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YOSFIA AMALIA ( 1610701014 )

SYLVA NUR NOVYANITA ( 1610701015 )
WIWIK PUJI RAHAYU ( 1610701019 )
ANGGITA DESTRI. P ( 1610701020 )
FELICITA AKTIVA ( 1610701033 )

General anesthesia is a central pain

relief with loss of consciousness. In
general anesthesia there are several
techniques that can be done are general
anesthesia with intravenous anesthesia
and general anesthesia with inhalation
with face mask and with intubation
technique that is endotrecheal tube
installation or by combination
technique both inhalation and
intravenous (Latief, 2007).
General anesthesia according to Mangku and
Tjokorda (2010), can be done with 3
techniques, namely :
1. Intravenous General Anesthesia it is one of the
common anesthesia techniques performed by
injecting parenteral anesthetic directly into the
2. General Anesthesia Inhalation it is one of the
common anesthesia techniques performed by
providing a combination of inhalation anesthetics
in the form of gas and / or volatile liquid through
an anesthetic machine / machine directly into the
air of inspiration.
3. Anesthesia Draw an anesthetic technique using a
combination of drugs either anesthesia drug or
inhaled anesthetic agent or a combination of
general anesthesia techniques with regional
analgesia to achieve anesthetic triad optimally and
in balance.

Some types of anesthesia are :

1. Total anesthesia ie loss of total
2. Local anesthesia ie loss of taste in a
particular area desired (on a small
part of the body area).
3. Regional anesthesia is the loss of
feeling on the wider part of the body
by a selective blockade on the spinal
tissue or nerves associated with it.
General Anasthesia Procedure :

STEP 1 :
A few hours before the surgery begins, you may
be given "pre-med," is injections or tablet
medications that will make you sleepy or more
relaxed. This drug will also help reduce
excessive saliva (the operation process becomes
undisturbed because of the amount of saliva that
comes out).

STEP 2 :
Then you are taken to the operating room. An
anesthesiologist will either inject intravenous
drugs (into the bloodstream) or by using a gas
mask, or both. Within seconds, you will feel
sleepy and then lose consciousness completely.
STEP 3 :
Next, the anesthesiologist inserts a small tube
connected to the ventilator into your airway. The
anesthesiologist will control how long you will
"sleep," and continue to monitor your pulse or vital
circumstances, such as breathing and blood
pressure. Generally an anesthesiologist will give
you a transfusion (IV) before, during and after
surgery. (Injections of general anesthesia can be
done from the IV line).

STEP 4 :
After the surgery is complete, you may be injected
with other medications that will reverse the effects
of anesthetic drugs or other medications used
during the surgery process (such as muscle relaxant
drugs). When an anesthesiologist is satisfied with
the stability of your breathing and your blood
circulation, you will be taken to a recovery room
where there is a special officer who will deal with

There are several kinds of side effects

caused in use include :
1. Decrease in blood pressure.
2. Headache (also known as the
backbone of a headache).
3. In infants, may make a decrease in
blood pressure.
4. Headaches are also very rare, but may
5. Reactions to over-the-counter
medicines, such as rashes.

“All our dreams can come true if we

have the courage to pursue them.”
- Walt Disney.

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