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Aditi Bhattacharya

• The process by which an

individual selects, organizes,
and interprets stimuli into a
meaningful and coherent
picture of the world
• Elements of Perception
– Sensation
– Absolute threshold
– Differential threshold
– Subliminal perception

• Sensation is the immediate and direct

response of the sensory organs to stimuli
– A stimulus is any unit of input to any of the senses.
• The absolute threshold is the lowest level at
which an individual can experience a
Sensation & Perception
• Sensation
– Immediate response of
our sensory receptors…
• …eyes, ears, nose, mouth,
– …to basic stimuli…
• …such as light, color, sound,
odor, and texture

Sensation & Perception (Cont’d)
• Perception
– Process by which sensations are selected, organized, and
• Adding meaning to raw sensations

Figure 2.1

Differential Threshold
(Just Noticeable Difference – j.n.d.)
• Minimal difference that can be detected
between two similar stimuli
• Weber’s law
– The j.n.d. between two stimuli is not an absolute
amount but an amount relative to the intensity of
the first stimulus
– The stronger the initial stimulus, the greater the
additional intensity needed for the second
stimulus to be perceived as different.
Marketing Applications
of the J.N.D.
• Marketers need to
determine the
relevant j.n.d. for
their products
– so that negative
changes are not
readily discernible to
the public
– so that product
improvements are
very apparent to
Discussion Question

• How might a cereal

manufacturer such as
Kellogg’s use the j.n.d. for
Frosted Flakes in terms of:
– Product decisions
– Packaging decisions
– Advertising decisions
– Sales promotion decisions
Subliminal Perception

• Stimuli that are too weak or too brief to be

consciously seen or heard
– They may be strong enough to be perceived by
one or more receptor cells.
• Is it effective?
– Extensive research has shown no evidence that
subliminal advertising can cause behavior changes
– Some evidence that subliminal stimuli may
influence affective reactions
Aspects of Perception
Perceptual Selection
Selection Depends Upon:
Why Are Consumers
Likely to Notice This Ad?
The Attention-Getting Nature of a
Dramatic Image
Discussion Questions

• What marketing stimuli do you remember

from your day so far?
• Why do you think you selected these stimuli
to perceive and remember?
Perceptual Selection
Important Concepts

Chapter Six Slide


Principles • People tend to organize

perceptions into figure-
• Figure and ground
and-ground relationships.
• Grouping • The ground is usually hazy.
• Closure • Marketers usually design
so the figure is the noticed


• Figure and ground • People group stimuli to

• Grouping form a unified
• Closure impression or concept.
• Grouping helps memory
and recall.

Principles • People have a need for

closure and organize
• Figure and ground perceptions to form a
• Grouping complete picture.
• Will often fill in missing
• Closure
• Incomplete messages
remembered more than
What Element of Perceptual
Organization Is Featured in This Ad?
Discussion Question

• Do you agree you remember more of what

you have NOT completed?
• How might a local bank use this in their

Chapter Six Slide

• People hold meanings
related to stimuli

Chapter Six Slide


• Positive attributes of
people they know to
those who resemble
• Important for model

• Verbal messages reflect

How Does This Ad
Depict Perceptual Interpretation?
It Contrasts the Powerful Durango with Less Rugged
Referred to in the Ad as the “Land Of Tofu.”

• First impressions are

• The perceiver is trying
to determine which
stimuli are relevant,
important, or predictive

• Consumers perceive and

evaluate multiple
objects based on just
one dimension
Product Positioning

• Establishing a specific image for a brand in the

consumer’s mind in relation to competing
• Conveys the product in terms of how it fulfills
a need
• Successful positioning creates a distinctive,
positive brand image
Which Concepts of Perception Are
Applied in These Ads?
The Principle Of Contrast
Packaging as a Positioning Element

• Packaging conveys the image that the brand

communicates to the buyer.
• Color, weight, image, and shape are all
• Repositioning might be necessary because:
– Increased competition
– Changing consumer tastes
Perceptual Mapping

• An analytical technique that enables

marketers to plot graphically consumers’
perceptions concerning product attributes of
specific brands
Positioning of Services

• Image is a key factor for services

• Services often want a differentiated
positioning strategy to market several
versions of their service to different markets.
Which Elements of This Ad Convey the
Restaurant’s Perceptual Position and How?
The Steak Knife and the Reference to Vegetarians
Convey The Position of the Restaurant as a
Well-Established Steakhouse
Perceived Price and Perceived Quality

• Reference prices – used as a basis for

comparison in judging another price
– Internal
– External
• Perceived Quality of Products
– Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Cues
Three Pricing Strategies
Focused on Perceived Value - Table 6.4
Perceived Quality of Services
• Difficult due to
characteristics of
– Intangible
– Variable
– Perishable
– Simultaneously
Produced and
• SERVQUAL scale used to
measure gap between
customers’ expectation
of service and
perceptions of actual
Price/Quality Relationship

The perception of price as an indicator of

product quality (e.g., the higher the price,
the higher the perceived quality of the
How Can This Ad Affect the Service’s
Perceived Quality?
It Uses a Process Dimension in Advertising a
Newly-Formed Business Class on an Airline
Which of the Ad’s Elements Conveys the
Product’s Quality?
The Slogan on the Ad’s Bottom Left
Reads “Perfection Has Its Price”
Perceived Risk

• The degree of uncertainty perceived by the consumer

as to the consequences (outcome) of a specific
purchase decision
• Types
– Functional Risk
– Physical Risk
– Financial Risk
– Social Risk
– Psychological Risk
– Time Risk
How Consumers Handle Risk

• Seek Information
• Stay Brand Loyal
• Select by Brand Image
• Rely on Store Image
• Buy the Most Expensive Model
• Seek Reassurance

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