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Done by: Shahad Ismail

ID: H00354546
Constructivism is a learning theory found in
psychology which explains how people
might acquire knowledge and learn. It
therefore has direct application to
education. The theory suggests that
humans construct knowledge and meaning
from their experiences.
1- sensorimotor
The first period identified by Piaget,
called the sensorimotor period (from
birth to about age 2), is described in
the first part of this chapter.
It is the time when children begin to
learn about the world.
In this age they used all there
sensory abilities such as: touch, taste,
sight, hearing, smell, and muscular.
2- preoperational
extends through approximately ages
2 to 7. During this period, children
begin to develop concepts that are
more like those of adults. During the
early part of this period, language
continues to undergo rapid growth,
and speech is used increasingly to
express concept knowledge. Children
begin to use concept terms such as
big and small (size), light and heavy
(weight), square and round (shape),
late and early (time), long and short
(length), and so on.
3- concrete operations
approximately ages 7 to 11, children
are becoming conservers. They are
becoming more and more skilled at
retaining the original picture in mind
and making a mental reversal when
appearances are changed. The time
between ages 5 and 7 is one of
transition to concrete operations. A
child’s thought processes are changing
at his or her own rate, and so, during
this time of transition, a normal
expectation is that some children are
already conservers and others are not.
4- formal operations
(approximately ages 11
through adulthood). During
this period, children can learn
to use the scientific method
independently; that is, they
learn to solve problems in a
logical and systematic
manner. They begin to
understand abstract concepts
and to attack abstract

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