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A study of properties of moist air and the

resultant processed air

Moist air is a mixture of dry air and a small amount of

– Nitrogen (78%),
– Oxygen (21%),
– Argon (0.9%),
– Carbon dioxide (0.03%), and others. Clean dry air
– Moisture (varying for different geographical locations and
different precipitation levels)

The condition in which water vapor in moist air attains

a maximum value is called “saturation”.
A small amount of water vapor can be responsible for
up to 35%
of air-conditioning load.

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin


1. Understand terminology in air

2. Understand air conditioning
3. Be able to calculate the values of
moist air at different states.

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin


• Properties of Moist Air

• Psychrometric Chart
• Air Conditioning Process
• Air and Cooling Requirement Due to
Ventilation Requirement

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement
Due to Ventilation Requirement 4

Properties of Moist Air

• Moist air: a binary (two substances) mixture of dry air
and water vapor

• Properties of gas: pressure (p), volume (v),

temperature (t)
• Properties of moist air:
– total pressure (p), partial pressure (pa and pv)
– specific volume ()
– web-bulb, dry-bulb, dew point temperature (Twb,T, Tdp)
– Mass (m, ma, mv)
– relative humidity (RH), humidity ratio (or absolute
humidity; W)
– enthalpy (h)

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement
Due to Ventilation Requirement 5
Ideal Gas Relationships

Ideal Gas Relationships

• An ideal gas: a theoretical gas composed of a set of
randomly-moving point particles that interact only
through elastic collisions.
elastic collision: one in which the total kinetic energy of the colliding bodies after
collision is equal to their total kinetic energy before collision.

• Ideal gas law:

PV = nRT
where P is the absolute pressure of the gas [Pa; Nm-2];
V is the volume of the gas [m-3];
n is the amount of substance of the gas, usually
measured in moles;
R is the gas constant (which is 8.314472 JK-1mol-1);
T is the absolute temperature [K].


JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement
Due to Ventilation Requirement 6
Ideal Gas Relationships

Ideal Gas Relationships

• Dalton’s law:

p = pa + pv
where p is the total pressure exerted by the mixture;
pa and pv are partial pressure exerted by dry air and
water vapor.

• At standard atmospheric condition, air at sea level exerts

a pressure
of 101.325 kPa (or 1 atm; 1.01 bar)

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement
Due to Ventilation Requirement 7
Ideal Gas Relationships

Ideal Gas Relationships

For a given volume V (m3):

pa V = ma (R/Ma) Tabs

pv V = mv (R/Mv) Tabs
where ma is the mass of dry air in the volume, kg
R is the universal gas constant, 8.315 kJ/(kmol.K)
Ma is the molecular weight of dry air, 28.96 kg/kmol
mv is the mass of water vapor in the volume, kg
Mv is the molecular weight of water vapor, 18.02 kg/kmol

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement
Due to Ventilation Requirement 8
Saturation vapor pressure

Ideal Gas Relationships

Saturation vapour pressure pvs :
(at the maximum vapor pressure)

pvs(Tabs) = exp [53.5224  6834.27/Tabs  5.17ln(Tabs)]

, kPa
(Keenan and Kaye, 1945)

pvs(Tabs) = exp
, kPa
(ASHRAE, 2001)

where C1 = 5.8002206e+03
C2 = 5.5162560e+00
C3 = 4.8640239e-02
C4 = 4.1764768e-05
C5 = 1.4452093e-08
C6 = 6.5459673e+00

Tabs is in Kelvin, K.

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement
Due to Ventilation Requirement 9
Relative Humidity

Relative Humidity (RH)

• the ratio of the existing partial vapor pressure, pv,
to the saturation pressure, pvs, at the same
temperature and pressure:

RH = pv / pvs

• no unit; often expressed in terms of percentage

• When the temperature is high and the relative humidity is low,

evaporation of water is rapid;
soil dries, wet clothes hanging outdoors dry quickly, and perspiration readily
evaporates from the skin. Wooden furniture can shrink causing the paint that
covers these surfaces to fracture.

• When the temperature is high and the relative humidity is high,

evaporation of water is slow.
When relative humidity approaches 100 percent, condensation can occur on
surfaces, leading to problems with mold, corrosion, decay, and other
moisture-related deterioration.

