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Why collaborative activities?

How do you use the software?
Success Criteria
I have used the Formulator Tarsia software
to make an activity.
I have reflected on how I can use
collaborative activities with my students.
Why Collaborative?
Active Learning
One of the key
principles of active
learning is..
teaching is
more effective
when it uses
cooperative small
group work
Jigsaws – easy or
Follow me cards
Discussion circles
Matching cards
Using the Software
Choose your jigsaw
Type the question and answer into
each half


There are lots of different symbols.
Click the buttons to see the full range.
Click the right hand navigation bar
to move to the next question.
Click “table” at the bottom to check
your working.
Click “output” to see how it will
Still on output, choose the size of
the pieces.
Click “solution” to see the solution
to the jigsaw.
Print out the
sheets from the
“output” screen
and then
photocopy onto
card or paper.
– I suggest card if
you want to use
the puzzle time
and again
– I suggest paper if
you want the pupils
to make the pieces
into a poster
More help can be found at:

Or contact:

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