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Hypertext, Hypermedia and Multimedia for improving the language skills


Hypertext is text
which contains links
to other texts,
generally underlined
in blue color.
how can use a It can be used to
encourage learners to
Hypertext, for evaluate the structure
improving the and the sequence of their
own learning. This
language skills approach is more likely to
provide collaboration and
negotiation spaces of
meaning as it involves a
greater degree of

Example What is hypertext:

It is an extension to what is
known as hypertext, namely to
open new Web pages by clicking
text links on a Web browser.

Hypermedia allows the user to

click images, movies, graphics and
other media apart from text to
create a nonlinear network of
information. The term was coined
by Fred Nelson in 1965.
• How can use Hypermedia, for improving the language

Hypermedia could be a great tool for

improving the language skills because it makes
possible more interaction and a friendly
interface between learners and computers.
For example, if a child is learning about
animals, he can click on the animal picture and
can hear the sounds, at the same time he
watches the pictures and animations.

Example: In this link you will find hipermedia resources.
Computer information can be represented through audio,
video, and animation.

Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-

controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, Video,
animation, audio, and any other media where every type of
information can be represented, stored, transmitted and
processed digitally. A Multimedia Application uses a
collection of multiple media sources e.g. text, graphics,
images, sound/audio, animation and/or video.

Hypermedia can be considered as one of the multimedia

• How can use Multimedia, for improving the language skills
This resource can be used for improving
language skills in several ways, the use of
computers for showing videos, pictures,
animations, music, can be important and
vital tools for teaching a second language,
all of this options widely encourage the four
language skills, in this way nowadays almost
every English teacher uses this resources as
tools for engaging students.

Example: short story for children

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