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KP Interpretation

6 House
Rajendra Nimje, IAS
KP Astrologers Forum , India

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS 24-Nov-13

Diseases, Defects and Remedy

 6th cusp of natal chart gives complete picture of diseases which can occur
during lifetime
 Different diseases manifest in different DBAs depending on what they signify
 DB lord, its starlord and in which sign the DB lord is placed decides the nature
of diseases
 Ascendant and 6th house, 6 ,8 and 12 conjoined periods manifest diseases to
the native
 Cure comes in conjoin periods of 5th and 11th significators

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS 24-Nov-13

Diseases and cure

 5th Sublord gives Relief , analyze carefully for remedial measures

 Only 5th or 11th period gives partial relief, both will give complete relief
 If DB is signifying 8th then the pain is acute
 Significators of 12th takes native to hospital
 In horary, 6th cuspal sub gives perfect clue to the disease
 If 6th sub is mercury or its starlord is mercury or it is in a dual sign then the
diagnosis is incorrect. Change the treatment, doctor or investigate again
 Is this doctor good for my cure? Horary charts 7th sub if connected to 1, 5, 11
then yes

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS 24-Nov-13


 Horary chart , 5th sub or its starlord gives clue to remedies. If 5th sub is
 Sun then allopathic
 Moon , venus , homeopathy
 Mer, Sat Ayurveda
 Mars – physiotherapy
 Jup – Yoga
 Rahu/Ketu - which planet they signify strongly , decide accordingly
 5th sub mercury or in dual sign then two kind of treatments
 5th sub Saturn or connected or in fixed sign then long time treatment
 5th sub connected to moon or cancer sign then psychiatrist
 5th sub connected to 8th then operation
 6th sub if connected to maraka or badhaka then reason of death is the same disease
by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS 24-Nov-13

 Ascendant sublord if signify 8th then accidents are possible

 Accidents occur in DBA of 1, 8,12
 2nd sublord if connected to 8th then throat, nose, tongue , teeth will be
affected in an accident
 3rd sub if connected to 8th then Ear, arms, shoulders will be affected..
 Will the affected body part be cured fully?- Yes if in Horary chart :
 Sublord of the affected body part if connected to 5 and 11 then full recovery
 If sublord of the affected body part connected to 12 then permanent defect
 Sublord connected to only 5 or 11 then partial recovery
 DBA related to 4 then accidents will occur due to fall of house, tree…
by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS 24-Nov-13
Accidents and Defects

 DBA lord connected to

 watery sign then death due to water
 airy sign then accidents in aircraft or fall from height
 Planets in second house if signifying 8th house then poisoning
 If Saturn connects then bone crash
 Mars gives electric shock
 DBA of 12th running then hospitalization
 In natal chart if Ascendant sub is connected to 6, or 8 or 12 and DBA at the
time of birth is also of 6, 8 , 12 then permanent defect

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS 24-Nov-13

Muhurta for treatment, Gems

 Select strong significators of 5th and 11th houses of a natal chart

 Remove those significators which are connected to 6, 8, or 12
 If there are more than one significators left then select that who signifies
both 5 and 11
 Also can filter by Ruling planets
 Gems are useful to strengthen the mental strength and also to put a person
on track to take care of self.
 Person who is afraid of treatment also should wear GEMs to get the strength
to overcome phobia

by - Rajendra Nimje, IAS 24-Nov-13

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