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University Of Karachi

Department Of Computer Science

DLD Project: Touch Sensor And Automatic Street Light With

Group Members:
Kashif Rizwan (B-15101042)
Shagraf Nasheet (B-15101119)
Sidra Rashid (B-15101125)
Zeenat Abbasi (B-15101156)
Course Supervisor: Mr. Badar Sami
Lab Supervisor: Sir Kamran

27/7/2017 BSCS -401 Digital Computer Design Fundamentals

Project Pictures:
Variable Power Supply Touch sensor

Street Light
Variable Power Supply
• Variable dc supply are used to get desired amount of dc supply.
• It is applicable in loads that are variable.
• Variable DC power supply is variable you can adjust it and get your desired output
• DC power supply is a basic component for all computers.
List Of Components:
• Stepdown transformer 24V/ 1A.
• Diode IN15408(4).
• 50 Volts 4700uf Capacitor.
• IC 7805 Voltage regulator.
• IC 7812 Voltage regulator.
• Fan Dimmer.
• Veroboard.
• Soldering wire and Soldering iron.
Circuit Diagram:
Working Principle:
The main working principle of this project is full wave rectification
which is done by bridge configuration in which we are using 4
diodes which rectifies the output of the step-down transformer which step- down
the 220 AC v to 24 AC volts. The capacitor is used to remove ripples from the
voltage and provide smooth DC. At pins 1 and 2 we can get a variable voltage out
which is adjustable through the dimmer. We are also using 2 voltage regulator IC
which give constant voltage ,here we are using 7805 and 7812 which give 5 volts
and 12 respectively. These regulators are available in various outputs like 6V,9V,12V
and 15V.
Touch Sensor
• Touch sensors are finding their way into many applications, from mobile phones
to remote controls and appliance control panels. Mechanical button and switch
replacement continues to be implemented in a wide variety of applications.
Touch sensors with simple linear or rotational sliders, rotary wheels and touch
pads offer significant advantages for more intuitive user interfaces. They are
more convenient to use without moving parts and provide increased reliability.
Using touch sensors allows the designer greater freedom, while reducing overall
system cost. The consumer can now enjoy a more appealing, intuitive interface
often with a more contemporary look.
List Of Components:
• (C1) 10uf 16V Electrolytic Capacitor.
• (R1,R2) 2 100K ¼ Watt Resistor.
• (R3) 10Meg ¼ Watt Resistor.
• (UI)4011 CMOS NAND Gate IC.
• Veroboard, wire, Socket for UI.
Circuit Diagram:
Working Principle:
• This circuit is somewhat complex but still follows the simple principle of NAND
gate logic. When the inputs are LOW, the output will be HIGH. So when the inputs
to the NAND gate are LOW, our output device, the LED, will be ON. When the 2
inputs are HIGH, the output will be LOW. So, in this case, the LED will be off.
NAND gate logic is what this circuit follows. It's on when the inputs to the first
gate are LOW. And it's off when the inputs to the first gate are HIGH. We tie the
input pins on both NAND gates together for this simple reason. If both are tied
together, they both contain the same value, since they're common. So if 1 is
HIGH, they're both HIGH. If 1 is LOW, they're both LOW. This simplifies the
possibilities. They're either going to be both HIGH or both LOW. When they're
both LOW, the output is on. When they're both HIGH, the output is off. In our
circuit when we touch the wire ends the are so sensitive that from the moisture
of out hands they conduct electricity the NAND gates receive high input which
results in high output to the led and it glows showing that the sensor is touched.
Automatic Street Light
• We are living in the world where everything goes to be automatic
from your washing machine to your ceiling fan. Street lights are one
of those examples of the automatic world. Automatic street light are
those light which needs no manual operation to gets turn ON and
turn OFF.
• The main purpose of designing this project is to prevent loss of
electricity unnecessarily during the day time.
• During the night time the bulb will glow.
• As the circuit is designed to be automatic we do not need to switch
the light on or off.
List of Components:
• (U1)555 Timer IC
• (D1)LED
• (RV1)Potentiometer
• (R1) Resistor 1* 1k ohm
• (R2) Resistor 1* 220 ohm
• 9V Battery
• BreadBoard
Circuit Diagram:
Working And Principle:
• 555 Timer IC is the main part of the circuit that works as a comparator. All
the working of this circuit depends on the working of the 555 timers IC. To
know more about 555 times IC read this article Working of 555 Timer IC. In
this circuit pin, 3 produce output which has just two states high and low.
Output goes to high when trigger pin is at a lower level than the 1/3rd
level of the power supply voltage and output goes low when trigger pin 2 is
at above then 1/3rd of the power supply voltage. In this circuit pin, 4,6 and
8 are connected to the power supply. Here we use LDR to detect the
presence of light which is formed a potential divider circuit with the help of
1k ohms resistor. The output of this divider circuit is given to trigger pin of
the 555 timer IC.
• In this circuit, we use a simple LED to know how the whole circuit works.
You can also connect as much led as you want by using the transistor or
you can connect a relay to control high voltage electrical bulbs.

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