Management of Production

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Aleksandra Jokić
Table of contest:
1. Keywords;
2. Introduction;
3. Organizational system management;
4. Structure of industrial systems;
5. System approach to the study of industrial systems;
6. Basic characteristics of industrial systems;
7. Basic structure of industrial systems;
8. Structure of management in industrial systems;
9. Basic schema of management in industrial systems
1. CONTEXT OF ORGANIZATION - Understanding one organization is a
process. This process determines factors that influence the purpose,
goals and sustainability of an organization. It considers internal and
external factors.
2. RISK - It represents a certain level of probability that an activity directly
or indirectly causes some danger.
3. ORGANIZATION - A group of people, facilities and equipment with
established responsibilities, powers and relationships.
4. MICROECONOMY - Sector of economy which research conduct an
individual economic subjects as productive as costumer’s.
5. MACROECONOMY - Sector of economy which in general research
national economics and establish interdependence between aggregate
spending, savings, investments and import-export.
6. Efficiency - Relates to the use of all inputs in producing any given output,
including personal time and energy.
7. Effectiveness - Is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability
to produce desired output
8. Cybernetics – Represent the science of communication and control theory
that is concerned especially with the comparative study of
automatic control systems.
 Products as outputs from the process of
production are concidered not just like the
mirror of production but like a mirror of the
whole society.
 We demand from industrial systems to
successfully operate continuously, or to
continuously achieve and maintain a balance
between efficiency and effectiveness.
Organizational system management
Organizational system management as a process
is consisting of:
 Determining the target function (mission,
vision and objectives);
 Planning the activities by implementing them
in order to achieve the goal function;
 Monitoring the state of activity,
by bringing in the real and planned activities.
Structure of industrial systems
While we are studying production systems, it is
important to keep in mind the uncertainty of
their functioning due to:
 Environmental impact;
 The existence of people and machines;
The existence of separate parts and material
information links between them.
System approach to the study of
industrial systems
 System approach is used when we want to
point that during the solution of the problem
a scientific approach was used.
System approach to the study of
industrial systems


Detecting the Analyses of Verification of
elements into a
problem system parts hypotheses
single entity
Basic characteristics of industrial
By studding industrial systems on systematic
way, we can say that industrial systems are:

“A set of elements and relationships between

them and their characteristics integrated with
the goal of a particular goal, or a change in the
state of the system”.
Basic characteristics of industrial
Elements – Basic parts of the systems.
Characteristics – They describe elements and
their purpose in the systems.
Relations - Represents relationships who are
between the elements and their
Goals - Satisfying the set goal function of the
industrial system (company).
Basic characteristics of industrial

State of the
Goal function


Characteristic of
the system

Basic characteristics of industrial
 GOAL FUNCTION - Determines the purpose of
those properties of the system and its elements by
which they are identified and differ in each other and
are compared with other systems of the same class.
 Inputs - They represent independently variable sizes
that certain elements of the system that system receive
at the entrance with the aim of ensuring the process of
operation of the system or more precise condition
changes of the system
Basic characteristics of industrial
 Output – Represent results of work, or better to
say result of transformation process in industrial
 Operator of system transformation – Represents
the rule or law within inputs are transformed to
 State of the system - The ability of a system to
perform a process.
 Environment of the system – Represents its
Basic structure of industrial systems
Depending on and on what way satisfaction of
the environment is provided, we differ and
several systems.
 Technological system.
 Production system.
 Business system.
Structure of management in industrial
Basic approach in management of industrial systems is based on
“Product, then sell” and it involves keeping large stocks and
secures capacitates as a protection of the variability of demand.
Basic schema of management in
industrial systems

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