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The Future Of

Virtual Reality and

Online Learning
Amethyst Rice
Post University
10 Major Technology Trends in Education ( Riedel 2014)
● Personal access to mobile devices
● Internet connectivity
● Use of Video for Classwork and Homework
● Mobile Devices for Schoolwork
● Using Different Tools for Different Tasks
● Paying Attention to the Digital Footprint
● An increased Interest in Online Learning
● Gaming is Growing, and the Gender Gap is Closed
● Social Media in Schools
● What Devices Belong in 'The Ultimate School?

● Pro: Identify and develop research needs.

● Pro: Use of information gathered.

● Pro: Structured approach to new ideas .

● Pro: Enhances the flexibility of the approach to ideas and overcoming any blind spots that can happen.

● Con: Takes up alot of time if not using more than one scenario.

● Con: After all the research, may still be a fail.

● Con: Will cost a lot of money and personal time from researcher.

● Con: Can simplify a idea that is more complex and needs more attention.

Scanning is a futuring technique used by most researchers when collecting

data, their findings & notes, the potential impact it may have, and the

implication & importance of it all. Scanning is useful for keeping all research

organized, to stay on top of the trends, and to keep track of their own scenario

Data Collection

Implication &

Potential Impact Findings and Notes

Educational Technology Trends
● “Specifically, said Evans, 89 percent of high schools students have access to Internet-connected smart phones,

while 50 percent of students in grades 3 through 5 have access to the same type of devices. High school student

access to tablets tops out at 50 percent and laptops come in at 60 percent” ( Riedel, 2014)

● “ This year’s results showed 60 percent of students using laptops as a gaming device. Cell phones and game

consoles tied with 54 percent use, while tablets clocked in at 44 percent” ( Riedel, 2014) .
Economic/budgetary and public policy trends
● “Students living in property-wealthy communities have received a significantly higher level of educational

resources than students living in property-poor areas” (Education Commission, 2013, p. 1).

● “ Up to 82.7% of local funding for education still is derived from local property taxes—and in some states, 100% of

local revenue comes from property taxes” (Education Commission, 2013, p. 2).

● “By not taking taxpayer income into account when measuring a school district’s ability to pay, high property-

wealth/low- income (HPW/LI) districts may be considered to have a greater tax capacity than the local community

believes it can afford” (Education Commission, 2013, p. 3).

Demographic trends
● . Demographic economics or population economics is the application of economic analysis to demography, the

study of human populations, including size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics.

● The second demographic is homeschooling, which is the education of children at home by their parents.

● Homeschooling went from 15000 students to over a few million in the 2000's. This may be a great alternative for

students that can't learn at the same time, at the same piece, and with the same material for the classroom

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