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 1
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Humidity ratio 0

Humidity ratio (W)

• Also called absolute humidity

• the mass vapor per unit mass of dry air at a given


W = mv / ma
= (Mv/Ma) (pv/pa)
= (18.02/28.96) (pv/pa)
= 0.622 pv/pa

W = 0.622 pv / (p-pv)

• Also, pv = pW / (0.622+W); p= 101.325 kPa at standard

atmospheric condition, air at sea level

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 1
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Specific volume 1

Specific volume (),

• the volume of the moist air per unit mass of dry

air, m3/kg(dry air),

ν = V / ma

• when V / ma = RTabs / (paMa), pa = p-pv, Ma =


 = 0.2871 Tabs / (p-pv)

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 1
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Temperature 2

Temperature (T)
• commonly used to determine the state of humid
moist air

• Dry Bulb (or normal) Temperature – Tdb or T

usually referred to as air temperature and
basically refers to the ambient air temperature
• Wet Bulb Temperature – Twb
the temperature of adiabatic saturation
This is the temperature indicated by
a moistened thermometer bulb
exposed to the air flow.
• Dew Point Temperature – Tdp
the temperature at which water vapor starts
to condense out of the air, the temperature
at which air becomes completely saturated.
Above this temperature the moisture will stay in the air.

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 1
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Enthalpy of Moist Air 3

Enthalpy of Moist Air (h)

• the sum of the enthalpy of each constituent

• enthalpy of dry air, ha:

ha = ca (T-TR), kJ/kg,
where ca is the specific heat capacity, kJ/(kg.K), of dry air,
T is its (dry-bulb) temperature, and
TR is the reference (datum) temperature.

• TR = 0oC in SI unit and for the normal temperature range (0-

100oC), ca = 1.006 kJ/(kg.K)

ha = 1.006T, kJ/kg (of dry air)

T is in oC

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 1
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Enthalpy of Moist Air 4

Enthalpy of Moist Air (h)

• enthalpy of water vapour, hv:

hv = hg + cpv T, kJ/kg (of water vapor),

where hg is enthalpy of water vapour at the ref. temp., 2501
cpv is the specific heat capacity of the superheated
vapor, 1.805 kJ/(kg.K).

• enthalpy of moist air, h:

h = ha + W hv
= 1.006 T + W (2501+1.805 T)
kJ/kg (of dry air)

T is in oC

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 1
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Web-bulb Temperature 5

Web-bulb Temperature (Twb)

• Temperature of the air in an enclosure, T2 ,finally

attained as the water is allowed to evaporate until
saturation is reached adiabatically (no heat is transferred)

moist air saturated

at (T1, water at moist air at
W1) T2 (T2, W2)

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 1
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Web-bulb Temperature 6

Web-bulb Temperature (Twb)

• During adiabatic saturation the humidity ratio

changes from W1 to W2

• The enthalpy of saturated air (h2):

h2 = h1 + (W2-W1) hw

• Expressing h1 and h2 in terms of T1 and W1 and T2

and W2; and hw=4.186T2:

W1 = [(2501-2.381T2)W2-(T1-

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 1
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Web-bulb Temperature 7

sling psychrometer

• designed to measure a
temperature which
is numerically very close to
the thermodynamic wet- bulb

• A wetted wick is tied to the bulb of the

glass tube of the mercury
thermometer. Swinging the
thermometer will move the wetted
wick up to a speed through the air.
The mass transfer due to vaporization
of water on the wetted wick is
accompanied by the heat transfer
from the air to the wick.

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 1
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Web-bulb Temperature 8

sling psychrometer

• The process of swinging the sling psychometric

causes the air to lose sensible heat when it
changes from temperature T1 to the psychometric
web-bulb temperature Twb. In exchange, the
humidity ratio of the air near the wetted wick
increases from W1 to Wwb.

sensible heat ca(T1-Twb )  (Wwb -W1 )h fg latent heat

h fg
Twb  T1- (Wwb -W1 )
Where hfg = the latent heata of evaporation of the water at
temperature Twb

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 1
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Dew-point Temperature 9

Dew-point Temperature (Tdp)

• the saturation temperature reached when the air is

cooled down without moisture added or extracted
from it

Tdp = 6.54 + 14.526 ln(pv) + 0.7389

+ 0.9486 [ln(pv)]3 + 0.4567
(pv)0.1984 , oC pv is in kPa
(ASHRAE, 2001)

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 2
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Calculation of Properties of Moist Air 0

Calculation of Properties of
Moist Air
• If two property values of a moist air are given at a
given pressure,
the other property values of the moist air can be

• For example, when knowing T and W (at the

standard condition; P=101.325 kPa), RH can be
calculated by using the equations:
pvs(Tabs) = exp
[C1/Tabs+C2+C3Tabs+C4Tabs2+C5Tabs3+C6ln(Tabs)], kPa

pv = 101.325W / (0.622+W), kPa

RH = pv / pvs

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 2
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Calculation of Properties of Moist Air 1

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 2
Due to Ventilation Requirement

Psychrometric Chart


JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 2
Due to Ventilation Requirement

Example of using
Psychrometric Chart

Give: Tdb = 30oC

Twb = 22oC.

