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Object Oriented Software Engineering

Concepts & Best Practices

Prof. B V Buddhadev
Professor in Computer Engineering
& PG In charge
L D College of Engineering
(M) 9825046179

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Why Software Engineering?
• Software development is hard !
• Important to distinguish “easy” systems (one
developer, one user, experimental use only) from “hard”
systems (multiple developers, multiple users, products)
• Experience with “easy” systems is misleading
– One person techniques do not scale up
• Analogy with bridge building:
– Over a stream = easy, one person job
– Over River Severn … ? (the techniques do not scale)

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Why Software Engineering ?

• The problem is complexity

• Many sources, but size is key:
– UNIX contains 4 million lines of code
– Windows 2000 contains 108 lines of code

Software engineering is about managing

this complexity.
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FAQs about software engineering
• What is
– software?
– software process?
– software engineering?
– software process model?

• What is software engineering?

• What is the difference
– between software engineering and computer science?
– between software engineering and system engineering?

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What is software?
• Computer programs and associated documentation

• Software products may be developed for a particular

customer or may be developed for a general market
• Software products may be
– Generic - developed to be sold to a range of different
– Bespoke (custom) - developed for a single customer according
to their specification
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What is software engineering?
Software engineering is an engineering discipline
which is concerned with all aspects of software
Software engineers should
– adopt a systematic and organised approach to their work
– use appropriate tools and techniques depending on
• the problem to be solved,
• the development constraints and
• the resources available
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What is the difference between software
engineering and computer science?

Computer Science Software Engineering

is concerned with
 theory  the practicalities of developing
 fundamentals  delivering useful software

Computer science theories are currently insufficient to act as

a complete underpinning for software engineering, BUT it is
a foundation for practical aspects of software engineering

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What is the difference between software
engineering and system engineering?

• Software engineering is part of System engineering

• System engineering is concerned with all aspects of
computer-based systems development including
– hardware,
– software and
– process engineering
• System engineers are involved in
system specification,
architectural design,
integration and deployment
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What is a software process?

• A set of activities whose goal is the

development or evolution of software
• Generic activities in all software processes are:
– Specification - what the system should do and its
development constraints
– Development - production of the software system
– Validation - checking that the software is what the
customer wants
– Evolution - changing the software in response to
changing demands
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What is a software process model?
A simplified representation of a software process, presented
from a specific perspective
• Examples of process perspectives:
Workflow perspective represents inputs, outputs and dependencies
Data-flow perspective represents data transformation activities
Role/action perspective represents the roles/activities of the people
involved in software process
• Generic process models
– Waterfall
– Evolutionary development
– Formal transformation
– Integration from reusable components

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What are the costs of software
• Roughly 60% of costs are development costs,
40% are testing costs. For custom software, evolution
costs often exceed development costs

• Costs vary depending on the type of system being

developed and the requirements of system attributes
such as performance and system reliability

• Distribution of costs depends on the development

model that is used
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What are the attributes of good software?
The software should deliver the required functionality and
performance to the user and should be maintainable,
dependable and usable
• Maintainability
– Software must evolve to meet changing needs
• Dependability
– Software must be trustworthy
• Efficiency
– Software should not make wasteful use of system resources
• Usability
– Software must be usable by the users for which it was designed

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What are the key challenges
facing software engineering?
Software engineering in the 21st century faces
three key challenges:
• Legacy systems
– Old, valuable systems must be maintained and updated
• Heterogeneity
– Systems are distributed and include
a mix of hardware and software
• Delivery
– There is increasing pressure
for faster delivery of software
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Object-Oriented Software

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What is Object Orientation?
• Procedural paradigm:
– Software is organized around the notion of procedures
– Procedural abstraction
• Works as long as the data is simple
– Adding data abstractions
• Groups together the pieces of data that describe some entity
• Helps reduce the system’s complexity.
– Such as Records and structures

• Object oriented paradigm:

– Organizing procedural abstractions in the context of data
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OO Concepts - 1
• Object
– encapsulates both data (attributes) and public class Student {
data manipulation functions (called
methods, operations, and services) int Id ;
• Class String Name;
– generalized description (template or
pattern) that describes a collection of
similar objects getStudentInfo() {
• Superclass }
– a collection of objects } // end class
• Subclass
– an instance of a class
Student s1,s2;
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OO Concepts - 2

• Class hierarchy
– attributes and methods of a superclass are inherited by its
• Messages
– the means by which objects exchange information with one
• Inheritance
– provides a means for allowing subclasses to reuse existing
superclass data and procedures
– provides mechanism for propagating changes

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OO Concepts - 3

• Polymorphism
– mechanism that allows several objects in an class
hierarchy to have different methods with the same
– instances of each subclass will be free to respond to
messages by calling their own version of the method

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Advantages of OO Architectures

• Implementation details of data and procedures hidden

from the outside world
– reduces propagation of side effects after changes
• Data structures and operators are merged in single
entity or class
– this facilitates reuse
• Interfaces among encapsulated objects are simplified
– reduces system coupling

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Class Construction Options - 1

• Build new class from scratch without using inheritance

• Use inheritance to create new class from existing class
contains most of the desired attributes and operations
• Restructure the class hierarchy so that the required
attributes and operations can be inherited by the newly
created class

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Class Construction Options - 2

• Override some attributes or operations in an existing

class and use inheritance to create a new class with
(specialized) private versions of these attributes and

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Object-Oriented Evolutionary Process
• Customer communication
• Planning
• Risk analysis
• Engineering construction and analysis
• Customer evaluation

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Object-Oriented Software Construction

• Identify candidate classes

• Look-up classes in library
• Extract classes if available
• Engineer classes if not available
– Object-oriented analysis (OOA)
– Object-oriented design (OOD)
– Object-oriented programming (OOP)
– Object-oriented testing (OOT)
• Put new classes in library
• Construct Nth iteration of the system
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Class Candidates

• External Entities
– devices or people
• Things in Problem Domain
– Reports, displays, signals
• Events
– completion of some task
• Roles
– manager, engineer, salesperson
• Organizational Units
– divisions, groups, teams
• Structures
– sensors, vehicles, computers
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Criteria for Including Objects

• Does object information need to be retained?

