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Deming’s 14 points for top

S Create constancy of purpose for improvement of products

and services

S Adapt the new philosophy

S Cease dependence on mass inspection

S End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price

tag alone
S Constantly improve the system of production and services

S Institute training

S Adopt and institute leadership

S Drive out fear

S Break down barriers between staff areas

S Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the work force

S (a) Eliminate numerical quota for the work force

S (b) Eliminate numerical goals for people in management

S Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship

S Encourage education and self-improvement for everyone

S Take action to accomplish the transformation

Ten strategies for top

S Proactive management

S Adventurous and bold change management

S Do It Right the First Time (DIRFT)

S Continuous preventive action

S Care for little things and accumulate gains

S Ensure economic performance

S Practice manage by walking around

S Measure success

S Never rest on laurels, continue to improve

S Build virtual organizations

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