Find the other

properties of this h
moist air, i.e. R
relative humidity, Td
humidity ratio, dew-
point temperature,
enthalpy, specific


JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 2
Due to Ventilation Requirement

Example of using
Psychrometric Chart
Using psychrometric Using mathematical
chart: model:
RH = 50%, Given Tdb = 30oC and Twb =
humidity ratio =
0.0135kg/kg, pvs(22oC) = 2.645 kPa,
dew-point temperature Ws(22oC) = 0.016667,
= 18.5oC, while pvs(30oC) = 4.246.
enthalpy = 64.3 kJ/kg
From given Tdb and Twb and
specific volume = 0.877 Ws(22oC),
m3/kg W = 0.01332,
hence pv = 2.125 kPa and
RH = 2.125/4.246 = 50%.

dew-point temperature =
enthalpy = 64.21 KJ/kg
specific volume = 0.8773

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 2
Due to Ventilation Requirement

Air Conditioning

h W
(sensible) Cooling without Condensation
Cooling with Condensation 70.1
42 9
15o 25o

h W
Heating Without 1
Humidification 9
2 .
Heating With
6 9
Humidification 4
T .
15 25 2

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 2
Due to Ventilation Requirement

Air Conditioning



cooling heating



15oC 25oC

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 2
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Cooling 7

• Cooling of moist air: Chilled water in

achieved by passing
the air through a set
of cooling coils
Moist air in buildings are
conditioned to satisfy
thermal comfort.

• Chilled water or cool

refrigerant flows through Chilled water out

the coils or tubes to

extract heat from the Configuration of cooling of mo
passing air.

• External fins enhance

effectiveness of heat
(by increasing surface area)

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 2
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Cooling without Condensation 8

Cooling without
Example: Moist air at 35oC, RH 50% is cooled down to
Find the changes in enthalpy, relative humidity, and wet-
bulb temperature
• initial point:
enthalpy 81 kJ/kg
wet-bulb temp. 26.2 ºC
h W
humidity ratio 17.9 g/kg

• final point:
enthalpy 70.5 kJ/kg
relative humidity 89 %
wet-bulb temp. 23.5 ºC 5
changes in enthalpy: 42 9
81 kJ/kg - 70.5 kJ/kg = 10.5 kJ/kg

15o 25o
(sensible) Cooling without Conde

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 2
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Cooling with Condensation 9

Cooling with
Example: Moist air at 35oC, RH 50% is cooled down to
Find the changes in enthalpy, relative humidity, and wet-
bulb temperature
• initial point:
enthalpy 81 kJ/kg,
wet-bulb temp. 26.2 ºC,
humidity ratio 17.9 g/kg W
• dew point:
enthalpy 69 kJ/kg 81
relative humidity 100 % (w = 17.9 g/kg)
wet-bulb temp. 23 ºC 70.5

• final point: 17.9

enthalpy 42 kJ/kg 42
relative humidity 100 % (w = 10.7 g/kg)
wet-bulb temp. 15 ºC 10.7
changes in enthalpy: 39 kJ/kg
81 kJ/kg - 69 kJ/kg = 12 kJ/kg (sensible)
69 kJ/kg - 42 kJ/kg = 27 kJ/kg (sensible + T
15oC 25oC

Cooling with Condensation

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 3
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Heating 0

• the opposite of cooling
• reduces relative humidity while humidity ratio

Heating Without h
completely opposite to the 51
case of cooling without
condensation. 9.
Heating With Humidification 2
accomplished by addition of
steam 2
to the air during heating T
process. 15O 25O

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 3
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Heating 1

Example: Air at 15 ºC, RH 40% is heated and humidified
to 25 ºC, RH 50%.
Find the values for the enthalpy and the humidity ratio of
the air at the initial and the final states.

• initial point: Process A-B: h

Heating without W
enthalpy 26 kJ/kg (kJ/kg)
humidification (g/kg)
humidity ratio 4.2 g/kg Process A-C:
Heating with 50 40%
• final point: humidification 5 %
enthalpy 51 kJ/kg 1
humidity ratio 9.9 g/kg C

A B 2

T 15 25

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 3
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Mixing of Two Air Streams 2

Mixing of Two Air

• generally considered adiabatic - no heat exchange with

• In air-conditioning, part of the air ma1, h1

returning from the conditioned space to
the air-handling system is exhausted ma3, h3
from the space.
• The remaining return air is mixed with
fresh-ambient air before entering the air-
handling system.
• Mixing two air streams of different ma2, h2
conditions is common in air-

enthalpy balance: ma1h1 + ma2h2 =

mass balance: ma1 + ma2 =
3 unknowns, 3 equations

ma1W1 + ma2W2 =
JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin
Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 3
Due to Ventilation Requirement
Mixing of Two Air Streams 3

