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American with

Disabilities Act
What is the American with Diablity
• Equal opportunitied and rights for people with diabilities.
• Applies to people with impairments that can’t do daily activites.
• Its a civil law that protects someone who is physically or mentally handicap or disabled.
• The law took in effect in 1990.
The ADA is against any institutions
or company public or private that
a person who has a disabilities
from getting around in society
• Job
• At a daycare
• School
• Having Transportation
• Work
Title II of Americans with
Disabilities Act
• Prohibits discrimination on those with disabilities who meet standards, in public services.
• Outlines procedures to avoid discrimination and ways to communicate effectively.
• Its an act to not discrimate some one who has a special needs.
• It’s a civil law in the State and local Government.
In Title II ADA Act person who has
a Disability can’t be discriminated
on the basis of
• Hearing
• Speech
• Vision
There are some types of
disabilities covered by ADA and
Title II here are 5.
• Neurological
• Reproductive
• Circulatory
• Paralysis
• Heart Disease
Assistive Technology
and how it relates to
students and
• Device, system, or object that helps and makes
up for any individual learning disabilities
• Such as controlling computer with voice or
moving with strokes instead of mouse.
• Allows students to learn individually and readily
over come any problems or situations they may
How captioning adds
accessibility to You
Tube Videos?
• Wider audience
• Deaf and hard hearing are able to see and read
the captioning allowing them to find what they
• Increase comprehension
‘Alt”tag and how it adds
accessibility to web pages
and Microsoft office
• Is a text substitute for search engines or images.
• Allows individuals to understand and speak
easier. ‘Alt” tag helps someone who can’t see the material and chooses to hear shorter or
longer version of the paragraph when someone one reads to them.
Blinking/flashing content in
documents should be avoided for
accessibility reason

• People that are photo sensitive might get seizures.

• Someone who has mental impairments may have problems with their cognitive abilities.
and how it helps
students with
• Helps blind people that cannot see by reading
documents aloud.
• People with reading/writing disabilties have
proof-reading and word prediction.
Americans with Disabilities 2010
Census Data
15 and older hearing impairment 7.6 million
15 and older vision impairment 8.1 million
15 and older Alzheimer’s disease 2.4 million

15 and older hearing impairment 15 and older vision impairment

15 and older Alzheimer’s disease
“Sip-and Puff
technology and how it
helps students with
• People who struggle with movement
• Mostly no hand movement
• People in wheelchairs
“Sip-and Puff is a device that helps disabilities
who are struggling with hand movement
they can inhale into a staw and exhale and will
Open equipment for them like computer, phones and
Many more devices.

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