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Constructing Confidence

a/2 1-a a/2
Course 2 Econometrics
Professor Erika Marin
Chapter Topics
• The estimation process
•Confidence Interval Estimation for the Mean
(s Known)
•Confidence Interval Estimation for the Mean
(s Unknown)
•Confidence Interval Estimation for the Proportion
•The Situation of Finite Populations
•Sample Size Estimation
 Statistical inference is the process by
which we acquire information about
populations from samples.
 There are two types of inference:
 Estimation
 Hypotheses testing
Concepts of Estimation
 The objective of estimation is to determine the
value of a population parameter on the basis of a
sample statistic.
 There are two types of estimators:
Point Estimator
Interval estimator
Estimation Process

Population Random Sample

I am 95%
Mean confident that m
Mean, m, is is between 40 &
unknown X = 50

Point Estimator
A point estimator draws inference about a
population by estimating the value of an
unknown parameter using a single value
or point.
Point Estimator
A point estimator draws inference about a
population by estimating the value of an
unknown parameter using a single value
or point.
Population distribution

Sampling distribution

Point estimator
Interval Estimator
An interval estimator draws inferences
about a population by estimating the value
of an unknown parameter using an
Population distribution Parameter

Sample distribution

Interval estimator
Population Parameters
Estimate Population with Sample
Parameter... Statistic
Mean m X
Proportion p ps

s 2 2
Variance s
_ _
Difference m - m x - x
1 2 1 2
Confidence Interval Estimation

 Provides Range of Values

 Based on Observations from 1 Sample

 Gives Information about Closeness to

Unknown Population Parameter
 Stated in terms of Probability
Never 100% Sure
Elements of Confidence
Interval Estimation

A Probability That the Population Parameter

Falls Somewhere Within the Interval.
Confidence Interval Sample

Confidence Limit Confidence Limit

(Lower) (Upper)
Level of Confidence
 Probability that the unknown population parameter falls
within the interval

 Denoted (1 - a) % = level of confidence

 e.g. 90%, 95%, 99%

 a Is Probability That the Parameter Is Not Within the

The Confidence Interval for m
( s is known)
 Three commonly used confidence levels

level a a/2 za/2
0,90 0,10 0,05 1,645
0,95 0,05 0,025 1,96
0,99 0,01 0,005 2,58
Confidence Intervals
X  Z s X  X  Z 
n sx_
m  1.645 s x m  1.645 s x
90% Samples

m  1 . 96 s x m  1 . 96 s x
95% Samples

m  2 .58s x m  2 .58s x
99% Samples
Intervals &
Level of Confidence
Distribution of s_
the Mean a/2 1-a a/2
Intervals mX  m
Extend from
(1 - a) % of
X  Zs X Intervals
Contain m.
a % Do Not.
X  Zs X
Confidence Intervals
Factors Affecting
Interval Width
 Data Variation
Intervals Extend from
measured by s
X - Zs to X + Z s
x x
 Sample Size

sX sX / n
 Level of Confidence
(1 - a)

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Confidence Interval Estimates


Mean Proportion

s Known s Unknown Population
Confidence Intervals (s Known)

 Assumptions
 Population Standard Deviation Is Known
 Population Is Normally Distributed
 If Not Normal, use large samples

 Confidence Interval Estimate

s s
X  Za / 2 
m X  Za / 2 
The Confidence Interval for m
( s is known)
 Example
 Doll Computer Company delivers computers directly
to its customers who order via the Internet.
 To reduce inventory costs in its warehouses Doll
employs an inventory model, that requires the
estimate of the mean demand during lead time.
 It is found that lead time demand is normally
distributed with a standard deviation of 75 computers
per lead time.
 Estimate the lead time demand with 95% confidence,
knowing that the sample mean is 370.16.
The Confidence Interval for m
( s is known)
 Example – Solution
 The parameter to be estimated is m, the mean demand
during lead time.
 We need to compute the interval estimation for m.
 The sample mean is
x  370.16.
Since 1 - a =.95, a = .05.
s 75
x  za 2  370.16  z .025 Thus a/2 = .025. Z.025 = 1.96
n 25
 370.16  1.96  370.16  29.40  340.76, 399.56
Confidence Interval Estimates


Mean Proportion

s Known s Unknown Population
Confidence Intervals (s Unknown)
 Assumptions
 Population Standard Deviation Is Unknown
 Population Must Be Normally Distributed
 Use Student’s t Distribution
 Confidence Interval Estimate

X  ta / 2,n 1  m X  ta / 2,n 1 
Student’s t Distribution


Bell-Shaped t (df = 13)

‘Fatter’ Tails t (df = 5)

Degrees of Freedom (df)

 Number of Observations that Are Free

to Vary After Sample Mean Has Been
 Example degrees of freedom =
 Mean of 3 Numbers Is 2 n -1
X1 = 1 (or Any Number) = 3 -1
X2 = 2 (or Any Number) =2
X3 = 3 (Cannot Vary)
Mean = 2
Student’s t Table

a/2 Assume: n = 3 df
Upper Tail Area
a = .10
df .25 .10 .05 a/2 =.05

1 1.000 3.078 6.314

2 0.817 1.886 2.920 .05

3 0.765 1.638 2.353
0 t
t Values 2.920
Example: Interval Estimation
s Unknown

A random sample of n = 25 has the average = 50 and

s = 8. Set up a 95% confidence interval estimate for m.
X  ta / 2, n 1 
n m X  ta / 2,n 1 

50  2.0639 
 m
 50  2.0639 

46 . 69  m  53 . 30
Confidence Interval Estimates


Mean Proportion

s Known s Unknown Population
Estimation for
Finite Populations
 Assumptions
 Sample Is Large Relative to Population

 n / N > .05
 Use Finite Population Correction Factor
 Confidence Interval (Mean, sX Unknown)

 m X  X  ta / 2,n 1  S  N  n
S N n
X  ta / 2,n 1  
n N 1 n N 1
Confidence Interval Estimates


Mean Proportion

s Known s Unknown Population
Confidence Interval Estimate
 Assumptions
 Two Categorical Outcomes

 Population Follows Binomial Distribution

 Normal Approximation Can Be Used

 n·p  5 & n·(1 - p)  5

 Confidence Interval Estimate

ps (1  ps ) ps (1  ps )
p s  Za / 2   p  p s  Za / 2 
n n
Example: Estimating Proportion

A random sample of 400 Voters showed 32 preferred

Candidate A. Set up a 95% confidence interval
estimate for p.

ps (1  ps ) ps (1  ps )
p s  Za / 2   p p s  Za / 2 
n n

.08(1  .08) .08(1  .08)

.08  1.96   p .08  1.96 
400 400

.053  p  .107
Sample Size

Too Big: Too Small:

•Requires too •Won’t do
much resources the job
Example: Sample Size
for Mean
What sample size is needed to be 90% confident of
being correct within ± 5? A pilot study suggested that
the standard deviation is 45.

2 2
Z s
2 2
. 45
n   219.2 @ 220
2 2
Error 5
Round Up
Example: Sample Size
for Proportion
What sample size is needed to be within ± 5 with 90%
confidence? Out of a population of 1,000, we randomly
selected 100 of which 30 were defective.

Z p(1  p) 1.645 (.30)(. 70)

2 2
n 2
 2
 227.3
error .05

@ 228
Round Up
Example: Sample Size
for Mean Using fpc
What sample size is needed to be 90% confident of
being correct within ± 5? Suppose the population size
N = 500.

n0 N 219.2  500
n   152.6
n0  ( N  1) 219.2  (500  1)
@ 153
where Z s2 2 Round Up
n0  2
 219.2

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