Mixing of Two Air

Example: An air stream at 30 ºC, RH 60% flowing at 1
kg/s is mixed with another air stream at 20 ºC, RH 80%
and flowing at 0.5 kg/s.
Find the flow rate and the condition of the resultant air.

h (kJ/ kg)
80 60 (g/kg)
air stream (1), % %
enthalpy 71.17 kJ/kg,
humidity ratio 16.04 g/kg, 71.
air stream (2), 64.17
enthalpy 49.81 kJ/kg, 05
humidity ratio 11.70 g/kg. 49. 16.
81 1 04
3 9
Resultant air stream (3), 11.7
enthalpy 64.05 kJ/kg, 2 0
humidity ratio 14.59 g/kg.

T 20 3
(C) 0

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 3
Due to Ventilation Requirement

Air and Cooling Requirement

Due to Ventilation
• In air-conditioning for comfort in a building,
an amount of fresh-ambient air is drawn
into the building for ventilation - to replace
part of used air which must be exhausted.

• This ventilation air

must be cooled and
dehumidified by the
system before being
supplied to the air-
conditioned space.

• Heat and moisture

must be extracted
from the ventilation
air in this process.

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 3
Due to Ventilation Requirement

Energy and Mass Balance in 5

Energy and Mass Balance

in Cooling

ma h1  ma h2  mwhw2  Q Q  ma [(h1  h2 )  (W1  W2 )hW 2 ]

maW1  maW2  mw mW  ma (W1 W2 )

where ma is the mass flow rate of in-coming air,

mw is the mass flow rate of condensed
hw2 is the enthalpy of water at T2,
h1 and W1are enthalpy and humidity of the in-coming air,
h2 and W2are enthalpy and humidity of the cooled air,
Q is the heat extracted

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 3
Due to Ventilation Requirement

Component of Cooling due to Ventilation

Sensible and Latent 6

Sensible and Latent

Component of Cooling due to
Example: the target for cooling and humidification is
to bring the temperature and the relative humidity of
the air to 25.5ºC and 50% respectively.
The property values of the air in this condition are
h2 = 51.59 kJ/kg h
W2 = 10.18 g/kg.
In a typical situation, air at T1 = 35C and RH1 = 50% W
h1 = 80.77 kJ/kg
W1 = 17.77 g/kg.
M latent

T dS,
In changing the condition of the air at P1 to
dL = h1 – hM , represents the latent
dS = hM -h2 , represents the
sensible component
JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin
Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 3
Due to Ventilation Requirement

Component of Cooling due to Ventilation

Sensible and Latent 7

Sensible and Latent

Component of Cooling due to
Example: the target for cooling and humidification is
to bring the temperature and the relative humidity of
the air to 25.5ºC and 50% respectively.


Q = (80.77  51.59)  (0.0177  hM

= 29.18  0.738
= 28.44 kJ/kg

dL = 80.77 – 61.34 dL,

= 19.43 kJ/kg
dS = 61.34 – 51.59 M latent
= 9.75 kJ/kg

T dS,

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Properties of Moist Air  Psychrometric Chart  Air Conditioning Process  Air and Cooling Requirement 3
Due to Ventilation Requirement

Component of Cooling due to Ventilation

Sensible and Latent 8

Sensible and Latent

Component of Cooling due to
Example: Air at h1 = 80 kJ/kg, W1 = 0.019 and
flowing at 0.1 kg/s is cooled down to h2 = 50 kJ/kg,
W2 = 0.012
Find Q, the amount of water condensed, the sensible
and the latent components of the cooling load.

At P1, T1 = (h1-2501W1)
8 = 31.22 oC
62.1 0.0 At P2, T2 = 19.45 oC
0 19
5 At Point M,
TM = 31.22 oC and WM = 0.012, hM =
0.01 62.10 kJ/kg
M Q = m[(h1-h2)-(W1-W2)hW2] = 3-0.057
= 2.943 kW

Latent comp = m(h1-hM)

19.4 31.2 = 1.79 kW,
5 2 Sensible comp = m(hM-h2)
= 1.29 kW.

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

Calculate energy involved in air-conditioning
1. select the hours from the weather data (from
assignment 1) which their enthalpies are
highest and lowest.
2. assign air-conditioning processes to achieve
the given indoor air conditions (Tdb is
between 20-26oC and RH 30-60%):
- for the hour that the outdoor air enthalpy is lowest
(heating with/without humidification?)
- for the hour that the outdoor air enthalpy is highest
(cooling with/without dehumidification and re-heating?)
3. draw the processes in a psychometric chart
and calculate amount of energy involved in
the air conditioning processes

Please clearly show how you calculate the en

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

JEE 634 – Chapter 5: Air Psychrometry – Dr. Poppong Sakulpipatsin

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