Question 1

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What have you learned

from your audience

An influential factor throughout the construction process for my A2 portfolio was my Audience Feedback. My
Audience Feedback came in many forms while producing my magazine and ancillary texts, informing my choices
and discovering what my particular audience wanted, their likes and dislikes and their expectations for my new
product, and for that I had to be as careful as possible to deliver the right product, creating different platforms
for my audience to give their feedback such as social media like: Instagram and Twitter where I posted my
Magazine Covers and poster and asked my followers to choose their favourite, I used my own social media
because I am also a young adult so all my followers are mostly same age as me, being on the same age group as
my target made my work with the audience way easier as I am one of them and know what we are looking for in
our age and what can and can not gather our attention. I also used surveys and graphics and my own Whatsapp
to connect with my audience. These technological forms helped me to create a interactivity with the audience.
I have not only asked feedback from my target audience but my teachers, other students and family as well.
It is important to get feedback from the target audience before the product been made or marketed, you can
save money by researching what your audiences want and any weaknesses that can be improved to tailor a
specific audience.
I also use the Reception Theory so I could see in which category my audience would fit in and which ways that
would be positive or negative to my magazine.
Reception Theory:
Stuart Hall’s reception theory is an active theory on audience research that sees the audience being actively
engaged in the interpretation of media texts, rather than just passive consumers, this means that we do not
always just accept everything that is put in front of us as the producer wants us to.
The idea is that each one interprets texts in different ways. It shows that even though one massage is sent out,
not only one response is receive but different opinions and ways to see the massage.

This theory states that there are three ways that the audience decodes the media:
• Preferred / Dominant Reading- The audience decodes the reading in the way that the producer wants them
• Opposition Reading- The audience decodes the reading in the opposite way to what the producer wants
them to.
• Negotiated Reading- The audience accepts some of it but brings their own experience into it.
Audience Types:
This theory helped me on my audience feedback so
I could see in which “category” my readers would fit
and how would I manage to turn this in a positive
I came to the conclusion that my readers fit in two
categories: Dominant Reading and Negotiated
Reading, I am very happy with the results I came to
as my readers will have their own experience with
my content and will take it in a positive way. As for
the dominant reading, I am very confident that all
my contents are healthy and made to help the
young adults on their routine, they will be able to
see that this “difficult phase” is completely normal
and everyone goes through it in life, it will also help
them to get away from the stress and find places to
have fun, ideas to help them on their student life
and show them the real life not with perfect style,
body or skin but the real world as it is and how
much we can enjoy by just being ourselves and not
perfect at all.
My actual Feedback:

For my magazine cover feedback, I decided to create a survey with “Survey Monkey” website
( ) Where I had 11 responses, all from age 18 to 25
which is my target audience age group.
Creating this survey was crucial to my product so I could see what my age group audience wants to
see in my magazine. It also helped me to see the demographics by gender and what my man
audience and women audience has in common and what they don’t agree on.
Question 1: My first question showed me
that most of my target
audience ( More than 50% of
my responses) are not used
to buy magazines, this had a
negative impact on my
production as my audience is
not used to reading magazine
as much, but with that I was
then focused on producing
an unique project that would
make my readers change
their minds about magazines
and start reading more often.
But not all my responses
were negative, 19% said that
they do buy magazine weekly
and monthly, and less than
10% yearly.
In question two, I wanted to know
Question 2: from my audience, what they usually
enjoy reading in an magazine so I
could deliver this contents on my
magazine as well.
Fashion content was the main
content my readers voted as their
favourite content with 36% of the
responses. Celeb Gossip was the
second voted with 18% and Beauty
with 9%. This responses have
showed me that most of my
audience is probably made by
women as I know from previous
researches that this contents are
mainly read by women.
27% answered different contents
such as Politics, Research Magazines
and Design and 9% answered Travel
Question 3:
My third question had a few different answers, but 3 people had the same favourite magazine which is Vogue Magazine, all
these responses came from different women, Elle and Glamour were also responses by two different women, all these
Magazines has very similar contents. As for the man’s answers, none of them answered the same Magazine and all had a
different content such as: Computer arts, British Psychology and Asos, that means that my men audience are likely to have
different tastes for magazines as for the women mostly all of them are likely to read the same magazines.
Question 5:
On question five, my responses
were highly the same, 90% of my
responses said that there is a need
for young adults magazine, this
question was highly important to
my production as I am design a
new product that it is missing on
the market for the new youth, and
10 of 11 responses do agree with
that, which proves that my product
could be very popular and handy
to my audience.
Question 7 and 8:

My two last questions helped me to discover my main audience gender and age. 63% of my responses were female and
only 36% male, this responses helped me to develop a product for both man and women but with a little bit more for my
female readers as they were my main audience.
As for the age group, I was very happy that all my questions were answered by a group of young adults, it did helped me to
listen to my audience needs and what they want they need to be delivered in my magazine.
Instagram Feedback: For my social media followers to
see and give their feedback on my
work I decided to use my
Instagram private account where I
have all my friends in the same age
group as my audience target.
I have used the Instagram stories
to share my poster and cover of
the magazine and used “Poll” so
my followers could volte yes or no.
My responses were very similar to
my Whatsapp feedback, the most
liked cover was the girl doing her
laundry image with 78% yes, the
second most voted was the group
image with 67% and the third, the
man with his skate board with
Whatsapp feedback:
• My final audience feedback, I decided to create a group chat on my personal whatsapp and add all
my contacts that are on my audience age group, I sent them all my covers and poster and asked for
their feedback and which one did they like the most, my responses were:

