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The Ground-Zero Mosque

Debate on Youtube

Islam VS Americans
By: Habiba, Salma & Shanaz
Video link

This debate is about not building the ground-zero Mosque and how
they think ‘us’ Muslims are trying to demolish ‘them’ the Americans ¬_¬

•Has at least 5,297,617 views

•Has at least 105, 627 comments
How Muslims are
Some of the things which was said...
• Represented in a negative way as ‘terrorist’ - Muslims are to blame – ‘The religion that
murdered them’ Again this is repeated pointing fingers at ‘us’ constantly trying to remind
Muslims that WE ARE TO BLAME ¬_¬
•It was ‘us’ who caused the 9/11
• Because of ‘us’ the memories will be washed away – ‘But now their memory has to be
•Trying to say that Muslims are cruel and that ‘we’ want violence – ‘not enough after having
nearly 3000 innocent people had to loose their lives in a hideous act of religion’
• Doesn’t also just represents Muslims in a negative way however it defames Islam as a whole –
‘9/11 9/11 could never have happened if it wasn’t for Islam and its teachings and it doctoring
of jihad and its false promise of an impossible afterlife without which none of them gullible
lunatics would have been persuaded to carry out such an insane act
•Calls Islam ‘It’ – Disrespectful!
•Refers Muslims to ‘us’ and Americans to ‘them, trying to say were different and not the same.
Trying to marginalise Muslims.
•Portraying Islam as neglectful, rejecting Americas values, freedom and rejects what
Americans stand for etc.
• So come to Bloomington and come and kill me since I am a Muslim. you know its unbelievable you
even talk about wanting to kill Muslims because they are..Muslims. but you know what, I don't lose
hope in humanity even if their are people who think like you. you're no different from the Taliban
commander telling his troops that all Americans are out for world domination. I can't lose faith in
humanity. It's an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
•How you gonna wash your stinking butts while you running and hiding in the caves of afghan?
Everytime you turn your lice ridden heads towards hell, and your stinking butts in the air, our drones
pick up the stench and zero in on you. You guys are so nasty and stinky your own holy book has to
demand that women let you sex them to keep the species going. Bin Laden has gotten away all these
years because his members told him we shoot soap and water out of those drones. He's still running.
•also the fact that you have nothing better to do than say that Muslims stink like armpits.. man it
makes me suspect you have down syndrome or something. haha you're a funny guy glurkster, you
really are. i pray that you get out of your depressive state and find a job or some friends or something.
you know, you can only really be happy in this life once you let go of any hate that is unfounded
•I never joke about that pig religion Islam. And, I am very well versed in the bible and learning more
each day about Islam. I want you to deny right here on this channel that the Quran doesn't say men
can hit their wives. Go ahead. Many of the people here come here everyday and they know the truth
as do I. Your lying will not work on this channel. We know what a vile filthy woman hating sack of
bull the Quran
•so you can easily generalize all Muslims? wow. great. you have the intellectual capacity of a 5 year
old who thinks all vegetables are nasty because he happened to eat Brussels sprouts and doesn't
like it. is. The Quran is a satanic book written by a paedophile named Mohammad.

The languages that are being used are very aggressive, disrespectful and violent.
However some of the comments that have been made are very humorous . People are
just throwing in what they think and having arguments , its more like a forum/debate.

The attitude toward Muslims is really bad , harsh and animal like as they are completely
interpreting Islam in such a negative way, without any consideration. They are just
expressing their selves and not caring about how the comment will effect and have an
impact upon others around them.

People who are against Islam come across as


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