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By Sasha

Deforestation is an extremely serious situation and a lot of it is happening.

Trees help the environment in many ways, but they are being cut down,
leading to life- changing problems.
Key words and what they mean

Deforestation- Deforestation is when trees are cut down for our use, and
not planted again, therefore causing the loss of trees.
Logging - the activity of cutting + preparing the timber.
Urbanization – Urbanization is the process of filling land with buildings or
Agriculture – Farm/Land management.
Where is it occurring?
Deforestation is a worldwide problem that happens in many rainforests, However, the
deforestation in the tropical rainforests are a concern because they are home to lots of the
world’s biodiversity.
The top 3 rainforests that experience deforestation are:
1. Amazon
2. Gran Chaco
3. Borneo
When and why did deforestation start
When? -Deforestation started in the late Reasons for deforestation include:
1960s, but it started to expand in the Urbanization
1990s and has been getting worse and Fuel
worse ever since.
Space for animals/crops
Why? - Deforestation happened because
Plant products
people quickly realized that the wood, fruit
and even the leaves of certain trees, could
be used for business. and more.
After cutting the trees:
 There is space for crops and grazing livestock = better materials and food.
 The wood can be used for furniture and paper.
 There is space for buildings/houses, and the government can add new transport for
the residents. Therefore the economy and population will grow.
But there are bad reasons… Of course
Bad (The consequences)
Because of deforestation:
The soil will dry up after being exposed to the harsh sun or it will lose the
nutrients because of the rainwater.
There will be lots of habitat losses for many of the animals.
The rainforests will lose a huge number of it’s biodiversity.
Less trees = Less oxygen/more carbon dioxide.

 Deforestation started when farmers cut down small sections of trees for producing
and harvesting crops. However, in the 20th century that changed, and people started
cutting down lots of trees to house cattle.
 It is estimated that there won’t be any rainforests in 100 years!
 Up to 28,000 species are expected to become extinct in the next 25 years because of

Basically what I’m saying is, try to live in a way that doesn’t harm
the environment and encourage others to do the same.
The end

That brings me to the end of my

Thank you for watching!

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