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By: Rylee Harris
1784 post war depression
◦ After the revolutionary war the country was going through a depression,
resulting in many farmers growing cash crops if they were near water or they
would rely on subsistence farming to support themselves.
Farming technology of late 1790 to
the 18th century
◦ Cotton gin created by Eli Whitney 1793
◦ Cradle and Scythe introduced 1793
◦ Patent of first cast- iron plow 1797
◦ Oxen and horses used to plow fields 1800, then the fist tractor in 1892
Farming machinery of the 1900’s
◦ Cotton stripper for the high plains 1926
◦ Light tractors created 1926
◦ Bread slicing machine 1928
◦ FFA Founded 1928
The dust bowl
of the 1930’s
◦ After years of drought and the land
being over worked resulting in loose
top soil that could easily become
eroded by the wind the dust bowl of
the 1930’s was the result.

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