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EUROPE 1600-1800


Guarino France

- Abad
- Mudejar
- Gothic
Ciri utama rancangan Guarini
San Lorenzo in Turin Denah bangunan sentralis

• Roman Baroque style

• The dome itself is supported by eight ribs forming a lattice similar
to those found in mosques and Romanesque churches in Spain
• Held up by four massive piers by diagonal cross-arches, with the
whole system disguised so well
Consist of 1
building with 6
all windows are
simply and
tightly framed
against the
unadorned wall.

• mostly finished with

• rich tapestries
• The floors were
covered in reed mats

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

Sanssouci Park

Sanssouci Park is a large park surrounding

Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, Germany.
Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

Sanssouci is the summer palace of Frederick the Great,

King of Prussia, in Potsdam, near Berlin.

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

The potential monotony
of the façade is broken
by a central bow, its
dome rising above the
hipped roof

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

The ceiling and the dome are not too tall and too high, unlike the others
Baroque Architecture

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

Corinthian colonnades

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)
Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)
By contrast, the north entrance façade is
more restrained. Segmented colonnades
of 88 Corinthian columns—two deep—
curve outwards from the palace building to
enclose the semicircular cour d'honneur.
As on the south side, a balustrade with
sandstone vases decorates the roof of the
main corps de logis.
Chiswick House

Chiswick House is a Palladian villa in Burlington Lane,

Chiswick, west London, England. An example of Neo-Palladian
architecture in London, the house was designed by Lord Burlington,
and completed in 1729. The house and gardens occupy 26.33
hectares (65.1 acres)

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)



Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

Three concentric relieving arches at rear of the

villa containing Venetian windows.

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

The room is an octagon with eight Tuscan columns positioned around its perimeter

Oktavian F. S. Dimara ( 08111640007001)

European architecture
• Neoclassicism, which began around
1700, refers to an Enlightenment-
driven movement that emphasized
the values of reason, order, and

• Picturesque, challenged the Neoclassical

ideal of permanence and order, preferring
instead to emphasize mankind as subject to
the unruly forces of nature and therewith to
arbitrariness, disorder, and even decay

• Romanticism, challenged forth a personal

and active response to the ideals
propounded by the Enlightenment

Priyanka Augustina S.
Adam Roberts

Best known among the architects of the time

were the four Adam brothers, especially
Robert (1728–92)

Upon Adam’s return from Rome, he realized

that the Palladian manner he had used in his
early career would no longer do

The Adam brothers, now stimulated by

Robert’s insights gained in Italy, sought to
create a totally integrated architectural and
spatial environment

Priyanka Augustina S.
Shelburne House in London

Priyanka Augustina S.
AMERICA 1600-1800
Santo Domingo,
San Cristobal, Mexico

Adam Bimoaji Ega

• Built between 1547-1560
• Affected by Spanish that Conquest America
• Façade typical :Mexican Baroque (mid late 16th
• Central symetri
• Stucco material
• Lot of ornamentation
• Column as structure, looks like pilaster

Adam Bimoaji Ega

• The interior is lavishly decorated and
contains a number of sculptures and
wooden altars covered with gold leaf
• Broad nave and dome
• Lack of frescoes
• Lot of ornamentation
• el horror vacui, Churrigueresque

Adam Bimoaji Ega

• Ex-convent didn’t get affected by the Mexican
• Simple
• No ornamentation
• Yard in the middle

Adam Bimoaji Ega

Baiq Nadhira Kamilia // 08111640000098

1800 Neoclassicism
Ciri-ciri bangunan Neoklasik Neoklasik di Amerika
• Tidak menekankan kontras gelap • Mulai muncul setelah
terang kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat
• Sangat mengikuti prinsip • Mencontoh Roman republic,
Vitruvius bukan Roman Empire
• Ornamen tidak semewah • Lebih menekankan pada open
Baroque atau Rococo landscape yang sangat luas
• Menekankan pada unsur planar
pada bangunan
Baiq Nadhira Kamilia // 08111640000098

Virginia State Capitol

Massachusetts State House

Baiq Nadhira Kamilia // 08111640000098

The entrance was defined by a temple front with eight

columns, modeled on the Pantheon, flanked somewhat
unusually by columnar porches.
The building, set on a high groundfloor plinth, was topped
by a Pantheonesque dome resting on an octagonal drum
so that it would be easily visible from the surroundings.

