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Welcome to Sud

Yood Class
Now, Let’s Learn about
Narrative text
Let’s Watch The Following Video First!
Let’s discuss the video!

• What is the video about?

• Have you ever heard the story before?

• If yes, what happen with the Snow

White at the end of the story?
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named
Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle
because her parents were dead. One day she heard
her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White
in the castle because they both wanted to go to
America and they didn’t have enough money to take
Snow White.
Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt
to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran
away. The next morning she ran away from home
when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She
ran away into the woods. She was very tired and
hungry. Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked
but no one answered so she went inside and fell
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home
from work. They went inside. There they found Snow
White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the
dwarfs. The dwarfs said, what is your name? Snow White
said, ‘My name is Snow White’. Doc said, ‘If you wish,
you may live here with us”. Snow White said, ‘Oh could I?
Thank you.’ Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole
story and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever
Let’s answer the question below!
The second paragraph describes in detail ...

a. Where Snow White’s aunt and uncle had breakfast

b. What Snow White did after hearing her uncle’s plan

c. How Snow White went into the cottage

d. Whom Snow White met in the woods

e. With whom Snow White ran away into the woods

Let’s answer the question below!
The dwarf said, “ If you wish, you may live here with us.”
What did the dwarf mean with the words underlined?

a. He asked Snow White for a permission to stay with her

b. He offered Snow White to stay with them

c. He showed his interest in Snow White

d. He agreed to stay with Snow White

e. He wishes to stay with Snow White

Let’s answer the question below!
What is the type of the text?
a. Report
b. Recount
c. Explanation
d. Descriptive
e. Narrative
What is Narrative Text?
Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic
events and it tries to find the resolutions to solve the problems.
An important part of narrative text is the narrative mode, the
set of methods used to communicate the narrative through a
process narration

The purpose of Narrative


to amuse or to entertain the reader with a

Generic Structures of Narrative

1. 4. Re-
Orientation orientation/Coda

2. 3.
Complication Resolution
Language Feature of Narrative Text
– Past tense (killed, drunk, etc)
– Adverb of time (Once upun a time, one day, etc)
– Time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)
– Specific character. The character of the story is
specific, not general. (Cinderella, Snow White)
– Action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug)
– Direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow
White said,”My name is Snow White). The direct speech
uses present tense.
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named
Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle
because her parents were dead. One day she heard
her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White
in the castle because they both wanted to go to
America and they didn’t have enough money to take
Snow White.
Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt
to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran
away. The next morning she ran away from home
when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She
ran away into the woods. She was very tired and
hungry. Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked
but no one answered so she went inside and fell
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home
from work. They went inside. There they found Snow
White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the
dwarfs. The dwarfs said, what is your name? Snow White
said, ‘My name is Snow White’. Doc said, ‘If you wish,
you may live here with us”. Snow White said, ‘Oh could I?
Thank you.’ Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole
story and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever
after. Index:
Blue: past tense
Red: adv. Of time
Orange: time conj.
Green: specific characters
Maroon: direct speech
Now, you are going to gain awareness from the text. Identify the social
function, the generic structure and the language features of the text !
Let’s watch the following video!
Beauty and the Beast

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Beauty. She lived

with her father and her sisters in a small village.

Beauty was a beautiful girl. She was also hard-working. She

always helped her father on the farm.One day, her father set out for

the city. He saw an old castle and went in. No-one was in but there

was food on the table. Then he walked around the castle. He picked

a rose from garden for Beauty. Suddenly an angry Beast appeared.

He wanted to kill Beauty’s father unless Beauty was brought to him.

Beauty’s father told her daughters what had happened.

Beauty’s sisters ordered her to see the Beast.Beauty went to see the

Beast and had to stay at the castle. She felt scared, lonely and sad. She

tried to run away but was stopped by the Beast. The Beast treated

Beauty well. Soon, Beauty began to like the Beast. One day, through

the Beast’s magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick. The

Beast allowed her to go home. Her father was happy to see her.

One night, Beauty had a dream. A fairly told her that the

Beast was sick.Beauty hurried back and saw the Beast dying. She

began to cry. Tears fell onto the Beast. Suddenly, the Beast changed

into handsome prince.Beauty and the Beast got married and lived

happily ever after.

Generic Structures





Social function


Language features

Using simple present tense Vocabulary and scientific term Using singular and plural

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You have done it
great !
See you!

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