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Brainstorm Management Consultants Ltd. 2018

Mr. Chris Kalecha
Objectives of the Session
• Define the terms - Team, Group, Networking, and Collaboration.
• Describe the importance of Networking and Collaboration in the business
environment and life situations.
• Identify key skills and strategies for collaborating and networking with
other individuals, groups and teams.
• Apply Networking and Team-building capabilities to your business
environment and life situations for greater success.
Team Definitions
•Two or more members
•Specific performance objective
•Coordination of activity amongst members is a must
•Mutually Accountable
•Working Group
•No joint performance required
•Mutual Accountability not expected
•Organization driven work group
Types of Teams
• Teams that recommend things.
-Established to study specific problems and recommend solutions to
• Teams that run things.
-Have formal responsibility for leading other groups.
– Teams that make or do things.
-Functional groups that perform ongoing tasks.
The Purpose of Teams
• Creativity
• Innovation
• Synergy
• Strategic Thinking
• Problem Solving
• Decision Making
Team Development Wheel
What Is Team Effectiveness?
• Team effectiveness is the capacity a team has to
established the goal or objectives administered by an
authorized personnel or the organization
What Makes An Effective Team?
• Basic elements of effectiveness :
• Good communication & Social Skills.
• Positive interdependence : We instead of me.
• Individual Accountability / Personal
• Responsibility.
• Group Processing.
• Share Goals.
• Processes for Conflict Resolution.
What to Measure/Evaluate
What may kill Teamwork and Network Effectiveness
• The right mix Skills : Bringing together the people having
different skills that complement each other.
• The right motivation : Team effectiveness is directly related
to the interest that team is having on the project
• The ability to solve to conflicts without comprising the
quality of the project.
What to Measure/Evaluate Cont’d
•Internal Measures of Quality of Products or Services.
Measures of quality from internal sources (e.g., quantitative
scores by quality reviewers, error rates, etc.).
• External Customer Needs. Measures of product or service
expectations and enhancements by users.
•External Customer Satisfaction. Measures of quality and
timeliness from external sources (e.g., external customer surveys,
levels of complaints, etc.).
What to Measure/Evaluate Cont’d
• Timeliness of Products/Services. Measures of intervals
required to complete a task or measures based on past trends.
• Outputs or Final Products. Products or services produced,
distributed, or provided to service population (e.g., number of
customers served, number of forms processed, quantity of
goods produced, etc.).
• Financial Measures. Comparison of planned versus actual
expenditures, costs, obligations, receipts, allocations, or
• Efficiency Measures. Measures such as cost per unit,
productivity measures, ratios of direct to indirect costs, etc.
Strategy To Improve Team Effectiveness
• Collaboration, Teamwork, and Networking presents a thoughtful and
logical and practical design (Outline) for those who want to maximize
their leverage, resources, and opportunities.
• Ants exhibit diligence and hard work and are intelligent creatures capable
of sharing their knowledge and working efficiently as a team to achieve
• Ants gather their sources of knowledge and share them with others.
• The task of building better teams and improving their effectiveness can
be broken down into four simple and straight forward Steps :
• Clarify your team mission
• Set up the goals and Create a plans and Conduct programs reviews
Teamwork and Networking from Model of Nature
• Have you ever tried looking at things from an ant’s perspective?
• Have you ever tried to view the world as if you were an ant?
• While I was at KFC devouring my favourite Chicken Tikka Sandwich, I can’t help
but notice how an ant, lifted a crumb that looked like 4 times its size. It’s amazing
how the ant took on the task no matter how big and intimidating it might look like.
• That observation got me thinking, if I were the ant, would I have lifted the huge
crumb or would I just back away and give all sorts of reason like “It’s way too
heavy” or “I don’t want to dirty my ant hands” just so I won’t have to carry it?
• In any case, what became clear is that there are a lot of things that we can learn
from ants. Ants have a lot of traits that when we apply to our business and
leadership skills, will surely yield dramatic results.
Ants aren’t Intimidated by the Size of Their
• Ants aren’t intimidated by the sheer size of the objects that they need to
• Most of us have goals that we’d like to achieve. These goals can be very
huge and may seem way bigger than what we can handle.
• It’s in situations like these when people tend to shy away from what their
real goal is and try to map out goals which are way easier to achieve. Being
realistic is important. If you set goals that aren’t attainable, you’ll only end-
up frustrated and demotivated in the end. But what you should think about
is the real reason why you made your goal easier. Is it because it isn’t really
attainable, or are you intimidated by it?
• Remember that the human potential cannot be taken lightly. No matter how
seemingly impossible your office work goals are, remember the saying
“When there’s a will, there’s a way”. Think about how ants tackle their
seemingly impossible tasks and made it possible.
• Having a mindset like that will get you work goals successful
Ants Value Teamwork why not Us
• A single ant can only do so much, but when they work as a team, they
are able to achieve greater heights
• Ants don’t just leave their “fellow ants“ alone when carrying huge
objects, they help each other making it possible for them to achieve
their goals.
• This kind of leadership and teamwork, when applied to our office
work, will make office process work like clockwork. If you aren’t sold
on the idea of how valuable teamwork is, then think about Olunga
Tom of Gor Mahia FC. playing against the entire AFC leopards FC.
team alone, Olunga may be the best, but against 11 players with
cohesive teamwork, his skill won’t amount to anything. That said, if
you want quality results, then starting with quality teamwork
Uses of Ant Work

