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• Severe sepsis and Septic

• Anaphylactic shock
• Hypovolemic shock
• Cardiogenic shock
• Neurogenic shock
• Septic Shock
• Bacteremia – bacteria in blood
• Septicemia – bacteremia with symptoms
• Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
- fever (>38C) or hypothermia (<36C)
- tachypnea (>24 breaths/min)
- tachycardia (HR of >90/min)
- leukocytosis (>12 000/ul)
- leukopenia (<4000/ul) or >10% bands
• Sepsis – SIRS that has a proven or suspected mirobial etiology
- Elevation of procalcitoin: marker for progression to severe sepsis
• Septic Shock – Sepsis + hypotension
• Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) – dysfunction of more than
one organ, as a complication of sepsis.
• Chronic disease (Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic
renal failure, Chronic Liver failure)
• Immunodeficient people (HIV, AIDS, SCID,
transplant recipient, autoimmune diseases)
• Elderly
• Trauma (open wounds)
• Hospital acquired (IV-catheters, surgical
1. Hemodynamic management
• Maintain BP and vital organ perfusion and function.

2. Eradicate the infection

• Apropriate antimicrobial therapy

3. Inhibition of action of inflammatory mediators.

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