Construction: September 18, 1793 - 1800

Location: Capitol Hill, Washington D.C.

United States
Baiq Nadhira Kamilia // 08111640000098
Baiq Nadhira Kamilia // 08111640000098

West Front
Baiq Nadhira Kamilia // 08111640000098

East Front
Baiq Nadhira Kamilia // 08111640000098
Baiq Nadhira Kamilia // 08111640000098
Baiq Nadhira Kamilia // 08111640000098

The Capitol Dome

• The Dome was constructed between 1855 and

1866 and although it appears to be made of
stone it is made of 8,909,200 pounds of cast
iron and painted to match the stone of the
• The Dome is constructed as two structures,
the exterior dome which rises to the height of
288 feet and the interior dome which
measures 180 feet from the Rotunda floor, as
shown in the drawing below.
Baiq Nadhira Kamilia // 08111640000098


INDIA 1600-1800
Fatehpur Sikri

Bianda A.
Fatehpur Sikri terletak di India Utara dekat
dengan Agra. Arsitek Fatehpur Sikri yaitu Akbar,
kaisar Mughal ketiga, pada tahun 1571. Bagian
utama dari kompleks ini dibangun / dibangun
dalam waktu empat hingga sepuluh tahun.

Bianda A.
kompleks masjid dan istana baru pada
tebing curam dan sempit yang dikenal
dengan Sikri (dari shukri, atau "ucapan
syukur" dalam bahasa Persia)

bangunan pertama yang dibangun pada

Fatehpur Sikri adalah Masjid Jami atau
Friday Mosque. Masjid harus berorientasi
ke barat sehingga mengarah ke sudut
lereng. istana kerajaan yang dibangun
berikutnya juga sejajar dengan Masjid Jami
dengan lereng curam.

Bianda A.
Masjid Jami setinggi 165 meter memiliki halaman yang
luas dengan gerbang di tiga sisi. Pada sebelah barat,
dinding kiblat, berpusat pada sebuah iwan dengan pusat
kubah diapit oleh dua kubah samping yang lebih kecil.
mihrab dan dinding barat dihiasi dengan mosaik batu dan
ubin mengkilap dengan prasasti dan emas biru. Kecuali
untuk dinding kiblat, bangunan masjid terbuat dari batu
pasir merah dengan marmer.

Bianda A.
pusat taman tidak sejajar satu sama lain secara aksial.

pemandangan dari Birbal House dari pusat taman ke Pachisi

court sejajar dengan Anup Talao. Ini menunjukan bahwa Anup
Talao juga harus berada di pusat taman.

Bianda A.
Batu pasir merah tidak hanya digunakan untuk
bangunan, tetapi juga sebagai paving lantai
tetapi hampir di semua ruang terbuka, Di dalam
kompleks, tidak ada jalur yang khusus dan
sebagian besar gerakannya from space to space.

Bianda A.

Bianda A.
dirancang oleh seorang arsitek bernama Yaqut
dari Dabul. Bijapur Merupakan sebuah masjid
dan dengan taman.

Gaya arsitektur bangunan adalah Deccan Indo-

Islam yang merupakan perpaduan sempurna
antara arsitektur Indo-Islam dan Dravida.

Bianda A.
Aula utama mausoleum memiliki podium persegi dengan
tangga di keempat sisinya. Di tengah terdapat cenotaph
dengan baldachin kayu.

Bianda A.
Makam itu berbentuk kubus raksasa dengan kubah setengah
bola di atasnya. Seluruh struktur dipasang pada podium 600
kaki. Kubah tersebut merupakan terbesar kedua di dunia,
dengan diameter hampir 600 kaki.

Bianda A.
Karakteristiknya adalah penggunaan pendentives untuk
melawan dorong luar kubah dan belum digunakan di tempat
lain di India. Pendentives memiliki lengkungan besar diatapi
oleh cornice.

