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• Three type of spoiler which is flight spoiler and ground spoiler and
gust alleviation spoiler.

1) Flight spoiler :
• Also known as roll spoilers or differential spoilers when used in
conjunction with the ailerons and gave more improved lateral control.
Operation of flight spoiler
• Deployed within certain airspeed range when the up going aileron move past
a certain angle.
• automatically extended to reduce some of the lift and produce more drag
which assist the aircraft to roll at the desired direction.
• The spoilers on the wing with the down going aileron remain flush with the
surface of the wing.
• Helps to eliminate adverse yaw produced by down going ailerons.
• In speedbrakes mode, both wing flight spoilers are deployed
simultaneously to reduce the lift/drag ratio.
• It will increase the rate of descent and reduce the aeroplane speed.
• Amount raised is determined by the pilot using the speedbrake lever
in the cockpit.
• When all the spoilers are fully retracted the lever is held in its down
position by a detent.
• When the lever is pulled back from this
position the flight spoilers are signaled to rise.
• reach their maximum angle during flight when
the lever is in its ‘Flight detent’ position.
• When both speedbrake and roll commands occur together, both inputs are fed
into a spoiler computer or mixer box.
• sums the inputs from the control wheel and speedbrake lever and gives a revised
• varies the movement of the spoilers during a roll depending on the amount of
speedbrake selected.
• Speedbrakes can normally be used at any airspeed.
2) Ground spoilers or Lift dumpers :
• Both ground and flight spoiler will be deploy to its maximum angle at only
when aircraft on the ground.

Certain conditions applies:-

1) Speedbrake lever in the armed position.
2) Aircraft weight on the undercarriage (through the air/ground sensing system).
3) All thrust levers in their idle positions.
4) Aircraft wheels rotating (provides a time delay and ensures the aircraft is on the ground).

• When the aircraft touches down, an actuator automatically moves the

speedbrake lever to the up position.
• When are fully raised the lift is reduced by approximately 80%.
• the aerodynamic drag more than doubles.
• loss of lift puts the aircraft’s weight on to the undercarriage and this will :-
1) Improves braking.
2) Reduces the risk of aquaplaning on wet runways.
3) Increases directional control.

• After landing should the thrust levers be pushed forward the speedbrake
lever automatically moves to the down position to retract the spoilers.
3) Gust Alleviation Spoiler/Load Alleviation Function (LAF)

• Operated automatically to relieve in-flight gust loads and provide a more stable
and comfortable flight and reduce structure fatigue.
• Gyros senses the disturbance about the longitudinal axis and send the signal to a
• Computer then sends the processed signal to hydraulic control valve to extend
the spoilers on the up going wing to dump the lift to keep the aircraft level.

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