Linda Rules and Procedures

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Threshold, Greet/Entrance

• Teacher will stand at the door and greet each student individually and
give a note card. At the beginning of the year will do getting to know
type of stuff and as the year goes on each student can write questions
regarding the homework, quizzes, etc. Each student will leave their
note cards at their desk and I will pick them up at the end of class.
Strong Start/ Door to do Now for 8minutes

• After writing on the note card, I will provide to students a fun math
problem related from the previous instruction, that they can work on
until instruction begins. On the board the objectives will be written,
homework. So, they can use this time also to write the assignments
and activities on their planner/Journals. Each student will have a
journal, that is designated just for the strong start.
Attention Getter (teacher getting students’
attention) 2 steps Instructional/attention getter
• I will struct the students on the first day of class the 2 steps
instruction attention getter. We will rehearsal couple times on the
first day. By rehearsal couple times with my students it will help them
to know the expectation from them . I will also help me as teacher of
avoid to having to raise my voice and be able to get my students
attention on a calm and manageable way.
• Step 1) The teacher will say 1,2,3 eyes on me.
• Step 2) The students will respond 1,2 eyes on you.
Attention Getter (student getting teacher’s
• I will struct the students on the first day of class the 3 ways to get the
teacher attention. We will rehearsal couple times on the first day. By
rehearsal couple times with my students it will help them to know the
expectation from them.
• A) Raise your hand with the thumb pointing down means that the
students don’t understand or have a question.
• B) Raise your hand with the thumb up students understand or know
the answer.
• C) Raise your hand with 5 fingers and is shaking means that you have
an emergency/or is urgent.
Classroom/flow/movement into the
classroom 1,2,3.
• 1) Before the bell ring I will be stand up by door by doorway/hallway.
• 2) Teacher will greet students as they arrive.
• 3) As soon student arrival into the classroom, student begin warm-up
Classroom flow/movement out of the classroom
• 1) I will stand by the door.
• 2) Students pack up on my signal and stand up. I will call each roll out.
• 3) Students show their exit task on their way out. Example: show me
tomorrow’s assignment in your calendar or notes for today’s lesson.
Smooth Transition to work on groups.
• I will struct the students on the first time we work in groups how the
procedure for this transition work. We will rehearsal couple times on
the first day. I will have tables numbered. It is 2 steps.
• 1) stand up.
• 2) move to your assign table quickly and quietly.
Bathroom Policy/sing in and sing out board.
• I will have a clipboard with a pass by the door that will allow one
student at one time to go to the bathroom. By the clipboard there will
be a clock and the students are required to write the time going out
and time back in. This log will be review by me each week and If I see
the same student going to the bathroom more than one time in the
same week, then I will have to talk to the student, and there is two
steps procedures if this incident happen.
• Step 1) For the first time the student will have to use the bathroom
before coming to my classroom for a month.
• Step 2) If the student due for the second time, they will have to use
the bathroom before coming to classroom for semester/year.
Policy for leaving classroom.

• Leaving the classroom will not be allowed except in case of an

emergency that is happening to student. A family member comes to
pick him/her up or an Emergency is happening in our school that
requires us to leave the classroom.
Handing in Papers
• The end of each row or pod of desk/tables teacher will have a tray
where the students will hand in work completed to in class. Students
will simply pass them down the row to place in the tray.
• For handing out papers there will be another tray at the opposite end
where teacher will place papers and the a student can hand them
down the row.
Use of pencil sharpener.
• 1) Students will need to sharpen pencil Before Class.
• 2) Students will need to have more than one pencil/pen in their bag.
• 3) If the student pencil ar lead break, the student can do any of this
three things.
• A) Use your extra pencil.
• B) Borrow a writing tool from their partner.
• C) Never interrupt a lesson to Sharpe your pencil.
Tardy to Class
• 1) Student arrives place your tardy pass on the excuse basket or the
unexcused basket and go straight to their seated spot.
• 2) I will continue teaching.
• 3) Parthner assists the late student arrival.
• 4) When I become free and each student is assing on their work, I will
talk to the tardy student.
• 5) When the student don’t have a reasonable excuse, I will use pay
back time as consequence, in other words the student has to pay me
back the time that he/she use out my class.
• 1) partner pickup folder and that has name of absent student on it.
• 2) Partner collects assigments, homework and notices and places in the
• 3) partner may also fill out a form with class information including: Reading
assignment, test dates, homework, long-term assigments.
• 4) At the end of class period the folder will be places in the box labeled
work for students who are absents.
• 5) Student when returns examine work in folder.
• 6) Student check the calendar for the work that needs to be completed.
• 7) Students has the same number of days to make up the work that she/he
• 8) Completed work is placed in the make-up work box.
Heading on Assignment, Test, Quizzes,
Homework, etc.
• There will be an example on how to heading a paper on the
classroom Wall.
• I will Have a big paper model on the Wall facing my students, so they
can always refer to it when need it.
Getting assistance during
independent/cooperative task.
• Each group will have a red card at their table.
• 1) Student attempts tasks, consulting with worked example in the text
or from lesson.
• 2) When students has a question, the RED side of the card is placed
• 3) The student must continue working.
• 4) I will move around the room monitoring , like walk around, look
around, talk around.
• 5) When I see a red card assistance is provided.
Finish Early.1.2.
• 1) Student can double check their work to make sure is correct.
• 2) Student can start on the homework that is been assign on that day.
Not Finishing 1.2.
• Students can stay after school to finished.
• Students will get assign extra problems and can take it home and
iPad/chromebooks expectation.
• 1) students are expected to have their device charge before entering
the classroom.
• 2) Playing non-educational that are not assign by teachers will not be
• 3) Students are required to handled their devices with care.
• 4) Students understanding that there will be times where using a
device is not necessary/permitted.
• 5) Students are expected to use gentle fingers with their device.
• 6) Students are expected to always use two hands when handling a

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