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TUARAN crocodiles

 Being the largest crocodile farm in Sabah, we accommodate more than 1,000
crocodiles in our newly established (February 2005) tourist attraction on 7 acres of
land adjacent to the Sulaman Highway, Tuaran. With more than 50 years of
experience, the farm is packed with ample knowledge on crocodile captive
breeding and farming, and has an international reputation for producing superior
quality raw skins and meat.
 We are one of the major commercial producers of the species, Crocodylus Porosus
(saltwater crocodile) worldwide. We aspire to commercially produce and display
Malaysia’s largest reptile in a sustainable manner, whilst protecting and promoting
Malaysia’s wild crocodile population. In our production line, experienced handlers
follow stringent guidelines to ensure that only healthy crocodiles with high quality
skin are removed for slaughter. Every raw skin extracted is attached with a CITIES
(Convention on International Trade In Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
certificate, enabling the products to be marketed locally and internationally.
 These are frequent questions asked by the public. Our founder, Mr. Chai, a.k.a Mr.
Crocodile, has more than 50 years of crocodile breeding and farming experience
and currently owns the three largest crocodile farms throughout Malaysia
(Sandakan, Tuaran, and Langkawi). His story started when he was at the age of 14;
being the eldest son of a fishmonger with 11 siblings all living under one roof, he
struggled financially. He had to drop out of secondary school and help his father at
the Sandakan fish market. While working, local fishermen would often give him for
free unwanted crocodile hatchlings that had been caught in their nets. He started
with a small pond as his capital was very limited back then. Despite his father’s
objection on rearing crocodiles, he borrowed RM600 from his neighbour and started
creating his empire. With his dedication, determination, and passion for crocodiles,
he has moved to the edge of success, breeding more than 3,000 crocodile babies
annually. He has been the pioneer not only to the preservation of an endangered
species from extinction, but also provides constant supply of high grade crocodile
skins to the leather industry internationally.

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