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Playlist – Share the Fun

BuyMyPlaylist Business Service for Institutional

Radio Stations, Music Clubs, Fan Clubs, Music-
related Blogs and Magazines, Cafes, Bars,
Restaurants, Spas, Fitness Centers, Hotels, etc.

A Cooperation Offer, September 2010
Welcome to BuyMyPlaylist!
BuyMyPlaylist (BMP) is an interactive online music service and social network offering its members
an opportunity to discover, listen to, and purchase their favorite music to:

create signature playlists that can be used by a variety of institutional users as

their own background/business music, to market their brand, products and
services, to entertain patrons and/or build loyal following.
BMP offers its registered members an opportunity to browse a fully-licensed, comprehensive online
music catalog, consisting of over 8 million songs and musical composition of all genres, and/or to
upload their own music to build and publish unique mixes and virtual albums. In addition – this is
truly innovative and beneficial -- the playlist creators, including institutional users like you, can
recommend this music to others and thus earn valuable BMP credits good for accessing more music
or giving this access to your patrons and partners as tokens of appreciation or in connection with
your marketing efforts, and thus reduce your operational costs .
The BuyMyPlaylist offer is quite extensive and flexible, and it can be tailored to the specific
needs of an institutional user who uses music as part of their business .

What’s in it for an user like you

(a summary of basic benefits):

• A guided access to our catalog of over 8,000,000 tracks of all genres and from over 70 countries
and languages – from classical music to jazz, to electronic; from Cuban Hot Hits to Chinese Pop, etc.
• An opportunity to build up to 5 signature or thematic playlists per month for a moderate
membership fee that can be waived; No costly set up or software integration headaches. No need
to buy master record licenses or deal with copyright agencies. Note: if you intend to play your
playlist to the public you might need to secure appropriate broadcasting license and pay local fees.
• An opportunity to publish your playlists on our site and through the BMP embeddable Webplayer
on your own site as well as any other site and social network that accepts such webplayers, for
example, on your Facebook or MySpace pages.
• An attractive reward program, up to 15% of net revenues your playlists might generate, should
you chose to recommend them for purchase by other BMP users and your clients or partners.
• A dedicated Dashboard that allows for real-time monitoring of your playlists popularity, usage
patterns, and rewards they generates. And much more…
BMP Music Catalog
In fact, there are three music catalogs available to all BMP users on our website. All
contain original, fully-licensed, MP3 audio tracks of the highest quality (320kbps):

• the download catalog, powered by our licensing partner 7Digital. This catalog consists
of more than 8 million tracks from all major record companies such as Universal, Sony,
Warner Brothers and EMI, and hundreds of other smaller labels from around the world.

• the download and streaming catalog, containing over 1 million tracks, mainly from so
called independent labels and aggregators, such as The orchard, for example.
• the user-uploaded catalog, which is being built daily by the BMP users and
independent artists/labels who submit their compositions directly to BMP. Should you
own or otherwise control all the rights to some music, this is where you can upload your
tracks and then use them, mix them with other tunes, to build your favorite playlists.
BMP Playlist
Each BMP playlist might contain from 5 to 8 tracks selected from our catalogs. The
playlists should be no longer than 35 minutes of non-stop play, and contain no more
than two tracks by the same artist or band. Otherwise:

they are, like, your own compositions

• they can be “personal” or signature playlists, embodying the special character or style
of your establishment and/or associating your business with selected music. For
example, you are a Caribbean-South European fusion restaurant -- why to play a random
radio music in the background? Create your own playlist of hand-picked matching tunes,
play them at your restaurant or share with your customers online
• they can be thematic, for example, used at your spa or fitness center to accompany
specific exercises, to warm-up, work out or relax, or to recommend them to your
customers for purchase at BMP and continuing a recommended routine at home.
Each time the playlist you’ve created and recommend to others is purchased for
download or streaming by a BMP user, you can earn credits worth up to 15% of the
music retail price – then, you can redeem the credits to acquire more music, to pay for
other BMP services or sponsor your outreach and marketing efforts.

