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Paraduodenal hernia
• Internal hernia
Classification of internal abdominal
1 = paraduodenal(50-55%)
2 = foramen of Winslow(6-10%)
3 = transmesenteric(8-10%)
4 = pericecal(10-15%)
5 = intersigmoid(4-8%)
6 = paravesical (pelvic)(<4%)
77. Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor
• 젊은 여성, 평균 25세
• 저등급 악성종양, 완전절제시 예후 좋음
• Tail > head> body
• Capsule에 싸여있음
• 내부에 다양한 정도의 hemorrhage and cystic
• 30%에서 Ca++, 주로 periphery에
• Imaging
• Solid mass부터 solid and cystic lesion (m/c), 그리고
complete cystic lesion까지 다양
• Capsule은 enhance (+)
• DDx: cystic neoplasm, nonfunctional endocrine tumor (주
로 old age), calcified and hemorrhagic pseudocyst

교과서 439
Figures 2.4. (2) Fast spoiled
gradient-echo fat-
saturated T1-weighted
MR image reveals a
round, well-circumscribed,
low-signal-intensity 1.5-cm
mass in the enlarged
pancreatic head just
anterior to the common
bile duct (arrow).
(3) On a single-shot fast
spin-echo T2-weighted
MR image, the mass is
slightly hyperintense
(arrow). (4a) Initial
contrast-enhanced arterial
phase fast spoiled
gradient-echo fat-
saturated T1-weighted
MR image demonstrates
the lesion as slightly
hypointense (arrow). (4b)
On a contrast-enhanced
portal phase fast spoiled
T1-weighted MR image, the
lesion (arrow) is almost

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