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Speaking Part two


Part 2: Talking about pictures (simulated situation)

The examiner asks the candidates (A-B) to talk to each other for about a minute

I would like you to look at

the picture and talk about
it between yourselves.

In Part 2 you have to listen while the examiner explains a situation. Then the examiner will give you a
picture and you have to discuss the situation with your partner. Here is a sample picture about things to
take when going on holiday:

 Next
About the exam

 You have to talk with your partner (not the examiner)

 Thee examiner describes a situation and asks you and your partner
to talk about together for 2 to 3 minutes.
 Listen to the interlocutor’s instructions
 Look at a picture containing a number of different items.
How to do it

1. It isn’t essential to finish the task in the time given, but try to discuss
each option in the picture as fully as
2. In the exam, candidates are assessed on their ability to take part in the
task, rather than on the outcome of the discussion.
3. Listen to what your partner says and, where appropriate, respond with
a comment or a question.
4. Don’t worry if you don’t know what something is called in English. Try to
describe what people use it for: I don’t know what the name is in
English, but it’s a kind of small cooker with a gas bottle, and you use it
when you go camping.
5. Remember, in a test like this short answers are usually not enough. The
interlocutor needs to hear some examples of extended speaking from
the candidates
How to prepare yourself

 Take part actively in classroom discussions in pairs or groups.

 Try to move the discussion forward by responding to other people’s
ideas and opinions.
 Learn and practise how to make suggestions, give your opinion,
agree and disagree.
 When there is a question to discuss, don’t ‘rush to a conclusion’:
take time to talk about different aspects of the question.

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