• Does object provide a set of needed services that can change its
• Does object have major (important) attributes?
• Can you identify common attributes for all object instances?
• Can you identify common operations for all object instances?
• Is it an external entity that produces or consumes information?

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Object-Oriented Life Cycle Model

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Management of OO Projects

• Establish a common process framework (CPF).

• Use CPF & historic data to eliminate time &
• Specify products & milestones.
• Define Q.A. checkpoints.
• Manage changes.
• Monitor project.

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OO Project Milestones

• Contracts completed.
• OO Analysis completed.
• OO Design completed.
• OO Programming completed.
• OO Testing completed.

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OO Project Metrics

• Number of scenario scripts.

• Number of key classes.
• Number of support classes.
• (# key classes)/(# support classes).
• Number of major iterations (around spiral
• Number of completed contracts.
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OO Estimation - 1

1. Use some effort decomposition technique (e.g.

FP) to determine size estimates.
2. Use O.O.A. to develop scenario scripts and count
3. Use O.O.A. to get the number of key classes.
4. Categorize types of the user interfaces to
determine support class multiplier:
NoUI = 2.0 TextUI = 2.25 GUI = 2.5 Complex GUI = 3.0

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OO Estimation - 2
5. Estimate the number of support classes
# support classes = (# of key classes) * (UI #)
6. Estimate total effort
Total effort =
(key + support) * (average # of work units per class)
7. Cross check class based estimate (6) using
Total effort =
(avg. # of work units per script) * (# of scenario scripts)

Note: takes 15-20 days to complete each class.

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1.0 Introduction to Patterns
• The recurring aspects of designs are called design patterns.
– A pattern is the outline of a reusable solution to a general problem
encountered in a particular context
– Many of them have been systematically documented for all
software developers to use
– A good pattern should
• Be as general as possible
• Contain a solution that has been proven to effectively solve the problem in
the indicated context.
Studying patterns is an effective way to learn from the experience of

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Pattern description
• The general situation in which the pattern applies
• A short sentence or two raising the main difficulty.
• The issues or concerns to consider when solving the problem
• The recommended way to solve the problem in the given context.
— ‘to balance the forces’
Antipatterns: (Optional)
• Solutions that are inferior or do not work in this context.
Related patterns: (Optional)
• Patterns that are similar to this pattern.
• Who developed or inspired the pattern.
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2.0 The Abstraction-Occurrence Pattern

– Context:
• Often in a domain model you find a set of related objects
• The members of such a set share common information
– but also differ from each other in important ways.
– Problem:
• What is the best way to represent such sets of occurrences in a class
–  Forces:
• You want to represent the members of each set of occurrences
without duplicating the common information

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– Solution:

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• Antipatterns:

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• Square variant

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3.0 The General Hierarchy Pattern
– Context:
• Objects in a hierarchy can have one or more objects above them
– and one or more objects below them (subordinates).
• Some objects cannot have any subordinates
– Problem:
• How do you represent a hierarchy of objects, in which some
objects cannot have subordinates?
– Forces:
• You want a flexible way of representing the hierarchy
– that prevents certain objects from having subordinates
• All the objects have many common properties and operations

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General Hierarchy

– Solution:

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General Hierarchy

– Solution:

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General Hierarchy

• Antipattern:

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4.0 The Player-Role Pattern

– Context:
• A role is a particular set of properties associated with an
object in a particular context.
• An object may play different roles in different contexts.
– Problem:
• How do you best model players and roles so that a player
can change roles or possess multiple roles?

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– Forces:
• It is desirable to improve encapsulation by capturing the
information associated with each separate role in a class.
• You want to avoid multiple inheritance.
• You cannot allow an instance to change class
– Solution:

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• Example 1:

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• Example 2:

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• Antipatterns:

– Merge all the properties and behaviours into a single

«Player» class and not have «Role» classes at all.
– Create roles as subclasses of the «Player» class.

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5.0 The Singleton Pattern
– Context:
• It is very common to find classes for which only one
instance should exist (singleton)
– Problem:
• How do you ensure that it is never possible to create more
than one instance of a singleton class?
– Forces:
• The use of a public constructor cannot guarantee that no
more than one instance will be created.
• The singleton instance must also be accessible to all
classes that require it

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– Solution:

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6.0 The Observer Pattern
– Context:
• When an association is created between two classes, the
code for the classes becomes inseparable.
• If you want to reuse one class, then you also have to reuse
the other.
– Problem:
• How do you reduce the interconnection between classes,
especially between classes that belong to different
modules or subsystems?
– Forces:
• You want to maximize the flexibility of the system to the
greatest extent possible

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– Solution:

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• Antipatterns:
– Connect an observer directly to an observable so
that they both have references to each other.
– Make the observers subclasses of the observable.

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