Bianda A.
Hawa Mahal

• Terletak di Jaipur, India

• Dibangun pada tahun
• Terbuat dari batu pasir
merah dan pink
• Lima lantai, dengan
tinggi total 15 m
• Bergaya campuran
rajput dan mughal

Nur Afifa Prasanti

• Terlihat simetris
• Jejeran jendela membentuk arch, arched windows dibawah
arched canopies dan bagian atasnya dihiasi oleh dome
dome kecil
Nur Afifa Prasanti
• Sebagian struktur
bidang, sebagian
struktur batang
• Pintu masuk dari
samping dan dari
• Fasad simetris tapi
dalamnya tidak

Nur Afifa Prasanti

Jantar Mantar
• Terletak di Jaipur
• Terbuat dari batu dan
• Merupakan arsitektur
instrumen astronomi
• Salah satunya adalah
jam matahari
terbesar di dunia
yang terbuat dari
Nur Afifa Prasanti
• Setiap instrumen
memiliki fungsi masing
• Bentuknya terlihat
seperti bangunan
modern, tetapi masih
ada elemen arsitektur
india seperti kanopi
dome dan pointed

Nur Afifa Prasanti

Nur Afifa Prasanti

nur indah - 08111640000103

Darbar Sahib adalah Aula Utama dalam
Sikh Gurdwara."Darbar Sahib", kata
Darbar berarti Pengadilan dan dengan
demikian istilah-istilah itu mengacu
pada "Pengadilan Guru". Ini adalah aula
tempat Guru Sikh saat ini dan abadi, Sri
Guru Granth Sahib ditempatkan pada
Takhat atau Takhta dalam posisi sentral
yang menonjol di aula

nur indah - 08111640000103

Denah aula untuk Darbar Sahib.
Pria dan wanita biasanya duduk
di sisi yang terpisah

nur indah - 08111640000103

Bangunan-bangunan Sikh Gurdwaras pada dasarnya sederhana. Beberapa di antaranya
telah dibangun kembali dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, dengan penggunaan marmer yang
luas untuk perhiasan dan daya tahan.

nur indah - 08111640000103

Struktur kuil ini sendiri telah
memberikan model dan inspirasi bagi
pembangun bangunan lainnya. Banyak
dari mereka bertingkat dua, dengan
atap utama yang umum untuk dua
lantai. Lantai pertama memiliki galeri di
tengah, menghadap ke aula di bawah.
Di lantai dasar, di ruang yang ditandai
oleh empat kolom, atau kira-kira di
tengahnya, Sri Guru Granth Sahib
diabadikan pada platform atau tandu
bergerak dengan kanopi di atasnya.
Jemaat menempati ruang yang tersisa.

nur indah - 08111640000103

• Arsitektur India 1600-1800
Bergaya campuran arsitektur hindu dan islam
Memiliki banyak detail
Material menggunakan batu pasir atau marmer
yang tidak diwarna
Pewarnaan tidak menggunakan cat tapi melapisi
bagian luar dengan bahan lain (contoh: emas)
CHINA 1600-1800
Built in 1645 by 5th Dalai Lama
Potala Palace, Tibet The building measures
360 m east-west
110 m north-south
Height maximum 170 m
Sloping stone walls 3 m thick
5 m thick at the base
With copper poured into the foundations
The main structural frame is made from

A vast and majestic palace-mausoleum located dramatically on a hill in the middle of the
valley of Lhasa, Tibet’s “forbidden city. Virgine Jocela I
The Potala Palace was the residence of
the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to
India during the 1959 Tibetan uprising. It is now a
museum and World Heritage Site.

It is oriented east-west, with the front

facing south toward the inner city. The palace’s
primary massing is that of a fort.

