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The Geography of Chai

Submitted to Miss Maleha Khaqan.

Submitted by Muhammad Ali Butt.
• An extract from A Thousand Cups of Tea:
Lovers in Pakistan and Elsewhere in the
Muslim World. By Jurgen Wasim Frembgen.
• Translated by Jane Ripken.
• Reviewed by Daniyal Shah.
Have Some
Why Tea…?
• Tea is an important part of life , particularly
while travelling.
• In solo journeys it gives a reason to STOP, take
a break and observe life as it unfolds.
• Tea is a quiet drink, to feel well, enjoy
something or to day dream.
Origin of tea
• Chai was originated in 3rd century BC, in
southern parts of China.
• It became a popular drink and was used
widely as medicinal source.
• Bricks of dried tea were use as a meaning of
payment in trade.
• Buddhist used chai to stay awake during
History of Doodh Pateeh
• In Nepal and Sir Lanka tea is served as freshly
brewed black tea.
• In Indo-Pak due to British rule tea is served
with milk as British tradition.
• “We were never under the British rule. So we
never spoiled our tea with milk. ” Nepalese
Tea Houses
• From north Africa, leading to Middle East all
the way to south Asia, tea cafes add flavor to
• Decorative motifs on walls, placement of
tables, carpets and hanging teapots are part
of the interior.
• Chai and story telling go together.
• Consumers entertained with folk stories.
• Served in different manners in across regions.
• In Turkey sugar in cubes are placed under
tongue while sipping bitter tea.
• Refusing tea in Afghan culture is an insult to
the host.
• Turing glass is a message you don’t want
• Afghan carpets were washed with tea to make
them look old and expensive.
Review of the Article
• This article was a review of a book Thousand
cups of tea by Daniyal Shah.
• The photos lacked clarity due to low
• Some important customs were missed, such
as Kashmiri Tea.
• The reason why men prefer stronger tea than
women was not in sight.
Latest development in Tea Culture
• High end chai places.
• Decorated with beautiful murals and space to
play board games.
• Variety in chai serving. More flavors example
cinnamon tea, green tea, peach tea, apple tea.
Thank you

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