Web Tech (Concept of Ip Address and DNS)

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(AI 170038)
(AI 170020)
1. What is IP address ?
2. What is DNS ?
3. How are they similar ?
4. How are they different ?
5. Where do they interact ?
6. How the IP address works ?
7. How the DNS works ?
8. More important facts on IP address and DNS from
9. In your opinion, how can we improve this video ?
What is IP address ?
 An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label
assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses
the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two
principal functions: host or network interface identification and
location addressing.
 Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) defines an IP address as a 32-
bit number. However, because of the growth of the Internet and
the depletion of available IPv4 addresses, a new version of IP (IPv6),
using 128 bits for the IP address, was developed in 1995, and
standardized in December 1998.In
 IP addresses are usually written and displayed in human-
readable notations, such as in IPv4,
and 2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:8:1 in IPv6. The size of the routing prefix
of the address is designated in CIDR notation by suffixing the address
with the number of significant bits, e.g.,, which is
equivalent to the historically used subnet mask
What is DNS ?
 The Domain Name System (DNS) translates Internet domain
and host names to IP addresses and vice versa.

 On the Internet, DNS automatically converts between the

names we type in our Web browser address bar to the IP
addresses of Web servers hosting those sites. Larger
corporations also use DNS to manage their own
company intranet. Home networks use DNS when accessing
the Internet but do not use it for managing the names of home
How are they similar ?
 What is in common between DNS - the Domain Name
System, and IP addresses? It is the fact that the DNS is
an Internet service that translates domain names/hostnames
to IP addresses (forward DNS) and IP addresses to their
associated domain names/hostnames (Reverse DNS) with
the help of a DNS server.

 This is one of the crucial services on the Internet, greatly

facilitating the access of users to websites, by helping each
visitor refer to the desired website only by typing its alpha-
numeric name (domain name) in the browser instead of its
real numeric system name (IP address).
How are they different ?
O While the IP addresses are the actual locations
where the entities are located, DNS only gives the
entity aa Name, based on some standard rules. For
example, DNS is similar to a name of a place, and
IP address is similar to the address to the physical
location of the place. When a user types a Domain
Name, the DNS translates the domain name into
an IP address and locates the host physically.
O DNS assigns an alphanumerical name to an entity
that is easily remembered by the users, and the IP
assigns a numerical value to the network entity.
Where do they interact ?
O IP address and Domain Name Server (DNS)
interact at any network.
O When the user type a host name in the web
browser the DNS will convert the host in to
IP address.
How the IP address works ?
O Virtually all computers are connected to the Internet,
whether it's through e-mail, web browsing, or streaming
videos. An IP address plays a significant role in your
computer's ability to request and receive information from
the Internet. A computer's networking software is wired to
follow a list of protocols, rules that enable the computer
to connect to the Internet, by swapping information and
data back and forth through the network. One of those
rules, the Internet Protocol, is responsible for addressing,
delivering, and routing online requests accurately. To do
that, the Internet Protocol attaches a unique number to
every request: the IP address. Computers use the IP
address to distinguish itself from the other thousands of
computers accessing the same network.
How the IP address works?
How the DNS works ?
More important facts on IP
address and DNS from you.
O -We know that IP address is a unique identifier
given to every machine in a network.
O - DNS is important for example names could be
mapped to specific IP addresses to deliver far
more easily.
O -It is important for people to easily browse the
pages you want to open.
O -If dns does not exist, someone who wants to
browse the page need to type the numeric ip
O -This is not illogical because the human brain
can not work in that situation.
In your opinion, how can we
improve this video ?

O Put more tools that can help students

O Explain in the fun moment that can
entertain the students.

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