The palace was built in two major

phases. First the main ramparts and the
western part, known as the White Palace, were
built. Then this was partially rebuilt, and a Red
Palace, which became the primary residence of
the dalai lamas, was constructed. The White
Palace houses large ceremonial halls for
prayers, rooms for visiting dignitaries, and
offices, while the Red Palace houses the
audience hall as well as burial stupas for the
dalai lamas. Virgine Jocela I
The walls step back and forth to
accommodate the changing contours and to
generate openings for the access paths.
The walls’ higher reaches are
punctuated by dark windows. The walls are
topped by a prominent red coping. The visual
terminus is a series of small, golden, Chinese-
style roofs providing a speck of metallic
brilliance in a landscape dominated by gray

At the foot of the

Potala Palace, a square walled
enclosure contains a network
of governmental buildings.
Virgine Jocela I
Voyages of Zheng He

The voyages were commanded by Zheng He (1371–1435), a

Muslim from China’s Yunnan Province . Zheng He’s mission was not
economic but diplomatic

Some of the voyages had as many as three hundred ships and twenty-seven thousand
sailors in all, and they reached as far as Mombasa in Africa. The Chinese economy was integrally tied
to trade, and these voyages were meant to expand China’s trading horizons.
To feed this export economy, huge kilns were built at Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province, which
produced annually an estimated 100,000 small ceramic pieces and 50,000 larger pieces. Still
preserved as ceiling decorations in the Santos Palace in Lisbon are 260 Chinese plates and bowls.

In 1449 the Mongolians ambushed an expedition led by Emperor Zhengtong, wiped out
the Chinese army, and captured the emperor. Stability returned only in 1457 when Zhengtong
recovered the throne. The Mongol threat, shook the Ming court, which resolved to disband the
expensive explorative sea voyages and concentrate instead on fortifying against the Mongolians.

In 1474 the Ming general Wang Yueh insisted on and received approval to extensively
rebuild the Great Wall.

Virgine Jocela I

Dalam melawan mongolia, China melakukan berbagai usaha yang kemudian dibawa
pada gaya Arsitekturnya, seperti banyak membangun benteng-benteng dan tembok raksasa.
China juga terkenal dengan arsitekturnya yaitu gaya Tibet dengan aliran Buddhisme-nya yang
dicirikan dengan bangunan besar dan penataan kotanya yang cenderun berbentuk kotak.
Qing Dynasty

The Qing dynasty, also known as the Qing Empire, was the last imperial dynasty of
China, established in 1636 and ruling China from 1644 to 1912 with its leader, Shun Chih.
They built dynastic tombs with spirit ways and sacrificial halls nestled in the foothills. But
the specific dedicatory decorations of some their tombs, in particular that of the Qianlong emperor
had Sanskrit incantations, diagrams, and decorations, a testament to his abiding faith in Tibetan
Virgine Jocela I
White Stupa, Beihai

Shunzhi ordered the construction of three Tibetan-style

white stupas, two of them in the Imperial City. One of these is the
bell-shaped White Stupa, the gigantic landmark of the Western Park
or Beihai.

Beihai, east of the Forbidden City but within the city walls, had first been developed by
the Yuan and the Jin; under the Ming the waters were dammed to create three artificial lakes, with
an island in the middle lake. Shunzhi placed the White Stupa on the highest point of the artificial
hill on the island, so that it was clearly visible from a distance.
Virgine Jocela I

One of best-known Qing palace complexes is the Ningshougong (the “Palace of Tranquil
Longevity,” 1698–1772), built by the Qianlong emperor Ningshougong. Conceived as a mini Forbidden
City within the Forbidden City, it consists of two sections: a set of three ceremonial pavilions (the Gate
of Tranquil Longevity, the Hall of Imperial Supremacy, and the Palace of Tranquil Longevity Palace.
• Yuanmingyuan Park, also known as
the Old Summer Palace and as the
"Versailles of the East", was once a
private pleasure garden of the
emperors of the Qing Dynasty
• The Garden was first constructed in
the year of 1709 during the reign of
the Emperor Kangxi of the Qing
Dynasty (1644-1911). Over the next
150 years, this Garden was
expanded into a large-scale Chinese
emperors' private pleasure garden,
covering a total area of over 864
acres (350 hectares). Ghina Alifia Nabilah
• The word “garden” (yuan) describes it
better than “palace,” because the
landscape setting was far more
important than any single structure.
The landscapes were not exactly
natural scenery, but rather designed,
shaped, and constructed. Hills and
lakes were planned in ensembles with
buildings playing a subordinate role.
The landscape was designed to
resemble scenes from the Jiangnan
region, or Lower Yangzi Valley, from
which China’s famous literati poets
and painters hailed.

