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A2 Induction

Unit 6
Holiday HW
Video with core A2 concepts (25 Mins)
A2 Stats Basics
A2 Statistics in
Biology Basics
Aim: To discuss and complete a worked examples of main
statistical tests used in A2 biology and understand the
significance of the Level of Probability (P) at 0.05.
Null Hypothesis
• The null hypothesis (Hₒ) is the assumption that there is no
(significant) difference between two sets of data (or that the
means are of the measured variable are equal).
• The alternative hypothesis is that there is a difference.
• If the calculated value is higher than the published P value at
0.05 you must reject the null hypothesis and accept the
alternative hypothesis.
• Exception is Mann Whitney U (See June 2013 paper).
• Also known as 5%
• (See BZ table page 41)
• When looking at the table – focus of 0.05 (5%).
• Sometimes you need sample size or degrees of freedom (e.g.
DOF = n1+n2-2) normally calculated from sample size.
Name Chi-Squared T-test Spearman’s Mann-
Whitney U aka

Sample Size 20< Varied – they Varied – equal Varied

do not need as 1 variable
to be equal linked to

Type of data Raw Counts 2 group test Variables Ordinal scale

only converted to a and tests
rank median of two
sets of data

Example of Distribution of Responses to Size of bird Comparison of

Use organisms a control and pouch and attitude
across a drug pill pitch of noise between two
different made populations
areas of a
What would you give this
And this 1…
A perfect answer
Application and practice
• Chi – squared worksheet
• Mnemonic - LAHR
• Generally - lower accept, higher reject
(Mann Whitney U an exception).

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