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AS Level Law

Sources of Law

Delegated Legislation
AS Level Law
What you need to know:

• The main types of delegated legislation

• How delegated powers are controlled
What you need to discuss:
• The advantages and disadvantages of delegated
• The effectiveness of the various forms of control
AS Level Law

• Delegated legislation is law made by individuals

and institutions acting under a grant of legislative
authority from Parliament

• Delegated powers are usually granted in an enabling


• This Act will establish a framework of general

principles and grant powers to fill in the details (e.g.
AS Level Law
Types of Delegated Legislation
• statutory instruments - rules, regulations and orders,
issued by ministers, national in effect

• byelaws - issued by local authorities (and some public

corporations), local in effect

• Orders in Council - issued by the Privy Council,

generally only used in emergencies
AS Level Law
Reasons for/Advantages of DL
• to save parliamentary time
• to deal with complex and technical issues (e.g. health
and safety regulations)
• quicker and easier to amend and update than primary
• able to respond quickly to emergencies

• allows for local variation to meet local need

AS Level Law
Need for controls

• DL results from transferring law-making powers

from the legislature to the executive

• delegated powers must be subject to effective
checks and controls to ensure accountability and
prevent misuse
AS Level Law

• often required by the enabling Act

• acts as a check in two ways:

 directly - by requiring a public exercise of

the power

 indirectly - may form the basis for judicial review

AS Level Law
Parliamentary oversight
• may seem to conflict with need to save parliamentary

• however, a responsible Parliament must monitor the

use of powers it has delegated

• two main forms of oversight:

 affirmation process
 scrutiny committee
AS Level Law
Affirmation process
• most SIs must be affirmed before coming into force
• positive affirmation - instrument only comes into force after
approval by positive resolution in Parliament
• negative affirmation - instrument comes into force unless
annulled by a negative resolution in Parliament
• negative more common BUT reliance on this may mean draft
instruments receive inadequate policy scrutiny
• Hansard Society proposed to refer draft SIs to relevant
departmental select committee for policy review before
affirmation - not implemented
AS Level Law
Scrutiny Committee
• reviews technical merits of all draft SIs
• refers to Parliament those giving cause for concern
(e.g. unusual or unexpected use of the power)

• Committee acts as a filter so that Parliament need
only consider the small number of instruments
AS Level Law
Judicial Review
• limited nature of delegated powers means that courts
can annul DL where it is ultra vires (outside or beyond
the power)
• substantive ultra vires - subject matter outside
scope of power (A-G v Fulham Corp [1921])
• procedural ultra vires - subject matter intra vires
but serious failure to comply with a mandatory
procedural requirement - e.g. failure to consult
(Agricultural Training Board v Aylesbury Mushrooms
AS Level Law
• DL inevitable and beneficial

• Executive law-making needs effective checks and


• present controls are largely adequate

• need to improve policy review of draft SIs by
AS Level Law
Revision DL - Intro (definition, enabling acts etc)
DL - Types of
DL - Reasons for
DL - Need for controls
DL - Consultation
DL - Parliamentary oversight
DL - Judicial review
DL - Conclusion
AS Level Law
Test Questions:
Using your cards, you should now be able to write a short paragraph
in response to each of the following questions:
•Define what is meant by delegated legislation and how
delegated powers are granted.
•Describe the main forms of delegated legislation.
•Identify the main reasons for and advantages of delegated
•Explain why checks and controls are needed over the use of
delegated powers.
•Describe the existing check and control mechanisms.
•Evaluate the effectiveness of these mechanisms.
AS Level Law

Useful Websites:

 For more information on delegated legislation generally,

 For more information on Statutory Instruments and
Orders in Council there is a House of Commons Factsheet
(No.14) available at

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