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Ch. 19 p.

612 Industrialization &

Part 1. P 614 Industrial Revolution
Great Britain: Where it began; 1780’s; agricultural
practices changed, which increased production.
• Ordinary families could buy manufactured goods.
• Population grew; enclosure movement: parliament
passed a law that fenced off common lands. Peasants
moved to cities –labor supply
• Gr. Britian had $ or capital to invest in
machines/factories; entrprenuers found new ways to
make profits in a laissez-faire market
• Lots of resources
• Colonial empire made for vast markets or customers
Reasons for industrialization
• Inventions: Cotton was one of the first, and most valuable,
goods that was affected by the Industrial Revolution
Flying shuttle
Spinning jenny
Water-powered loom
Steam engine: James Watt
Puddling-new process for producing iron
Factories: workers had to work regular hours & do the
same work over and over
Paddle-wheel steamboat: Robert Fulton
Social Impact of Ind. Rev.
• Cities grew: European population grew from 140 million
in 1750 to 266 million in 1850; growth led to Irish potato
famine and poverty. Many fled to America. Rapid growth
led to pitiful living conditions
• Industrial capitalism: economic system based on
industrial production produced 2 new classes:
industrial middle class (bourgeois): built the factories, bought
the machines, developed the markets
 industrial working class: 12-16 hour days, 6 days/week; horrid
working conditions; women & children
• Socialism: Because of the harsh working conditions,
some reformers advocated for governmental
control/regulation of industry; wealth would be
distributed more evenly.
Part 2 p. 624 Reaction & Revolution: French revolution scared other
European countries into conservatism. This had its consequences too.
• Congress of Vienna: Gr. Brit, Austria, Prussia, &
Russia met with a goal to restore old order after the
defeat of Napoleon. They rearranged territories in
order to keep monarchies and a balance of power in
• Conservatism & Balance of Power: belief that
social stability is maintained through
obedience to political authority; religion crucial
to maintaining order. Concert of Europe:
meetings among countries to maintain peace
and balance.
• Principle of Intervention: great powers had
the right send armies into countries where
revolutions were occurring in order to restore
• Forces of Change
• Liberalism: people should be as free as
possible from government restraint: USA-
Bill of Rights & Constitution; still only
believed that men of property had a right to
• Nationalism: French Rev. produced the
thought that each nationality should have its
own government
• Revolutionary Outbursts: liberalism and
nationalism brought about mini revolts
throughout Europe (France, Belgium,
Poland, Italy, Austria, Germany); for
countries that had LOTS of nationalities or
states (Germany & Austria—this new
thought process was difficult to accept)
Part 3; p. 630. National Unification & Nationalism: mini revolutions
failed but forces of nationalism & liberalism didn’t go away
• Crimean War: big old struggle for dirt; Russian wanted southern ports.
It challenged Turkey. France & Gr. Britain sided with Turkey, fearing Russia.
Austria-who used to be pals with Russia, didn’t side with Russia.
Now- no one liked Austria. Led to unification of Italy and Germany
Italy: previous to this, Austria ruled Italy. After Crimean War—
Italy was led by Northern state of Piedmont in fighting against
France for dirt. In the South, Italians fought against Austria in Austro-
Prussian war & were granted lands. Rome capitol of united Italy
Germany: Prussia manipulated German states into a war against France.
(Franco-Prussian War) France lost & Germany gained territory. William I of
Prussia (1871) was named the Kaiser or emperor of the 2nd German Empire.
Prussian authoritarian and militaristic leadership style were successful in
Germany. **New strongest power on European continent.
Nationalism & Reform in Europe
• Great Britain: became more liberal: Queen Victoria-longest in British history
1837-1901 (64 years); gave more of a voice to the industrial middle class.
• France: Napoleon held a vote to restore power to the empire. In this plebiscite,
97% voted yes. France stayed authoritarian under Napoleon for a while, but he
shifted after some years & gave more power to the legislature.
• Austria: Empire contained SO many ethnicities, so no nationalism. Split into 2
states, Austria AND Hungary, under a single monarch.
• Russia: After losing Crimean War, Russians knew there needed to be change.
Czar Alexander II made reforms: emancipation edict—freed serfs. He was
assassinated for going against tradition.
• U.S.A.: abolitionism; civil war led to National Unity
Part 4. p. 638 Romanticism & Realism
• Romanticism: reaction to enlightenment. Stress
REASON like enlightened, but emphasize intuition &
emotion & individualism & imagination.
• Beethoven
• Mary Shelley
• Edgar Allen Poe
• Science:
• Louis Pasteur: germ theory of disease
• Secularization: state doesn’t equal church doesn’t equal
• Darwin : natural selection was essential to organic
• Realism:
• Dickens: showed realities for the poor

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