“They’re the ultimate soil engineers,” said David Bignell, a termite expert
and emeritus professor of zoology at Queen Mary University of London
Ants are Organized
• Isn’t it amazing how even when there are so many ants carrying a
single object, they seem to be moving the same direction?
• They are so organized in how they carry out their tasks that they are
able to accomplish it no matter how big the task is.
• Can you image your office work processes having the same level of
organization? Can you imagine how much our office can accomplish if
employees are working towards the same goal?
• Ants are awesome creatures as they are, but when humans get
organized and work towards achieving one goal, they can move
• It is important we our team organized and working towards the same
goals. Then, it’ll just be a matter of time before you’ll start
experiencing the success that you’ve been yearning for
Outcomes of Networking and Teamwork of Ants
Nature Model
Get the task (Purpose of the Team) Done and
• A group of Ants will never leave what they’re carrying and just call it a
day. They persevere and make sure that they get the job done.
• Whether they work in shifts or they have some magical way of
transporting huge objects, that’s just minor details. The main point is they
get the job done in the end. Period!
• Can you imagine what your organization would be like if employees with
that kind of commitment? Can you imagine just how much your business
as a whole can accomplish if you all have the same mindset as the ants
have towards finishing their job?
• That right there is a golden nugget that everyone should pick-up. The
more things we finish, the faster we can move on to other things that will
help you advance your business.
Ants(Teams) are Driven by Purpose
• By purpose I mean having a clear long term objective or goal which
shapes everything we do. For example, one ant’s sole job description is to
find food for the colony. This is his purpose, and all that he inputs this
time and energy into, and so it compounds his chances of success.
• Unless you are paid to respond to Facebook messages and Twitter updates
within the hour, then more important activities should precede your level
of engagement with social media. Unless of course, part of your goals
incorporate social media. Otherwise minimise your engagement with
activities that draw you away from your main focus.
A Measure for Team Performance
A Measure for Team Performance
A Measure for Team Performance
Team Improvement
•Based on the ongoing measurements, identify areas for
improvement and these will allow addressing
shortcomings, or set higher and higher customer focus
services designed to maximise customer satisfaction.
•By consulting customers, monitoring performance and
encouraging innovation, this will enable to deliver better
customer services.
•Develop a template for operational service delivery to
customers, as part of the suite of business tools

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