Ghina Alifia Nabilah

• Although its palaces and
pavilions were similar to the axial
courtyard structures of other
palaces such as those in the
Forbidden City, their distribution
and layout is more relaxed.
Entered from the south, the
Yuanmingyuan was dominated
by a palace with a small front
lake and a larger back lake to
frame it. The back lake had nine
islands, each designed with its
own pavilions, palaces, and
scenic spots. North of this
complex was a dense fabric of
secondary buildings, laid out in a
closely packed system of
interconnected islands.

Ghina Alifia Nabilah

• The eastern half of
Yuanmingyuan was composed
around the large Fuhai Lake, in
the middle of which were three
small interconnected islands,
representative of the three
mythical Islands of the
Immortals, supposedly located
in the East China Sea. Fuhai
Lake was also surrounded by a
string of nine connected islands
with pavilions and hills
designed for scenic views and
strolls. Yuanmingyuan had 350
buildings organized into 123
building complexes. Furthest
east was the Chunjua Garden,
with a palace in the middle of a
large island.
• Emperor Qianlong added a
long horizontal strip to the
north for which he
commissioned six European
Baroque–style palaces
designed by the Jesuit
missionaries resident in his
court. (Although the Qin court
was not very interested in
buying European products, it
happily sold its goods, allowed
trading posts, and entertained
visitors, such as the Jesuits—
contrary to the later colonial
claim that the Chinese were
completely closed to
Qingyi Garden
• Located in the northwest of
Beijing, west of Yuanmingyuan
Garden and the east of Yuquan
Hill, Qingyi Garden has a total
area of 290 hectares. Among it,
Longevity Hill covers one third of
the total area. Qingyi Garden is a
natural garden highlighted its
natural scenery of water and hills.
Starting from 1750, 29 years
were spent until 1764.

Ghina Alifia Nabilah

• Later, Qianlong added a new
garden, originally called Qingyi
Garden (1750–64) and now
known as the Summer Palace. It
was designed as a series of
palaces and pavilions around a
large oval lake that was
separated from two smaller
lakes by long narrow islands.
• Conclusion

In the 17th century, china has more focus on landscape architecture

and park development

Supporting buildings of community activities still use the standards

previously set by the government

• As part of that pan-Asian vision,

Qianlong embarked on an extensive
building program that included the
enlargement of Chengde, which had
originally been planned by
Qianlong’s grandfather Kangxi only
as a royal summer residence. The
city is located north of Beijing,
outside the Great Wall, thereby
affirming China’s claim of a Chinese
controlled, pan-Asian world. Under
Qianlong, the city served three
purposes. It was a summer
residence, an administrative center
for Mongolia and China’s northern
provinces, and an alternative
religious capital for Tibetan
Buddhism. Ghina Alifia Nabilah
• Besides building a road
from Beijing to Chengde
that continued into
Mongolia and a dam to
control the Wulie River,
which ran through the city,
Qianlong enlarged the
palaces and gardens, and
founded temples in the
surrounding areas,
including Puningsi (1755),
the Puyousi (1760), the
Anyuanmiao (1764), the
Pulesi (1767), the Putuo
Zongcheng (1771), the
Shuxiangsi (1776), and the
Xumifushoumiao (1780).
Chengde Mountain Resort

• Built between 1703 and

1792 during the Qing
dynasty, the Mountain
Resort took 89 years to
complete. It covers a
total area of 5.6 square
kilometres (2.2 sq mi),
almost half of
Chengde's urban area.
It is a vast complex of
palaces and
administrative and
ceremonial buildings.
Temples of various
architectural styles and
imperial gardens blend
harmoniously into a
landscape of lakes,
pastureland and

Ghina Alifia Nabilah


Still similar to 17th century development, the qing dynasty in the 18th
century also had a focus on landscaping and landscaping. but this time
it is more spacious and covers the city layout.

Has a focus on the construction of the resort.

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