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Abdul Hamid
Promotion Strategy

 We can identify niches with specific needs, mature markets to find our
participants of this program, we will deliver more focused and effective
promotional messages to our target market.

 For this program, we will focus on low achiever student. We will identify the
student based on the segment that we provides.


 Criteria Size: We will focus on lower achiever students in DRB-Hicom


 Difference: The different between this group between others is the

CGPA/GPA that the student get.
Analysis of Advertisement
 The advertising tagline “Never Give Up”. Never Give Up is the main
point to show the audience that this activities main courage them to
always go for it and never give up in any obstacle that they face.

 Meanwhile, the description “ Go over, go under, go around, or go

through. But never give up”, is to encourage the audience to do
anything to past the obstacle except give up.

 We actually try to motivate the audience to do something that they

never think about it, to tell them that nothing is impossible if they do
not quit easily. We also try to put on rational appeal, highlight the
audience what they will get if they never give up.
 An appeal is the motive to which an advertisement is directed; it
is designed to stir a person toward a goal the advertiser has set.

 In this Boot Camp ads used a rational appeals which is give

benefits such as good health and automatically can improved the
lower achiever students to always don’t give up to get the good
result in their exam.

 A banner we will design to spread the program advertisement to

make student aware about out program.

 On the banner, we also put a few important information such as,

phone number, date of the program and name of the person in
charge for the program.

 This banner we will put on few focus are student such as at the
cafeteria, in front of main gates to the university and at the
university village.

 To create more awareness among students, we also spread flyers

about the program to student two weeks before the date.

 This way to make sure that all students know about this program and
can make a decision either to join or not
 Creativity is at the heart of everything we do our ability to
transform strategic thinking about this program into ideas enable us
to develop creative communications between students and the
advertisement so that more awareness can be create.

 The creativity that we use also suitable with the current target of
student that we target as our participant, so that the student can
easily adapt with the word of the advertisement.

 We have to make sure that the advertisement able to communicate

with the students.
Creative Brief

• To encourage lower achiever students to join Let’s Excel Program,

Boot Camp on 16th – 18th September 2016 at Broga Hills, Semenyih,

Selangor for helping them in their studies.

• The main reason we held this program is to attract student who have

lower achiever in academic or in their motivation.

The target audience

 Based on the advertisement design, focusing on lower achiever

students to join this Boot Camp at Broga Hills, Semenyih rather than
higher achiever students for helping them in their studies.

 The target students that we like to target is the students that have
pointer lower than 2.9. to motivate them that is never too late to
achieve more than 3.0, what is important is never give up.

 This program to encourage them to work hard and never give up to

achieve something in their life. It also to show them that they can
achieve anything is possible if they keep fighting and never give up.
The message theme

 The message theme of this Boot Camp advertisement was that hiking Broga
Hills, Semenyih will make our body healthy.

 When our body health, the process of learning at school by high achiever
students are more easier and automatically their result in every exam can be

The support

 The support claims in this ad Boot Camp at Broga Hills, Semenyih are from
the words “Never Give Up”. From this word, we can concluded that the
high achiever students who joined this camp will never give up hiking Broga
Hills, Semenyih no matter how they going through during hiking such as
“go over, go under, go around, or go through but never give up” until

they arrived at the top of the hills.

Supporting Theory
Executional framework

 we use effective message and informative executions to advertise our

program so that we can influence the student to join us. We also use
rational appeals as a combination to our theory to make sure our
advertisement more successful.

 While almost any execution can be used with any appeal and message
strategy, there are logical combinations and there are some
combinations that do not work well together.
Message strategies

 we use a cognitive message strategy presents rational arguments or

pieces of information to our students. Cognitive message strategies are
designed to influence the cognitive component of attitude, which deals
with beliefs and knowledge. Cognitive message strategies can be
divided into five types – generic, preemptive, unique selling
proposition, hyperbole, and comparative.

 Advertisements that invoke feelings or emotions are affective message

strategies. These messages attempt to enhance the likeability of the
program, recall of the message, and comprehension of the message.
• the media planning that we choose to promote this program are
through flyers, banners and social media like Facebook and
Whatsupp. We choose this channel because it is a suitable with
our promotion budget to promote this event.
• The printing cost for the flyers and banner are:

Printing Media Numbers of Total cost

Banners 2 80 x 2= RM 160.00

Flyers 100 0.20 x 100= RM 20

Action Plan

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