Close Quarter Battle (CQB) : P/Insp Al Majd A. Balinte

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Close Quarter


P/Insp Al Majd A. Balinte

• Explain Principles of Assault
• Discuss tactical mind set
• Describe the Fundamentals of CQB
• Discuss Principles and Fundamentals of Room
• Explain Assault Phases and Reporting
• Team Leader
Responsible for Overall Conduct
Not Always Primary Assaulter
Monitors Movement of Team
Communicates with Higher Command
• Assaulters
Mechanical / Explosive Breaching
Clearing Rooms and Engaging Terrorists
Provide Emergency Medical Care
Secure and Evacuate Hostages
Search Rooms Suspects / Hostages
Principles of Assault
• Detailed Planning
• Controlled Entry
• Speed
• Surprise
• Violence of Action
• Security
Detailed Planning
• Standard Operating Procedures
• Use Available Intelligence
Crisis Site
• Diagram and Discuss
• Final Inspection
• Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
Controlled Entry
• Multiple Teams or Assault Groups
Perimeter Security
Observer / Sharpshooters
Hostage Reception
Arrest Teams
• Multiple Entry Points
• Centralized Command is Desirable
• Decentralized Command
Assign Boundaries
• Achieved Through Well-Designed Tactics
Undetected Approach
Multiple Entry Points
Explosive Breaching
• Effective Rehearsals
• Do Not Run – Use a Fast Controlled Walk
• Well-Aimed Shots
• Don’t Sacrifice Control

• Undiscovered Approach to Crisis Site Essential

• Optimal Time of Assault
• Diversions
Violence of Action
• Gain Physical & Psychological Control
• Identify & Eliminate Threats
• Maintain Aggressive Momentum
• Dominate
• Mandatory From Tactical Holding Area Until
Return to Tactical Holding Area
• Three Dimensional Environment
• Fatal Funnels
Entry Point
• After Shooting
• Observer / Sharpshooter Coverage
Search For and Secure Possible Threats
Tactical Mindset
• Alertness
• Decisiveness
• Aggressiveness
• Self-Control
• Determination
• Learn and Improve
• Know What is Behind You
• Beware of Out-of-Place Objects and Abnormal
• Violent Emergencies are Abnormal
• Never Hesitate
• Act Vigorously
• Develop Tactical Decisiveness
• Intimidate & Overwhelm Your Opponent
• Incalculable Advantage – Shock Effect
• High Morale
Self Control
• Product of Will and Training
• Presence of Mind
• Lose Control ...Lose Your Life


Fundamentals of CQB
• Conventional Police Entry
Slow & Deliberate
Stop-and-Go Movement
• Dynamic Entry
Rapid and Aggressive
Continuous Flow
Assault Team Approach
• Stealthful Movement Essential
• Stack in Close Proximity
• Gain Speed on Entry
Principles of Room Combat
Mind Set
the ability of the assault team member to
achieve a psychological state of domination and
total control in the conduct of operation
Rules of Room Clearing
Enter the Doorway (Get Out of Fatal
Clear the Immediate Threat
Clear Corners
Move to Points of Domination
Establish Overlapping Fields of Fire
A. Room Clearing Sequence
1. Action at the point of entry
a. Movement to objective
b. Close to but not touching building exterior
2. Action Upon Entry
• movement to objective
• Close to but not touching building exterior
• Don’t flag teammates
Actions Upon Entry
• Clear the breach point (fatal funnel)
• Engage immediate threat
blocks movement to point of domination
threat so close it cannot be ignored by the
engagement should not slow assaulter’s
Actions Upon Entry
• Identify the Target
look at the hands
threatening action
positive identification
only shoot enemy you identify
Actions Upon Entry
• Engage the Threat
Only 1 or 2 man engage immediate threat
do not shoot within one meter of another
do not shoot any target that another
assaulter has passed.
only engage target in your sector.
Actions Upon Entry
• Center Door
clear the breach point (fatal funnel)
engage immediate threat
move to point of domination
clear primary sector
collapse sectors of fire
Actions Upon Entry
• Corner Door
clear the breach point (fatal funnel)
engage immediate threat
move to point of domination
clear primary sector
collapse sectors of fire
control the situation
Search the dead
Search the Dead
searching the dead has only one function.
ensure they no longer pose a threat.
• move weapon away
• eye thump
• conducted with security
Search the Room
A detailed search may be done based on the
mission and time available on site
Cursory Room Search
search the room
search the living
evacuate on command
Search the living
• Cursory search
• Standing modified search
• Kneeling search
• Prone handcuffing search

Situation will dictate WHEN, WHERE and HOW

you will search the living
Avoid opening drawers and moving items, and
unnecessary disruption of the room when you
* quick, systematic, according to sop
Fundamentals of Room Combat
1. Dominate the room
2. Eliminate the threat
3. Control the situation
4. Search the dead
5. Search the room
6. Search the living
7. Evacuate on command
The Basics
1. Know what’s going on around you.
2. Be decisive, Do something.
3. Never do anything alone.
4. Go the opposite direction of the man in front
of you.
5. Cover danger areas as you encounter them.
6. Never turn you back to an unclear area.
The Basics
7. An area is clear only as long as it is held.
8. Remember, action is faster than reaction.
9. When you’re not doing anything, do that
10. Look for the job that’s important.
11. When all else fails, pull security.
• Keep Commander Informed
• Use Standardized Set of Commands for Each Phase

• CDR: “All teams move to the LCC.”

TM: “Team (#) moving.”

TM: “Team (#) at LCC.”

• CDR: “You have compromise authority, move to the

Final Assault Position.”
TM: “Team (#) moving.”

• TM: “ Team (#) at FAP.”

• CDR: “All call signs this is the commander; I have

Countdown (“5,4,3,2,1”)
“Execute, Execute, Execute”

• ASSAULTERS: “Clear left, clear right.”

TEAM LEADER: “Dominate.”

• TM: “Team (#) covering or clear.”

• TM: “Reorganize.”
• TM: “Team (#) status report.”
“(#) live terrorists.”
“(#) dead terrorists.”
“(#) live hostages.”
“(#) dead hostages.”
“Team status.”

• CDR: “Evacuate.”
TMS: “Team (#) evacuation complete.”

• CDR: “Team leaders, advise when ready

for debrief.”
TMS: “Commander, you may enter now
Thank You
Allah Hafiz

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