Case Study Presentation: Group 2

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INTRODUCTION What is abruptio placenta?
Abruptio placenta is the premature separation of a
OF placenta from its implantation in the uterus. Within
ABRUPTIO the placenta are many blood vessels that allow the
transfer of nutrients to the fetus from the mother. If
PLACENTA the placenta begins to detach during pregnancy,
there is bleeding from these vessels. The larger the
area that detaches, the greater the amount of

It affects about 9 out of 1,000 pregnancies. It

usually occurs in the third trimester, but it can
happen at any time after the 20th week of
pregnancy. It occurs in 1% of pregnancies world
wide with a fetal mortality rate of 20–40%
depending on the degree of separation. Placental
abruption is also a significant contributor to
maternal mortality.
Anatomy and Physiology
Normal Function of the Placenta:
For nine months the placenta feeds and nourishes the
fetus while also disposing of toxic waste. Without it
the baby could not survive. After the baby is born,
the placenta no longer serves a function.

Among organs, it is unique. It is the only organ in the

human body that serves a vital function and then
becomes obsolete.
Primary role of the placenta
• to ensure that oxygen is moved into the baby’s
blood stream and carbon dioxide is carried
away from the baby  – however the waste is
not limited to oxygen and also includes
cleaning out other waste which is produced by
the baby. In the same way that it ensures
oxygen reaches your baby, it also plays a role in
ensuring that some nutrients are received.
• The placenta is an extremely complex piece of
biological equipment. It is a little bit like an
artificial kidney, it allows the blood and the
baby's to come into very close contact - but
without ever mixing. This enables the blood to
pass across nutrients and oxygen to the baby,
and waste products like carbon dioxide to go
back from baby to mother. It acts as the lung,
kidney and digestive system for the baby.
• The placenta also plays an important role in
hormone production. Human chronic
gonadotropin, or HCG is produced by the
placenta. This hormone can be found in the
baby’s blood stream as early as 10 days from
pregnancy. This is of course not the only
hormone which the placenta produces as it is
also responsible for the production of
estrogen and progesterone .
• The placenta also performs the important
function of protecting the baby for possible
infection – however, it is not always able to
distinguish between what is a good substance
and what isn’t – and this is why pregnant
women are asked to avoid substances which
may cause harm, such as caffeine, alcohol,
herbal substances and drugs.

Bleeding into the decidua basalis leads to separation
of the placenta. Hematoma formation further
separates the placenta from the uterine wall,
causing compression of these structures and
compromise of blood supply to the fetus.
Retroplacental blood may penetrate through the
thickness of the uterine wall into the peritoneal
Placental abruption is dangerous because of the risk of
uncontrolled bleeding (hemorrhage). Although severe
placental abruption is rare, other complications may include the

• hemorrhage and shock.

• disseminated vascular coagulation (DIC) - a serious blood clotting
• poor blood flow and damage to kidneys or brain.
• Postpartum hemorrhage.

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