they can be a great new source of additional income

• or to maximize your profits. For example, you are an organizer of a concert or musical
event – if you have secured the proper rights to the unique concert recordings, you can
then publish the life version of the music on our and hundreds other websites or your
own site and earn money and/or recognition.
• or to save money – businesses, such as hotels, restaurants or galleries, use music to
create desire ambiance. With BMP you can not only create and play your own signature
music (as opposed to the run of the mill “elevator” music) but also quit the can-be-
expensive commercial streaming services and save on Wi-Fi Players and installation costs.
No multi-location requirement. No minimums to meet.
BMP Playlist can also be a great promotional tool
• to help market your business or product(s)
• to enhance your brand
• to earn following and customer loyalty, or
• to diversify/test your market offerings

For example, a radio station or music magazine/website can organize or sponsor playlist
creation competitions to engage and interact with existing users or to gain new ones; or
can create monthly or year’s end playlists featuring the most popular artists/music
played by the station or featured by a program/section of the magazine, including
personal playlists by the hosts or authors or by the celebrities/guests of the program; or
can use the playlists to outreach to new users, send then links and widgets with
sponsored music or as tokens of appreciation for their continuing support… and many
other creative uses. Each time your playlists are downloaded or streamed by others,
you gain business!
The Embeddable Webplayer

When cooperating with BMP, you have the unique opportunity not only to create and
publish online personal and thematic playlists, but also to embed your very own
webplayer into your business website, MySpace or Facebook profile, or just about any
other place in the Web that allows embeddable elements.
Our widget can help you present and promote your business to your loyal customers, as
well as reach out to new markets, including international. Since the webplayer is easy to
reproduce and distribute at no additional cost (also by your customers, as P2P or viral
distribution), it might prove to be a very effective & inexpensive mass marketing tool.
In the future, the BMP Webplayer will feature graphically customizable skins in different
colors, sizes and shapes… for your customers to easily recognize and remember/
popularize your brand!
BMP Reward Program
As mentioned before, each time the playlists you have created and published using our
services is purchased by another BMP user, you can earn credits worth up to:

15% of your playlists’ net retail prices*

No other online music service offers such an opportunity. The actual percentage level
varies depending on the popularity of your creations. The 15% rate applies to playlists
that sell more than 500 times a month in one territory; playlist selling up to that level,
earn 12%. Still, a $7.45 playlist downloaded moderate 1,000 times can generate:

($7.45 x 500 x 12%) + (7.45 x 500 x 15%) = 100,575 BMP credits worth $1,005

Then you can apply these credits to your monthly membership or advertising, to
sponsor a contest or to pass them to your customers as rewards and incentives.
* that is, excluding local taxes and other fees, if any.
BMP User Dashboard & Controls
Unlike many other services, BMP offers its institutional members full transparency and
control of your account, its conditions and costs, as well as the ability to:

monitor and adjust your playlist performance in real time

• As a member and subscriber of the BMP business services, you will have your own
protected account and control panel (or Dashboard), equipped with sophisticated yet
intuitive to use monitoring and analytical tools
• The tools will allow you to view historical and real time performance of your playlists
and/or sponsored events, edit the playlists, adjust their recommended prices to follow
the traffic trends and maximize outcomes, analyze users statistics and comments,
generate reports, manage your credits, transfer them to other accounts or buy credits,
and others – all at your own discretion and fully transparent, based on known criteria
and rules.
So Again, What Can the BMP Business Service Mean To You?
• An easy to create and manage customized account for a moderate monthly
fee that can be paid off with the BMP Rewards (Credits);
• an ability to create personal and thematic playlists, using large
comprehensive and fully licensed catalogs of MP3 audio files of the highest
• an opportunity to use these playlists to promote your business, its product(s)
and brand(s); gain new customers, interact with and enhance loyalty of the
existing customer or to introduce/test and diversify your market offerings;
• exposure to new user-friendly technologies and cost-effective marketing
methods, including popular P2P and viral marketing and distribution; and,
• an additional source of income and/or ability to reduce your operational costs
Thank You For Your Time!

We invite You to visit

For more information on

cooperation with BMP, please
send an e-mail to:
Phone: +48 605 332 043

Hope To Hear From You Very


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