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Critical Thinking

Task analysis
 What is it?
 It is being able to analyze thought processes and ideas
based off sufficient evidence.
Critical thinking  To think independently and logically at the same time.
 Solve problems systematically.
 Level One: Lower Order Thinking
 Unreflective
 Low to mixed skill level
 Relies on Gut
 Level Two: Higher Order Thinking
 Reflective
Level of Thought:  High Skills
 Lacks critical thinking vocab
 Level Three: Highest Order Thinking
 Explicitly Reflective
 Highest Skill Level
 Routine use of critical thinking skills
 Major Skills Associated
 Analysis
 Breaking down the problems in parts
 Creating a linkage or relationship between parts
 Synthesis
 Brainstorming
How to think  Thinking about ways to solve a problem by new
critically? information or the combination of parts in a
different way
 Formulation of a hypothesis
 Evaluation
 Is it clear and well-stated?
 Scientific Method
 Form a question
 Collect information and resources
 Am I addressing the question?
 Am I considering the complexities in the
How to think  Form a hypothesis
critically?  Collect data and test hypothesis
 “If” and “Then” Statements
 Analyze the data
 Interpret the data and draw conclusions
 Publish results
 Retest
 How?
 Observation
 Experience
 Communication
 Who?
 Individually
Critical thinking:  Groups
 Attitudes
 Open-minded
 Must have depth
 Unbiased
 Curiosity
Links to visit 
about critical 
thinking: Engineers-Need-Critical-Thinking-Skills.aspx

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