How To Conduct Research? Thinking, Research Methods, Structuring Publications

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How to Conduct Research?

Thinking, research methods,

structuring publications.

Alex Norta, PhD

Department of Informatics
TTU 19th Nov., 2013
 Context
– The ''Technical'': Service-Oriented Cloud Computing (SOCC)
– The ''Socio'': Human Action

 Good Thinking
– Trivium and Quadrivium
– Logical Fallacies

 Research Methods
– Action Research
– Design Science
– Action-Design Science

 Thesis and Paper Structure

– Mindmaps for Planning
Part 1: Context
Context: The Technical (SOCC)

Context: The ''Socio'' Human Action

 Where does SOCC-automation make sense?

 For tedious, repetitive human action in value chain

 Trust & reputation are part of subjective, individual urge

 Influenced by data, information, personal experience
 Information/application-logistics by discrete SOCC-automation
Part 2: Good Thinking
Good Thinking: Trivium
Good Thinking: Quadrivium
Good Thinking: Trivium
Research Question Organization
Good Thinking: Quadrivium
Logical Fallacies

 Ad hominem
 Strawman
 Red Herring
 Circular reasoning
 Faulty generalization
 Appeal to Authority
 Etc...................
Part 3:
Research Methods
Research Method: Action Research
Research Method: Design Science
Research Method: Design Science
Research Method: Design Science
Research Method: Design Science
Research Method: Design Science
Research Method:
Action-Design Research
Research Method:
Action-Design Research
Research Method:
Action-Design Research
Research Method:
Action-Design Research
Research Method:
Action-Design Research
Research Method:
Action-Design Research

 Action-design research (ADR) brings research close to reali

 Problematic when
– the organization is not smart
– individual power consideration trump organizational wellbeing
 Degree of innovation in ADR likely to be smaller than in des
ign science.
 ADR more pragmatic for funding generation from industry.
 More likely ADR delivers new research cases.
Part 4:
Publication Structure
Paper Structure: Mindmap
Paper Structure: Mindmap
Paper Structure: Mindmap
Paper Structure: Mindmap
Paper Structure: Mindmap
Thesis Structure: Mindmap
Thesis Structure: Mindmap
Thesis Structure: Mindmap
Thesis Structure: Mindmap
Thesis Structure: Mindmap
Thank you for listening!


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