Managing Up

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Managing up

 Write down what you mean by it??

 Imagine a day ,when you have 27 reports to make and

amazingly an associate did all the work, without reminder.
What did you feel ??
 By the end of session you will be able to:
 Understand the base of nurturing productive and beneficial
relationship with all
 Understand you manager’s pressure and priorities.
 Communicate your needs and goals clearly .
 Setting a positive tone of relationship
 Manage your Boss expectation along with your own
 What is working with how you
manage your boss now?
 What would you like to see happen?
 What can you do to make things
 Given your boss’s pressures and
goals, how can you help him/her
meet their goals?
 Knowing yourself and your manager well.
 Manage expectations on both the sides.
 Be an Active Listener.
 Communicate ”SMART”
 Monitor your relationship periodically
 Make necessary changes
 The first step is to see where do your relation stand both
professionally and personally.
 Beyond obligations to each other you and your Boss have
certain roles to play and certain people accountable for them
 Acknowledging those realities can help you see the world but
with their eyes

 I understand but what to do ? Why should I do ? She is my

manager , she will do? This much to she can do for me ???
 Divide sheet in two halves

 Write down most important pressure area and priorities of your manager
(in first half , you can take help of your manager )

 Now in the second half write you own ??

 Find the overlapping areas?

 What did you find ??

 Look for the chances to support your boss in something he does for his
boss?Ask how you can help ? Who does not love extra hand to work ??
How does it help me
1. Higher end work will give extra cheese of confidence on
your bread
2. And you set a tone of trust …. Being the someone to bank
upon ….
3. Be a team who works to chase the common goal.

Dependency and counter dependency – Look for the ways to reduce the dependency
you have on your boss and your boss have on you. Can I do something with my work to
reduce the chances of reminders ,follow ups or the instruction I receive post I send my
work or before the work reaches completion ??
What are his/her:
 Goals, Objectives and Values
 Pressures
 Strengths, weaknesses, blind spots
 Preferred work style
 Divide paper in 2 halves
 First half write your strengths and in the second half write your
managers strengths
 Similarly do for weakness ?

 Now map your weakness against your boss strengths

 And your strength areas against your boss ‘es weakness??
 Can you find a maze to work ??? Can you see how simple it will
make the life ????
“What is your workstyle and what is the
style of your manager to work upon ??”

Lets solve a puzzle.

 Do you prefer formal delivery of things or informal one ?

 How do you like to process the information ? Do you want to

study before discussing or brainstorm ?or an on spot


 How do you describe your management style ?

 How do youlike to address problems and conflicts???

 Know what motivates your manager and what Motives you …
 Being aware of the motive drives … its very easy to write a
good chapter …. Chapter of your work life……….

Know you Read

She doesnot
managers Do articulate between the
expectations lines

Let you eyes

Feedback - Revisit
catch the non
Periodic expectations
verbal cues
 Manage you own reports completely
 Collaborate with peers ( Even if you do not like them ) ..iske
baad kya??
 Lead initiatives …. Not a big one .. But several small ones
 Stay updated
 Be a player for all seasons
 Drive your own growth ….. High speed …… love it ………zzzzz
 Stick to the time you commit .. Stick to the task you commit .
 I will for today …. I have already done for tomorrow …
 Ask periodic feedback ?? What do you expect from me? I am
going in right direction ? What add on you wish to see ..
 Question vary but essence remains the same.
 Stick to the expectation in the hard times tooo ….
 IT takes sacrifices …. Many silent ones to bring and spread
smiles .
 Listen and observe .

 90% of the things are never said . You need to get the nonverbal

cues and let your thinking hats work the solution .

 Share the non verbal cues ……

 Am I a reader and listener?
 Is my boss a reader or listener?
 Ask your colleagues
 How can I work with others in a way
that works for me?
 When discusssing deadlines discuss the specific language . BE
 “ Give me a day’s time to close /I will get back to you at 5:35.09
pm .
 Avoid words like ASAP, AS SOON AS WE GET, As she will give I
will inform .
 Be honest about what you can do and what you can not .Do not
commit what you can not do .
 Ask questions for clarity
 Describe the impact in clear terms
 Identify the solutions and approach
 Let your manager select the approach
 Zero in the adverse impact . Look for the impact on all stake-
holders .
 Fine tune the plan and then present the problem 
 We all have certain tasks to achieve … sometimes hectic
sometimes a little learn
 Identify Priority
 Always makes you Boss work Priority one .. It helps
 Establish Credibility
 Be sincere and dependable
 Be candid
 It’s ok to say No. Identify priorities .
 WIN –WIN Approach
 Understand when the decisions do not fall in your court
 Have I taken primary responsibility to maintain my relationship with boss?
 I am aware of expectation ? Are they “SMART”
 IS my manager aware of resources and support I need to bang the goal
 Did I converse about the things I am doing . Are they right or wrong?
 What are my White black and grey areas
 I am reliably meeting my commitments ? AM I sticking to deadliness?
 Where my plan goes offff ….
 How well and healthy is my connect ?
 What can I do to be a good support .. 
 Fits both your needs and styles
 Is characterized by mutual expectations
 Keeps your boss informed (reader/listener)
 Is based on dependability and honesty
 Selectively uses your boss’s time and resources

* From HBR Gabarro and Kotter, Managing Your


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