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By Brian Steven (A159064)

Complex Conjugate
Real Part

Imaginary Part

Same modulus and

opposite arguments
modulus Arguments

The conjugate of a
The conjugate of a sum of the
product of the
complex numbers is equal to
complex numbers is
a sum of the conjugates:
equal to a product of
the conjugates
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

𝑧 lies in the fourth quadrant

𝑧 lies in the first 𝑧 lies in the second 𝑧 lies in the third
, lies in the first
quadrant , lies in the quadrant.𝑥<0,𝑦>0 quadrant.𝑥<0,𝑦<0,
fourth quadrant. 𝑥>0
In both cases 𝑥>0,

lies in the second

quadrant. 𝑥<0,𝑦>0
lies in the first quadrant.

In all cases
The quadrants of the complex plane (called
regions I, II, III and IV) are illustrated in the
figure below:

● θ = Arg z (principal value of the

argument, which by convention is taken
to lie in the range −π < θ ≤ π. That is,
arg z = Arg z + 2πn, n = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ··· ,
−π < Arg z ≤ π.
● 𝐴𝑟𝑔 𝑧 = arc𝑡𝑎𝑛 (𝑦/𝑥)
● Always expressed in radians.
● |𝑧| = r = √(𝑥^(2 ) + 𝑦^2)
Quadrant Sign of x and y Arg z
I x > 0, y > 0 arctan (y/x)
II x < 0, y > 0 Π+ arctan (y/x)

III x < 0, y < 0 -π+arctan (y/x)

IV x > 0, y < 0 arctan (y/x)

Euler’s Theorem
According to Euler, we should regard the
complex exponential e^it as related to the
trigonometric functions cos(t) and sin(t) via the
following inspired definition: e^it = cis(t) where
as usual in complex numbers i^2= −1.(1) The
justification of this notation is based on the
formal derivative of both sides, namely d/dt
(e^it) = i(e^it) = i cos t + i 2 sin t = i cos t − sin t
since i^2 = −1 d/dt (cos t + i sin t) = − sin t + i
cos t since i is a constant. along with the initial
value of 1 for both sides at t = 0, assuming e 0 = 1
holds for complex values too.
The first step is to
convert the complex
number a+bi into the
De Moivré’s Theorem may be
trigonometric form
used to find the n^th power and
De Moivré’s Powers/Roots the n^th root of a complex number r(cos〖θ+i sinθ 〗),
of Complex Numbers that is in the form a+bi. where rcongue
Vestibulum is the modulus
of a+bi.
r=√(a^2+b^2 )

•Use De Moivre's Theorem to compute (1 + i)^12

= 64(cos π + i sin π)
= 26 (cos 3π + i sin 3π)
= (√2)^12 (cos π/4 + i sin π/4)^12
(1 + i)^12= [√2 (cos π/4 + i sin π/4)]^12

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