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Project Loon

Submitted by :- Submitted To :-
Abhishek Kumar Mr. Ajai Verma

⌂ Introduction
⌂ Technology
⌂ History
⌂ Design of theLoon
⌂ How Loonmoves
⌂ How it Connects
⌂ KeyPeople
⌂ Pros & Cons
⌂ Conclusion
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What is Project Loon ?

◊ Project Loon is a network of

balloons travelling on the edge of
space, designed to connect people
in rural and remote areas.

◊ It is an initiative taken by Google

to provide internet access all over
the world.
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The Technology

◊ Project Loon balloons float in thestratosphere, twice

as high as airplanes.

◊ They are carried around the Earth by winds andthey

can be steered by rising or descending to an altitude
with winds moving in the desireddirection.

◊ People connect to the balloon network using a

special Internet antenna attached to their building.
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History of Project Loon

◊ In 2008, Google considered contractingSpace

Data Corp, but didn't doso
◊ 2011, the unofficial development of the
project began under Google XLabs

◊ 14 June 2013, Google announced this asan

official project
◊ 16 June 2013, A pilot experiment
happened in New Zealand and about 30
balloons were launched
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Brief Overview of Project Loon

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How Loon Moves ?

◊ Project loon balloons travel around 20 km above the

earth’s surface in the stratosphere.

◊Winds in the stratosphere are generally steady and slow-

moving at between 5 and 20 mph, and each layer of
wind varies in direction andmagnitude.

◊ The set-up uses software algorithms to determine

where its balloons need to go, thenmoves each one
into a layer of wind blowing in the right direction.

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Why Stratosphere ?

◊ The stratosphere ranges between 10 km and 60 kmaltitude

on the edge of space.
◊ The extreme altitude of the stratosphere presents unique
engineering challenges:

- Air pressure is 1% of that at sea level

- Temperatures hover around -50°c
- A thinner atmosphere
- Less protection from the UVradiation

◊ Suitable because this sphere is having steadystratospheric

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How Loon Connects ?

◊ Each loon has an antenna that provides

connectivity to the ground. There isa special
antenna that is installed on the ground to
access the Internet from the loon.

◊ Each has radio antennae that connects each

loon to other loons. These antennas are
equipped with specialized radio frequency
technology with ISM bands of spectrum 2.4GHz
to 5.8 GHz.
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Key people behind this project…

◊ RICH DEVAUL- the chief technical architect

who is also an expert on wearabletechnology.

◊ MIKE CASSIDY- the project leader

◊ CYRUSBEHROOZI- a networking and

telecommunication lead

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Pros &Cons

◊ Easy to use
◊ Speed
◊ Increasing Internet Usage

◊ Cost
◊ Maintenance

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◊ In this century, Google's new invention Google project loon provide a very valuable help
to poor people by accessing the internet facility. With this, almost all people may get the
ability to know the world of internet and utilize these facility to overcome the barriers.

“Give a child a balloon and maybe they'll smile for a day.

Give them one with Wi-Fi and the possibilities, Google hopes, are limitless.”

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