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Leadership și networking în

Europa Central-Răsăriteană

Why you consider him the leader of
your group

1. Planning for Your Group

Make the decisions about where to go. If you become known as the
person who comes up with the plans when everyone gets together, your friends
will start looking to you as their leader.
Even if you tend to make the decisions for your group, you don’t
have to do everything for them. When you’re out with friends, let them take on
some responsibilities. If you suggest what everyone should do, you’ll appear
like the leader.
2. Dealing with Group Issues

-Be willing to compromise when your friends disagree. Sometimes,

you might feel like the rest of the group wants to do something you don’t.
Other times, you might be dealing with two or more friends who can’t agree.
Either way, as a leader, you can step in to help everyone find a compromise.

-Help everyone stay flexible. Sometimes, plans will have to change.

There’s no sense in going nuts if everything doesn’t work out completely as
planned or expected. Be a leader and help everyone stay positive.
What type of leadership ?

1. Autocratic Leadership

-Autocratic leadership style is centered on the boss. In this

leadership the leader holds all authority and responsibility. In this leadership,
leaders make decisions on their own without consulting subordinates.

2. Democratic Leadership

In this leadership style, subordinates are involved in making

decisions. Unlike autocratic, this headship is centered on subordinates’
contributions. The democratic leader holds final responsibility, but he or she is
known to delegate authority to other people, who determine work projects.
3. Laissez-faire Leadership

Laissez-faire leadership gives authority to employees. According to azcentral,

departments or subordinates are allowed to work as they choose with minimal
or no interference. According to research, this kind of leadership has been
consistently found to be the least satisfying and least effective management

4. Team Leadership

-Team leadership involves the creation of a vivid picture of its future, where it
is heading and what it will stand for. The vision inspires and provides a strong
sense of purpose and direction.
What kind of leader is he?

Transformational Leadership

Unlike other leadership styles, transformational leadership is all

about initiating change in organizations, groups, oneself and others.

Transformational leaders motivate others to do more than they

originally intended and often even more than they thought possible. They set
more challenging expectations and typically achieve higher performance.
Transactional Leadership

This is a leadership that maintains or continues the status quo. It is

also the leadership that involves an exchange process, whereby followers get
immediate, tangible rewards for carrying out the leader’s orders. Transactional
leadership can sound rather basic, with its focus on exchange.
How would you act as a leader?

Be confident- This step has nothing to do with actually knowing what you're

doing as long as you're confident, few people will ask questions. People

assume things, and when you act as if you belong, they assume you do.

Therefore, when you are confident, they will naturally assume you know what

you are doing. This earns you trust, responsibility, and respect.

Be firm, but be kind- Since you're leading, you're the one that needs to set the

rules and boundaries. It's up to you to establish some system, rhyme and

reason to the situation.

What kind of networking you prefer?

1. Networking is a Two-Way Street

Here’s one of the most important things to remember when it comes

to networking; it’s a two-way street. This means that whenever you meet
someone, you need to ask them as much as possible regarding their business,
as well as informing them them about yours.

2. Evaluate Your Contacts

Try all you might, there’s no possible way to network with everyone
in your niche. That’s why it’s important to filter through your contacts to see
who is worth establishing a relationship with.
Are you more comfortable by doing
networking or by participating to
network events?
Tips for Attending College Networking Events

Ask the event sponsors for a list of prospective participants as well

as their career and employer affiliations in advance of the program. Identify
alumni who are working in fields or for employers of interest and make sure
that you find a way to approach them at the event.

Research Career Fields of Interest

Research some career fields of interest so you can share some possible targets.
Even if you can't name a specific field or articulate a coherent goal, it will be
important to at least share some of the skills you enjoy utilizing which have
led to some successes in class, work, athletics, or co-curricular life.

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