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TOPIC : multi banking management

TIPTUR - 572202

Priyanka V 1KI15IS028
Sahana Vishnu Naik 1KI15IS029 Mr.Rajashekar K J B.E, MTech
Associate Professor & HOD,
Dept.of ISE,KIT Tiptur

Mrs.Shwetha G KB.E,Mtech
Assistant Professor,
Dept.of ISE,KIT Tiptur

The Multi Banking System Interface is targeted to the future banking solution for the users who
is having multiple bank accounts in multiple banks. This interface integrates all existing banks and
provides business solutions for both retail and corporate.
This system acts as a standard interface between the clients and all the banks, By using this
portal any client who maintain accounts in various banks can directly log on to Multi Banking
System Interface and make any kind of transactions. In the backend, system will take care of the
entire obligation required in order to carry on transaction smoothly.

1.Admin Module
2.Customer Module
3.Bank Admin Module
4.Reports Module

Software requiremets:
System : Windows

Technology : Java/j2ee (JDBC, Servlets, JSP)

Technologies : Html, JavaScript, CSS

Web Server : tTomcat

Database : Oracle

Software’ : J2SDK1.5, Tomcat 5.5, Oracle 9i

Hardware requriments

Hardware : Pentium based systems with a minimum of p4

RAM : 256MB (minimum)

 Bike lanes is widely used in marketing to exhbit bikes.
 In company manager maintains bike records..

 HTML : It defines the structure and layout of a web document by using a
variety of tags and attributes.
 CSS : Cascading Style Sheet refers to the document itself.
 JavaScript : A popular scripting language that is widely supported in web browsers
and other web tools. It is maintained as source code embedded into an
HTML page.
 PHP : PHP is powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive web pages. It
is an HTML embedded scripting language.
 My SQL : My SQL is a relational database management system. It stores data in
separate tables.
• Bikes Lane provides information to bike customers about specification of bikes.
User login/verification is done to provide privacy and secure user data. It allows user
to search bikes based on various filter elements such as company, cc, type of bike,
and model name. User can create his own wish list using Bikes Lane. All the
specification of bike along with its image is displayed on the screen, which helps user
decide which bike will suit his needs. Bikes Lane also has upcoming bikes tab which
informs user about all the upcoming bikes across various brands along with its
expected price and expected date of release. It also has a feature called services
which suggest approximate first three service cost of various bike models across
different brands.
• Bikes Lane already has over 40+ bikes in its database along with their detailed
specification and images. Bikes Lane can be further developed under proper goals
and it can replace the concepts of showrooms into e-show casing, where user can
learn all the information that he gets by going to a showroom just sitting in front of his
computer. It’s services simplifies all the things you do manually, like creating a wish
list or searching a specific bike. So we can say Bikes Lane with 40+ bikes across
various brand is a e-showroom that showcases specification of many different bikes of
different brands.
Login page of Bike lanes
Dashboard of Bike lanes
Cost price of Bike lanes
Wishlist of bike lanes

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