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Mid Term Report

Integrated Framework,
Visualization and Analysis of
 Developed a prototype for the tool
– Application Specification
– Target Platform Specification
– Binding
– HW and SW Estimation
– Partitioning
 Studied the previous work done in this
area ( Mr. Sheshagiri’s M.Tech Thesis )
 Familiarized ourselves with the JAVA
Development Environment
 Understood the overall framework of
the project
 The role of our tool in the project
Future Issues
 Need to formalize the communication
with other tools
– Input Details
– Output Details
– Other issues
 Analysis Details
– What information will be needed ?
– How to extract that information ?
 Binding Issues
– Task communication requirements
Communication with tools

 HW/SW Estimator
– Invocation Details
– Tool-specific output needed
 Partitioner
– Bindings output
 Synthesizer tools
 C Function Extractor
Other Issues

 Profiler
– Default DataSet ?

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