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CH. 26 WWII p. 856

Paths to War: Both Germany & Japan invaded neighboring countries in
search of resources & land for empire building
German Path: Allied
with Italy, annexed
Austria, invaded
Czechoslovakia. Hitler
believed Germans
were part of a
superior race. In
order to make a great
civilization, Germany
needed more land to
support its superior
population. Hitler
REALLY wanted the
lands of Russia.
◦ Hitler violated Treaty of Versailles from WWI.
◦ He increased the military, which he was NOT SUPPOSED to do. Not much attention was
paid to this because countries had their own problems with the Great Depression.
◦ He sent troops into the Rhineland, which was supposed to be demilitarized. Gr. Britain
thought this was OK—appeasement: if you appease Hitler, peace will remain
throughout Europe.
◦ Threatened Austria with invasion; they acquiesced and allowed Nazis to run their
◦ Hitler Demanded Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia because it was German inhabited.
Munich Conference appeased Hitler by giving him the lands.
◦ In 1939, Hitler invaded Bohemia & Moravia in western Czechoslovakia
◦ When Hitler went after a port in Poland, the western nations FINALLY took notice and
enlisted the help of Stalin/Russia.
◦ Hitler ALSO sought an alliance with Stalin. Signed Non-aggression pact; Hitler balked
on this promise.
◦ Hitler invaded Poland. Gr. Britain and France declared war on Germany.
Japanese Path: Japan, disguised as Chinese, invaded Manchuria, which delighted most
Japanese since it was so much land. Japanese renamed the area to Manchuko. League
of Nations stepped in, BUT Japan withdrew from League.
China: Chiang Kai-shek was more worried about communists than Japan, so he allowed
Japan to govern some territories. Japan moved steadily southward & China was forced to
declare war.
New Order: Japan’s hopes to FORCE China to join a New Order in E. Asia. (Japan,
Manchuria, China)

Japan + Germany: Japan wanted Russian Siberia, so cooperated with Germany.

Japan wanted French Indo China—U.S. objected & applied economic sanctions. Japan
then attacked Euro & U.S. territories in order to secure resources for war.
Part 2 p. 865 Course of WWII: At first, Hitler was succeeding in Europe (besides
Russia & Gr. Britian), and then U.S. entered war. Allied powers agreed that war would
not end until Axis powers surrendered unconditionally.
Europe at War: blitzkrieg: lightning war; speedy and efficient air
strikes by Germany on Poland, which forced Poland to surrender.
Other blitzes on Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, &
France. France thought it was strategic in constructing Maginot
Line (concrete & steel fortifications). But Germany went around
and attacked THROUGH Belgium.
◦ U.S. FDR- tried to remain isolationist & neutral;
◦ Battle of Britain: German Airforce (Luftwaffe) attacked England,
who fought back. England used radar * their air force to
retaliate. Hitler stood down.
◦ Attack on Soviet Union: Hitler attacked Soviets in hopes of
reducing England’s allied support. Soviet Union stopped an
unprepared German for the FIRST time in WWII.
Japan at War: Dec. 7, 1941--Pearl Harbor; By 1942, Japan occupied
almost all of Southeast Asia; they named this the Community of
Allies Advance: Grand Alliance—new allied coalition including U.S.
◦ European Theater: Until 1942, Hitler was successful. General
Rommel turned German troops around in North Africa, forcing a
surrender. Hitler admitted the Germans couldn’t win Stalingrad
in May, 1942 because he lost the entire German 6th Army
Asian Theater:
◦ Battle of Coral Sea-U.S. FINALLY halted Japanese.
◦ Battle of Midway- U.S. destroyed Japanese aircraft
carriers.**this was a turning point in the Pacific
◦ Fall, 1942, Japanese power fading.
Last years of War: Italy was taken in 1943; Battle of Normandy, June
6, 1944 (D Day) 1945 Germany surrendered. Hitler committed
suicide. Truman-Hiroshima. Japan surrendered in Aug., 1945.
Part 3 p. 874 New Order & Holocaust: Japan used its conquered territories
to build its war machine. Germany tried to wipe out the jews.
New Order in Europe: After Germany invaded Poland,
Hitler started to try to build his “superior race,” with
Heinrich Himmler, leader of the SS, in charge of moving
Slavic people out and replacing them with Germans.
Germany used slave labor.
Holocaust: Hitler believed the Jews were trying to destroy
the Aryan race. His solution was genocide or Final Solution
with death camps. 6 million Jews died.
New Order in Asia: Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity
Sphere : economic community whose purpose was to
supply Japan with goods. (Japan’s conquered territories).
Japanese military leaders in control of territories with
promise of share of prosperity.
Part 4 P. 887 Peace & a New War: cold war; ideological conflict between
USA & Russia.
Tehran Conference: Nov. 1943; major decision: Final
assault of Germany. Allies of Stalin (Russia), Roosevelt
(USA), & Churchill (England) agreed to a partition of
postwar Germany.
Yalta Conference: Feb., 1945. Stalin wanted pro-Soviet
gov’ts established along the western border of Europe.
Roosevelt wanted gov’ts to be self-determined. United
Nations established. Germany divided among US, Russia,
England, & France.
Potsdam Conference: July, 1945; Truman demanded free
elections in all of Europe. Stalin=NO. Nazi leaders tried for
war crimes.
New Struggle: Westerners thought Soviet Plan was a
worldwide communist conspiracy. Soviets thought US &
Western antions were looking for global capitalist
expansionism. IRON CURTAIN-divided once again

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