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Sea turtle

• Sea turtles are one of the most ancient

creatures in the world
• Sea turtles can live to be well over 100
years old
• Sea turtles lay their eggs on land
• Sea turtles live mostly in the pacific ocean
• Sea turtles migrate a lot.
• Sea turtles swim most of their live.
• Monkeys are one of the smartest animals
in the world after all we evolved for them
• Monkeys have hands on their feet and
hands for grapping tree branches and
swinging from tree to tree
• Monkeys live in the jungle
• Monkeys can give births to 2 to three
• Monkeys eat a lot of fruit

• There are over 40 species
• Dolphins live mostly warm water the
along the coast of land. Ex Florida.
• Dolphins are kind loving mammals that
gets along real well with humans.
• There are 4 different species of gorillas
• Full grown male gorillas are known as
silver backs. Because of the light silver
stripe on their back when they reach
• gorillas can have up two 2 baby's a year
• Gorilla are known to be mean and violent
to humans.
It's hard to see in the murky waters of the
deep, but sharks have excellent vision.
A shark's sense of smell is 10,000 times
better than a human's.
Sharks can detect electrical impulses,
including another animal's beating heart.
Sharks are picky eaters.
• Penguins are flightless birds.
• While other birds have wings for flying,
penguins have adapted flippers to help
them swim in the water.
• Most penguins live in the Southern
• The Galapagos Penguin is the only
penguin specie that ventures north of the
equator in the wild.
• swim at an average speed to 4.35 mph
(7km/h), but can reach speeds of 21.74
• Walruses can slow their heart rate down
to deal with freezing temps
• Walruses can give birth to around 4 babys
a year
• The tiger is the biggest species of the cat
• Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3
meters (11 feet) and weigh as much as
300 kilograms (660 pounds).
• Subspecies of the tiger include the
Sumatran Tiger, Siberian Tiger, Bengal
Tiger, South China Tiger, Malayan Tiger
and Indochinese Tiger.
• The average lifespan of lions is about 10
14 years in the wild; whereas under
captivity they can live up to 20 years.
• Lions inhabit in grasslands, savanna and
other forests.
• As against other cats, lions are considered
to be sociable animals.
• Males and females are easily identifiable
since male exhibits mane as against the
• Weight: 2,866 pound (1,300 kg) – 3,307
pound (1,500 kg) on average (Female)·
55.12 pound (25 kg) – 110.23 pound (50
kg) (Newborn) · 3,307 pound (1,500 kg) –
3,968 pound (1,800 kg) on average (Male)
• Speed: 18.64 mph (30 km/h) (On land,
• Scientific name: Hippopotamus
• Lifespan: 40 years – 50 years
• Height: 59.06 inch (150 cm) on average
• Gestation period: 243 days
• Lifespan: 60 years – 70 years
• Weight: 220.46 pound (100 kg),
Newborn)· 5,997 pound (2,720 kg) on
average, Female · 12,125 pound (5,500
kg) on average, · 5,952 pounds
• Body length: 216.54 inch (550 cm) –
255.91 inch (650 cm), Head and body,
Including trunk)
• Gestation period: 548 days – 670 days
• The name rhinoceros means ‘nose horn’
and is often shortened to rhino.
• There are five different species of
rhinoceros, three native to southern Asia
and two native to Africa...
• All five species of rhinoceros can grow to
weigh over 1000 kg (2200 lb).
• White rhino can weigh over 3500 kg
(7700 lb).
• White rhinoceros are generally
considered the second largest land
mammal (after the elephant).
Hairy-nosed Wombat
• Wombats are sturdy, burrowing
• They can only have 1 to 2 babies a year
• They are kind lovable animals
• They only live in austraula.
• There are over 25 billion chickens in the
• Chickens can lay 2 eggs a day in the
• They do not lay eggs in the winter
• They are the most eaten animal in the
world all over the world
Blue Whale
• It’s the biggest of all the whales
• A blue whales tough is as big as an
• A blue whales heart is as big as a car
• They live far below the ocean
• The horse is the most loved animal by h
• Horses can live to be like 25
• Horses can run at speeds of 40 to 50
miles an hour
Jelly fish
• One sting from a jelly fish can kill you
• Jellyfish are one of the most ancient sea
animals in the world
Deer are part of the Cervidae family that
include moose, reindeer, elk and other
Male deer grow new antlers each year.
Animals such as antelope resemble deer in a
number of ways but have horns instead of
antlers, the difference being that horns are
not grown and replaced like antlers are.
During the mating season male deer will
often use their antlers to fight for the
attention of female deer.
Many species of deer have been hunted over
the years for their antlers.

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