies and principles of a successful
teamwork, but there is a general
consensus among researchers that there
are certain attributes which are present in
most successful teams in organizations
Leadership and Management

Similarities between leadership & management:

Leadership involves influence as those
Leadership working with people, which
management requires as well
Leadership is concerned with effective goal
accomplishment and so is management
……….Leadership and Management
Differences: management versus leadership:
Leadership produces change and movement
- Directing: - create a vision
- clarify big picture
- set strategies
- Aligning People: - communicate goals
- seek commitment
- build teams & coalitions
- Motivating and Inspiring:
- inspire and energize
- empower subordinates
- satisfy unmet needs
……….Leadership and Management

Differences: management versus leadership:

Management produces order and consistency
- Planning / Budgeting: - establish agendas
- set time tables
- allocate resources
- Organizing / Staffing: - provide structure
- make job placements
- rules & procedures
- Controlling / Problem Solving:
- develop incentives
- generate creative solutions
- take corrective action
……….Leadership and Management

Overlapping leadership & management

- When managers are involved in influencing a
group to meet its goals, they are involved in
- When leaders are involved in planning,
organizing, staffing, and controlling, they
are involved in managements
- Both processes involve influencing a group
of individuals toward goal attainment

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