Barangay Micro Business Enterprises

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Republic Act

No. 9178


is defined as any business enterprise engaged in
production, processing or manufacturing of products, including
agro-processing, as well as trading and services, with total assets
of not more than P3 million. Such assets shall include those
arising from loans but not the land on which the plant and
equipment are located.
Republic Act No. 9178
Barangay Micro Business
(BMBEs) Act of 2002

The “BMBEs Act of 2002” encourages the formation and
growth of Barangay micro business enterprises by granting
them incentive and other benefits.

The Act was signed into law by President Gloria Macapagal-

Arroyo on 13 November 2002.

(BMBEs) Act of 2002

Its Implementing
Rules and
Regulations (IRR)

The Act primarily aims to integrate micro
enterprises in the informal sector into the
mainstream economy.

Strengthening BMBEs would mean more jobs

and livelihood, and a better quality of life for

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Income tax Exemption from Priority to a Technology Marketing
exemption from the coverage of special credit transfer, assistance
income arising the Minimum window set up production and programs for
from the Wage Law specifically for management BMBE
operations of the the financing training beneficiaries.
enterprise requirements of

Reference : The basics you can find anywhere 5 Steps To Successful Storytelling Published on April 5, 2014 Featured in: Marketing & Advertising
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Department of Department of University of the Cooperative Technical
Trade and Science and Philippines- Development Education and
Industry (DTI) Technology Institute for Authority (CDA) Skills
(DOST) Small Scale Development
Industries Authority

6 Technology and Livelihood Resource Center (TLRC) 8

The following government financial institutions will provide
a special credit window for BMBEs:

 Land Bank of the Philippines;

 Development bank of the Philippines;
 Small Business Guarantee and Finance Corporation;
 People’s Credit and Finance Corporation;
 Quedan and Rural Credit Guarantee Corporation;
 Government Service Insurance System (for members only); and
 Social Security System (for members only)
Any person, natural or juridical, such as
partnership, corporation, association and cooperative,
having the qualifications and none of the
disqualifications shall be eligible to register as BMBEs.

Applications for BMBE Certificate of Authority shall be

filed with the Negosyo Centers established in each
province, city or municipality, or in the DTI offices
where Negosyo Centers have not been set up.


Engaged in the production, Department of Trade and Industry

Not more than Three Million processing or manufacturing of for sole proprietorships; for
PESOS(PhP3,000,000.00) products or commodities, juridical persons: with the
excluding land including agro- Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), for
processing, trading and corporations, partnerships and
services associations; and with the
Cooperative Development
Authority for cooperatives.

Certificate of Business Certificate of Registration Certificate of Registration

Name Registration from from the Securities and from the Cooperative
the Department of Trade Exchange Commission Development Authority
and Industry (DTI), (SEC) (CDA).


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Accomplish and file the The DTI, through the The DTI, after finding the
application form for applicant to be eligible and
Negosyo Center, qualified, issues the BMBE
BMBE Certificate of evaluates the application Certificate of Authority within
Authority for purposes of fifteen (15) working days from
determining the receipt of application with
eligibility and complete requirements;
otherwise, the BMBE
qualifications as a Certificate of Authority shall
BMBE be deemed approved
What is the validity period of
the BMBE Certificate of
Authority registration?
The BMBE Certificate of Authority shall be
effective for a period of two (2) years
commencing from the date of issuance.
The CA may be renewed for the same
period of two (2) years and every two (2)
years thereafter subject to the applicant’s
continued compliance with the eligibility
requirements prescribed by law

14 14
How much will it cost to

The registration and

issuance of the CA shall be
free of charge.

What is the effect of the law
on wages of existing/ newly
hired employees?
Existing employees shall continue
to receive their wages, allowances,
and other benefits. On the other
hand, wages of employees hired by
BMBEs after the latter’s registration
shall be exempted from the
coverage of the minimum wage
How much should a BMBE
worker be paid for his
It depends between the
employer and the worker.
They shall mutually agree
on the acceptable wage
How can a BMBE avail of the
exemption from the
coverage of the minimum
wage law?
Once a BMBE is registered and
issued with a Certificate of
Authority, it is automatically
exempted from the minimum
wage law.
What are the steps in
availing of the Income Tax
The BMBE registers with the BIR
Revenue District Office (RDO)
where the principal office or place
of business is located and its
submission of the necessary

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Copy of the Sworn Certified list Certified list Latest audited
BMBE’s Statement of of branches, of affiliates Financial
Certificate of Assets of the sales outlets, Statement or
Authority BMBE and/or places of Account
its affiliates, production, Information
supported by warehouses Form or its
pertinent and storage equivalent
documents facilities
Reference : The basics you can find anywhere 5 Steps To Successful Storytelling Published on April 5, 2014 Featured in: Marketing & Advertising
What document should be
filed with BIR by an income
tax exempt BMBE?
In lieu of an income tax return, an
income tax exempt BMBE is
required to submit an Annual
Information Return. This is filed on
or before the 15th day of the 4th
month after the close of the
taxable year with an Account
Information Form, which contains
data from its financial statement
and Sworn Statement of Assets
Owned and/or Used. 21
No. The income tax exemption privilege of a BMBE may be revoked for
any of the following reasons:
 Transfer of place of business;
 Value of its total assets exceeds P3M;
 Voluntary surrender of the Certificate of Authority;
 Death of the registered individual owner of the BMBE; violation or non-
compliance with the provisions of R.A. 9178;
 Merger or consolidation with an entity which is not eligible to be a BMBE;
 Sale or transfer of the BMBE, if it is a sole proprietorship without prejudice
to the transferee applying for registration;
 Submission of fake or falsified documents;
 Retirement from business, or cessation/suspension of operations for one
year; and
 Making false or omitting required declarations or statements.
Does the BMBE have to
report any change in the
status of its ownership

The BMBE shall report to the DTI

through the Negosyo Center of any
change in the status of its ownership
structure and shall surrender the
original copy of the BMBE
Certificate of Authority for notation.


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