"I liked this one because the idea of showing a girl in

"This image gathered my attention because of the colours and for representing an
the laundry caught my attention, it really gives the
everyday action for everyone in our age, it has also bright colours that got my
message of “London everyday” and also change the
attention which is very important for a cover" Giovana Melo ( 19 years old).
branding of something common. I’m not sure about
the message that you want to give but I really liked
the style of it and personally it’s the one which
caught my attention at first." Samia Regina (23 "I like images that give me a sense of movement, when I see moving image covers
years old). it catches more my attention than just a regular image because capturing
movement is very difficult" Luara (22 years old)

"This image gathered my attention because of the colours and for representing an
everyday action for everyone in our age, it has also bright colours that got my
attention which is very important for a cover" Giovana Melo ( 19 years old).
"I preferred this cover because London is supposed to be a city for the young adults
like us, and the fact that the model is with the skateboard in his hands represents a
lot of the young adults routine in this city as many of them do like to enjoy
"After reading the content on the cover, I would still pick this cover as my favourite,
skateboarding and just relaxing from all the stress this city brings" Daniel Ferrari
i though it was really interesting the content which made me enjoy it even more,
(20 years old)
the best restaurants was the best content in my opinion" Natty Muzzi (18 years
"lets say that this cover is showing a part of a independent persons routine in London (which is very common in our age to start being
independents in this city), we have a long list of thing to do such as studying, work and also, laundry. This image shows that time when we turn
off of all these craziness of living in this life and just enjoy it!." Natan Dos anjos (25 years old)."

"A group of friend enjoying the summer chatting close to the bay brings the attention to British students. As a matter of fact the image, the
headlines and the topics are also in harmony, you can see that the words used are obviously chose for the new generation and thats why this is
my favourite cover!" Amanda Silva (19 years old)

​"Getting to the point that the magazine is focusing and making their content
mainly for the youth, I believe the 2nd is a spot on" Gabriel Motta ( 21 years old)

"I think the topics and the layout got my attention because its talking about
summer activities with discount for students" Eddie Gomes ( 23 years old)
" This is my favourite cover because I can see all the information, everything is neat
and the colours I think goes quite well with the photo. But in my opinion I would
buy any of them." Gui (19 years old)

"This cover represents my vision of London Everyday" Natalia Dutra (19 years old)
Instagram Feedback for my posters:
For my posters I have also used my
Instagram account to get feedback from
my followers/friends.
I had 24 responses and they were very
similar to my whatsapp responses, 50%
said yes and 50% said no to my first
poster, I could see how voted yes and
now and again. The man audience had
almost 100% of the yes answer, as for
the second poster I was very surprised
when I had 100% no, which made me
rethink about this poster and see what
could I have done better and listen to
my audience opinion on this poster and
change everything needed, my last
poster had 86% yes and only 14% no,
this poster and cover magazine are
definitely the most liked poster from my
Analysing my feedback responses:
From all my feedbacks from the covers to the radio advert, I have learned better how to treat my
audience and how to create the perfect product for them. With all the feedbacks I learned:

• My Audience Likes and Dislikes about my magazine.

• Who my Audience were by doing my audience profile
• What my audience is expecting for me to deliver
• What should my main focus be
• Which contents were the best for my audience and how to deliver that in a young ,fresh and easy
to read way.
• Which designs and layouts would get my target audience attention easier.
• What should I change in my magazine
• What should I add to it
Overall, I am very happy with how much I have learned and grown as a Magazine producer, my skills and understanding of
audiences are much better after all my work and research on my audience and their responses, I am very satisfied will the
feedback I had from my posters, radio advert and the magazine itself, I could see that my target audience was also pleased
with the final project and how I responded to their needs and opinions on every survey taken.
I would definitely make a few changes on my next production that I did not changed in this magazine such as: My text fonts
and my Group poster, I did see that my audience was not completely content with this final products and I do agree with
In my opinion my Audience feedback was well made and had the perfect amount of information I need to design this
magazine. My audience was crucial to every step of my production as I was creating what my readers were asking in every
I have also learned from my teacher’s feedback and class colleagues while I was producing in school which made it even
easier to deliver my magazine as I had a professional help from my teacher and also help from students who were producing
a new project as well, In my opinion it was very important to have these feedbacks to grow a professional environment on my
media lessons and not only just for myself but also for my colleagues who were growing with me while giving their help.
To conclude, I have learned two main things from my audience feedback: How to improve my project to reach my target
audience more easily In all stages, I learned what changes I should make to my magazine and ancillary texts to make the
cover and the reading more appealing to my audience and hence how to make it more engaging to the readers.
I have also leaner from Media Theories and how they are apparent in my own products and how to apply them, I saw first
hand the differences in dominant and oppositional readings, stated by Hall, and also understood the audience theories such
as The hypodermic Needle theory and how what we deliver can influence my readers attitude and behaviour, Influence of
Mass media and how media can be a healthy influence for young adults, the Maslow’s theory and that my magazine would
be categorised in Esteem Needs and how to make that a healthy and positive need.

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